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Apache service could not start


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Dear All,


I had problem with my wamp2.0a.  Mysql that is no problem to start the service but only apache could not start I had change the port but still not be solve.  The error message as below


Your Port 80 is actually us by:

Information not available (might b skype)

Cannot install the Apache service, please stop the application and try again


And also I had check my port there is no 80 been use





Active Connections


  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State

  TCP    hairul:1110            localhost:1554        ESTABLISHED

  TCP    hairul:1554            localhost:1110        ESTABLISHED

  TCP    hairul:1810            localhost:1110        TIME_WAIT

  TCP    hairul:1816            localhost:1110        TIME_WAIT

  TCP    hairul:1549            cs25.msg.dcn.yahoo.com:5050  ESTABLISHED

  TCP    hairul:1555            sip1.voice.re2.yahoo.com:https  ESTABLISHED

  TCP    hairul:1662    ESTABLISHED

  TCP    hairul:1815            66-97-171-5.reverse.serverpowered.net:http  TIME


Anybody help me I already crack my head

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No body want to help me nevermind I had settle my issue by my ownself.


This forum nonsence.  I waiting how many days to settle down the problem but no body reply they only viewing.  A simple problem also can not help.

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