jesushax Posted February 26, 2008 Share Posted February 26, 2008 Hi ive been searching and trying out pagnation scripts for the last hour, and they either dont work or not what i need all i want is to have 3 news items displayed per page can someone show me an easy way here? Thankyou here is my code <?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/includes/header.php'); $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * From tblNews") or die(mysql_error()); while ($news = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { echo '<div style="float:left; width:100%; margin-bottom:10px;">'; echo '<a href="fullstory.asp?id='.$news["NewsID"].'">'.$news["NewsTitle"]."</a>"; echo " - <i>"; echo $news["NewsDateAdded"]; echo "</i></div>"; echo '<div style="width:70%; margin-right:10px; float:left;">'; echo str_replace("\n", "<br />",$news["NewsShort"]); echo "</div>"; if (empty($news["NewsImage1"])) { echo ""; } else { echo '<div style="width:200px; float:left;">'; echo '<img style="border:1px dashed #666666;" src="/news/uploads/'.$news["NewsImage1"].' " alt=" '.$news["NewsImage1"].' " />'; echo '</div>'; } if (empty($news["NewsAttachment"])) { echo ""; } else { echo "<div style=\"float:left; width:100%;\">Attachment"; echo '<a href="/news/uploads/'; echo $news ["NewsAttachment"].'" onclick="target=\'blank\';">'; echo $news ["NewsAttachment"]."</a></div>"; } echo '<div style="padding-bottom:10px; border-bottom:1px dashed #666666; float:left; width:100%; text-align:center; margin-bottom:30px;"><a href="/news/full_news.asp?id='.$news["NewsID"].'">'."View the full story"."</a></div>"; } include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/includes/footer.php'); ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Little Guy Posted February 26, 2008 Share Posted February 26, 2008 <?php if(!isset($_GET['page'])){ $page = 1; }else{ $page = $_GET['page']; } $limit = 3; $limitvalue = $page * $limit - ($limit); $query_count = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS title, content, URL, id FROM $searchType WHERE MATCH(URL,title,content) AGAINST ('$searchQuery' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND content IS NOT NULL LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit"; $sql = mysql_query($query_count)or die(mysql_error()); $result_count = mysql_query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()")or die(mysql_error()); $total = mysql_fetch_array($result_count); $totalrows = $total[0]; //Start Page Numbering $numofpages = $totalrows / $limit; if($numofpages > 100){ $numofpages = 100; } if($numofpages > 1){ echo '<p> </p>'; echo '<div style="text-align:center">'; if($page != 1){ $pageprev = $page-1; echo '<a class="pageNation" href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?q='.htmlentities($_GET['q']).$addToStr.'&page='.$pageprev.'">Prev</a>'; }else{ echo '<span class="NPNone">Prev</span>'; } if($page > 5){ echo ' <a class="pageNation" href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?q='.htmlentities($_GET['q']).$addToStr.'&page=1">1</a> ... '; } for($i = ($page - 5); $i < ($page + 6); $i++){ // only make a link if the prev/next is a valid page number if (($i >= 1) && ($i < $numofpages)) { if ($page == $i){ echo ' <span class="pageNone">'.$i.'</span> '; }else{ echo' <a class="pageNation" href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?q='.htmlentities($_GET['q']).$addToStr.'&page='.$i; if(isset($_GET['view']) && $page != $i){ echo '&view='.$_GET['view']; } echo'">'.$i.'</a> '; } // end if } } // end for $last = ceil($numofpages); if(($page + 6) < $numofpages){ echo ' ... <a class="pageNation" href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?q='.htmlentities($_GET['q']).$addToStr.'&page='.$last.'">'.$last.'</a> '; } else if(($page + 5) >= $numofpages && ($page != $last)){ echo ' <a class="pageNation" href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?q='.htmlentities($_GET['q']).$addToStr.'&page='.$last.'">'.$last.'</a> '; } else{ echo ' <span class="pageNone">'.$last.'</span> '; } if(($totalrows - ($limit * $page)) > 0){ $pagenext = $page+1; echo '<a class="pageNation" href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?q='.$_GET['q'].$addToStr.'&page='.$pagenext.'">Next</a>'; }else{ echo ' <span class="NPNone">Next</span> '; } mysql_free_result($sql); } ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jesushax Posted February 26, 2008 Author Share Posted February 26, 2008 whats the variable searchQuery? its not set to anything :S Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Little Guy Posted February 26, 2008 Share Posted February 26, 2008 oh... that is the query string that the user entered... (like a search query) you can modify that query if that is not how your search works... <?php $query_count = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * From tblNews LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit"; $sql = mysql_query($query_count) or die(mysql_error()); ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jesushax Posted February 27, 2008 Author Share Posted February 27, 2008 heres what i have now, where am i supposed to put my code to display my records? utterly confused by php paging im am... ??? <?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/includes/header.php'); if(!isset($_GET['page'])){ $page = 1; }else{ $page = $_GET['page']; } $limit = 3; $limitvalue = $page * $limit - ($limit); $query_count = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * From tblNews LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit"; $sql = mysql_query($query_count) or die(mysql_error()); $result_count = mysql_query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()")or die(mysql_error()); $total = mysql_fetch_array($result_count); $totalrows = $total[0]; //Start Page Numbering $numofpages = $totalrows / $limit; if($numofpages > 100){ $numofpages = 100; } if($numofpages > 1){ echo '<p> </p>'; echo '<div style="text-align:center">'; if($page != 1){ $pageprev = $page-1; echo '<a class="pageNation" href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?q='.htmlentities($_GET['q']).$addToStr.'&page='.$pageprev.'">Prev</a>'; }else{ echo '<span class="NPNone">Prev</span>'; } if($page > 5){ echo ' <a class="pageNation" href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?q='.htmlentities($_GET['q']).$addToStr.'&page=1">1</a> ... '; } for($i = ($page - 5); $i < ($page + 6); $i++){ // only make a link if the prev/next is a valid page number if (($i >= 1) && ($i < $numofpages)) { if ($page == $i){ echo ' <span class="pageNone">'.$i.'</span> '; }else{ echo' <a class="pageNation" href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?q='.htmlentities($_GET['q']).$addToStr.'&page='.$i; if(isset($_GET['view']) && $page != $i){ echo '&view='.$_GET['view']; } echo'">'.$i.'</a> '; } // end if } } // end for $last = ceil($numofpages); if(($page + 6) < $numofpages){ echo ' ... <a class="pageNation" href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?q='.htmlentities($_GET['q']).$addToStr.'&page='.$last.'">'.$last.'</a> '; } else if(($page + 5) >= $numofpages && ($page != $last)){ echo ' <a class="pageNation" href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?q='.htmlentities($_GET['q']).$addToStr.'&page='.$last.'">'.$last.'</a> '; } else{ echo ' <span class="pageNone">'.$last.'</span> '; } if(($totalrows - ($limit * $page)) > 0){ $pagenext = $page+1; echo '<a class="pageNation" href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?q='.$_GET['q'].$addToStr.'&page='.$pagenext.'">Next</a>'; }else{ echo ' <span class="NPNone">Next</span> '; } mysql_free_result($sql); } include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/includes/footer.php'); ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jesushax Posted February 27, 2008 Author Share Posted February 27, 2008 found one and got it working, very easy very simple <?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/includes/header.php'); $max = 3; //amount of articles per page. change to what to want $p = @$_GET['p']; if(empty($p)) { $p = 1; } $limits = ($p - 1) * $max; //view all the news articles in rows $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tblNews LIMIT ".$limits.",$max") or die(mysql_error()); //the total rows in the table $totalres = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(NewsID) AS tot FROM tblNews"),0); //the total number of pages (calculated result), math stuff... $totalpages = ceil($totalres / $max); echo "<div style='text-align:center;'>View Page: "; for($i = 1; $i <= $totalpages; $i++){ //this is the pagination link echo "<a href='short_news.php?p=$i'>$i</a>|"; } echo "</div>"; while($news = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { //replace with your news page echo '<div style="float:left; width:100%; margin-bottom:10px;">'; echo '<a href="fullstory.asp?id='.$news["NewsID"].'">'.$news["NewsTitle"]."</a>"; echo " - <i>"; echo $news["NewsDateAdded"]; echo "</i></div>"; echo '<div style="width:70%; margin-right:10px; float:left;">'; echo str_replace("\n", "<br />",$news["NewsShort"]); echo "</div>"; if (!empty($news["NewsImage1"])) { echo '<div style="width:200px; float:left;">'; echo '<img style="border:1px dashed #666666;" src="/news/uploads/'.$news["NewsImage1"].' " alt=" '.$news["NewsImage1"].' " />'; echo '</div>'; } if (!empty($news["NewsAttachment"])) { echo "<div style=\"float:left; width:100%;\">Attachment"; echo '<a href="/news/uploads/'; echo $news ["NewsAttachment"].'" onclick="target=\'blank\';">'; echo $news ["NewsAttachment"]."</a></div>"; } echo '<div style="padding-bottom:10px; border-bottom:1px dashed #666666; float:left; width:100%; text-align:center; margin-bottom:30px;"><a href="/news/full_news.php?id='.$news["NewsID"].'">'."View the full story"."</a></div>"; } //end replacing echo "<div style='text-align:center;'>View Page: "; for($i = 1; $i <= $totalpages; $i++){ //this is the pagination link echo "<a href='short_news.php?p=$i'>$i</a>|"; } echo "</div>"; include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/includes/footer.php'); ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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