NerdConcepts Posted February 27, 2008 Share Posted February 27, 2008 This work perfect in Firefox, but not IE7. What it does is when you mouseover a link it display a hover box with information in it. Here is the stuff that create that box: I've tried searching for known issues with this and nothing. No luck. I have not messed with the script at all. So I'm not sure why IE7 won't display it. The links to the MouseOvers are inside a table. Not sure if this is effecting the display, but in theory it shouldn't. <script type="text/javascript"> var docTips = new TipObj('docTips'); with (docTips) { template = '<table bgcolor="#FF0000" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="%2%" border="0">' + '<tr><td><table bgcolor="#FFFFFF" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="0">' + '<tr><td class="tipClass">%3%</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>'; tips.comment1 = new Array(20, 5, 200, 'Display Text Goes Here'); } </script> This is how you get it to work on a link: <a href="#" onMouseOver="'comment1')" onMouseOut="docTips.hide()">MouseOver</a> This is the javascript code (inside tipster.js) var isDOM=document.getElementById?1:0, isIE=document.all?1:0, isNS4=navigator.appName=='Netscape'&&!isDOM?1:0, isOp=self.opera?1:0, isDyn=isDOM||isIE||isNS4; function getRef(i, p) { p=!p?document:p.navigator?p.document:p; return isIE ? p.all[i] : isDOM ? (p.getElementById?p:p.ownerDocument).getElementById(i) : isNS4 ? p.layers[i] : null; }; function getSty(i, p) { var r=getRef(i, p); return r?isNS4?; }; if (!self.LayerObj) var LayerObj = new Function('i', 'p', 'this.ref=getRef(i, p); this.sty=getSty(i, p); return this'); function getLyr(i, p) { return new LayerObj(i, p) }; function LyrFn(n, f) { LayerObj.prototype[n] = new Function('var a=arguments,p=a[0],px=isNS4||isOp?0:"px"; ' + 'with (this) { '+f+' }'); }; LyrFn('x','if (!isNaN(p)) sty.left=p+px; else return parseInt(sty.left)'); LyrFn('y','if (!isNaN(p)); else return parseInt('); LyrFn('w','if (p) (isNS4?sty.clip:sty).width=p+px; ' + 'else return (isNS4?ref.document.width:ref.offsetWidth)'); LyrFn('h','if (p) (isNS4?sty.clip:sty).height=p+px; ' + 'else return (isNS4?ref.document.height:ref.offsetHeight)'); LyrFn('vis','sty.visibility=p'); LyrFn('write','if (isNS4) with (ref.document){write(p);close()} else ref.innerHTML=p'); LyrFn('alpha','var f=ref.filters,d=(p==null),o=d?"inherit":p/100; if (f) {' + 'if (!d&&sty.filter.indexOf("alpha")==-1) sty.filter+=" alpha(opacity="+p+")"; ' + 'else if (f.length&&f.alpha) with(f.alpha){if(d)enabled=false;else{opacity=p;enabled=true}} }' + 'else if (isDOM)sty.opacity=sty.MozOpacity=o'); if (! var page = { win:self, minW:0, minH:0, MS:isIE&&!isOp }; page.db = function(p) { with ( return (isDOM?documentElement[p]:0)||body[p]||0 }; page.winW=function() { with (this) return Math.max(minW, MS ? db('clientWidth') : win.innerWidth) }; page.winH=function() { with (this) return Math.max(minH, MS ? db('clientHeight') : win.innerHeight) }; page.scrollX=function() { with (this) return MS ? db('scrollLeft') : win.pageXOffset }; page.scrollY=function() { with (this) return MS ? db('scrollTop') : win.pageYOffset }; function TipObj(myName) { this.myName = myName; this.template = ''; = new Array(); this.parentObj = null; this.div = null; this.actTip = ''; this.showTip = false; this.xPos = this.yPos = this.sX = this.sY = this.mX = this.mY = 0; this.trackTimer = this.fadeTimer = 0; this.alpha = 0; this.doFades = true; this.minAlpha = 100; this.maxAlpha = 100; this.fadeInSpeed = 20; this.fadeOutSpeed = 20; this.tipStick = 1; this.showDelay = 50; this.hideDelay = 250; this.IESelectBoxFix = 0; TipObj.list[myName] = this; }; TipObj.list = {}; var ToPt = TipObj.prototype; ToPt.track = function(evt) { with (this) { if (!isIE || document.body) { evt=evt||window.event; sX = page.scrollX(); sY = page.scrollY(); mX = evt.pageX || sX + evt.clientX || 0; mY = evt.pageY || sY + evt.clientY || 0; if (tipStick == 1) position(); } }}; ToPt.position = function(forcePos) { with (this) { if (!actTip) return; var wW = page.winW(), wH = page.winH(); if (!isIE||isOp) { wW-=16; wH-=16 } var t=tips[actTip], tipX=eval(t[0]), tipY=eval(t[1]), tipW=div.w(), tipH=div.h(), adjY = 1; if (typeof(t[0])=='number') tipX += mX; if (typeof(t[1])=='number') tipY += mY; if (tipX + tipW + 5 > sX + wW) tipX = sX + wW - tipW - 5; if (tipY + tipH + 5 > sY + wH) tipY = sY + wH - tipH - 5; if (tipX < sX + 5) tipX = sX + 5; if (tipY < sY + 5) tipY = sY + 5; if ((!showTip && (doFades ? !alpha : true)) || forcePos) { xPos = tipX; yPos = tipY; } xPos += (tipX - xPos) * tipStick; yPos += (tipY - yPos) * tipStick; div.x(xPos); div.y(yPos); return; }}; ToPt.replaceContent = function(tipN) { with (this) { actTip = tipN; if (tipStick == parseInt(tipStick)) { var rE = ''; if (isNS4) { div.ref.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEOVER | Event.MOUSEOUT); rE = '; return this.routeEvent(evt)'; } div.ref.onmouseover = new Function('evt', myName+'.show("' + tipN + '"' + (parentObj ? ','+parentObj.myName : '') + ')' + rE); div.ref.onmouseout = new Function('evt', myName + '.hide()' + rE); } var str = template; for (var i = 0; i < tips[tipN].length; i++) str = str.replace(new RegExp('%'+i+'%', 'g'), tips[tipN][i]); if (window.createPopup && IESelectBoxFix) { var filt = 'filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity='; str += '<iframe src="about:blank" style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; ' + 'height: expression(' + myName + '.div.h()); z-index: 1; border: none; ' + filt + '0)"></iframe>' + '<div style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; z-index: 2; ' + filt + '100)">' + str + '</div>'; } if (isDOM&&!isOp) div.sty.width = 'auto'; div.write(str + (isIE&&!isOp&&!window.external ? '<small><br /></small>' : '')); position(true); }}; = function(tipN, par) { with (this) { if (!isDyn) return; // Clear any pending hides. clearTimeout(fadeTimer); parentObj = par; if (par), par.parentObj); if (!div) div = getLyr(myName + 'Layer'); if (!div) return; clearInterval(trackTimer); if (tipStick != parseInt(tipStick)) trackTimer = setInterval(myName+'.position()', 50); var showStr = 'with ('+myName+') { showTip = true; ' + (actTip!=tipN ? 'replaceContent("'+tipN+'"); ' : '') + 'fade() }'; if (showDelay && !actTip) fadeTimer = setTimeout(showStr, showDelay); else eval(showStr); }}; ToPt.newTip = function(tName) { with (this) { if (!tips[tName]) tips[tName] = []; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) tips[tName][i-1] = arguments[i]; show(tName); return; }}; ToPt.hide = function() { with (this) { clearTimeout(fadeTimer); if (!isDyn || !actTip || !div) return; if (isNS4 && tipStick==0 && xPos<=mX && mX<=xPos+div.w() && yPos<=mY && mY<=yPos+div.h()) return; with (tips[actTip]) if (parentObj) parentObj.hide(); fadeTimer = setTimeout('with (' + myName + ') { showTip=false; fade() }', hideDelay); return; }}; // Called recursively to manage opacity fading and visibility settings. ToPt.fade = function() { with (this) { clearTimeout(fadeTimer); if (showTip) { div.vis('visible'); if (doFades) { alpha += fadeInSpeed; if (alpha > maxAlpha) alpha = maxAlpha; div.alpha(alpha); if (alpha < maxAlpha) fadeTimer = setTimeout(myName + '.fade()', 75); } } else { if (doFades && alpha > minAlpha) { alpha -= fadeOutSpeed; if (alpha < minAlpha) alpha = minAlpha; div.alpha(alpha); fadeTimer = setTimeout(myName + '.fade()', 75); return; } div.vis('hidden'); actTip = ''; clearInterval(trackTimer); } }} var tipOR=window.onresize, nsWinW=window.innerWidth, nsWinH=window.innerHeight; document.tipMM = document.onmousemove; if (isNS4) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); document.onmousemove = function(evt) { for (var t in TipObj.list) TipObj.list[t].track(evt); return document.tipMM?document.tipMM(evt):(isNS4?document.routeEvent(evt):true); }; // Handle NS4 resizing error, don't worry about Opera 5/6 as they can't run this anyway. window.onresize = function() { if (tipOR) tipOR(); if (isNS4 && (nsWinW!=innerWidth || nsWinH!=innerHeight)) location.reload(); }; Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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