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what do all of these quotes mean? are they necesary?


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I am confused as to what the neccesary components of the query below are. I understand everything except the '".$_POST['username']."'  is that really neccesary? And, if so I would love to know why.


//Check if username already exists... 
$q2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE `username` = '".$_POST['username']."'");
   $q3 = mysql_fetch_object($q2);
    if($q3->username == $_POST['username']) {
die('<BR><BR>Sorry, but the username "'.$q3->username.'" is taken, please choose another.');

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Closing the quoted string and concatenating a variable and then reopening the quoted string is one way of placing variables into a string, but results in a lot of posts in help forums with syntax errors due to keeping all the . ' and " straight.


An alternative is to surround any php variable inside of a double-quoted string with {} (only necessary if the variable is an array, but makes regular variables stand out and always work) -


query("SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE `username` = '{$_POST['username']}'");

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Let's take them bit by bit.



If you use $_POST[username] then the processor thinks username is a defined constant so it will search for the definition. When it doesn't find a definition it will (correctly) assume it is a literal string value 'username'. You have now wasted the time to search for the definition because you didn't use $_POST['username'] in the first place. Always quote strings used as an array index.


"... WHERE `username` =  '".$_POST['username']."'"


If $_POST['username'] contains 'frijole' then this reads as "... WHERE `username` =  'frijole' "


Without '..' round frijole it will assume it is a column name and not a string value. Always quote string values in SQL queries. Numeric values can be quoted, but it isn't required.


FROM `members` WHERE `username`


The backticks tell SQL it is a table or column name. These are only necessary if


a ) the column/table name contains spaces (`user name`) which should be avoided anyway

b ) the column/table name is a reserved MySQL word, such as `desc` (again, avoid them).

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