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Problem with ajax, php and javascript link


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I am trying to use a script to dynamically fetch pages of html into a web page from a database, ajax style.

The script requires the php to 'echo' the javascript. at this point in the script it literally outputs to the browser.

Is what I am attempting possible and/or have I got the snytax wrong.

I have replaced the js script references with xxxx  as I believe the post won’t be accepted otherwise

The relevant part of the code is

<a href="xxxxx :mypages.refresh(myajaxbook)"><img src="BookJacket95x141.gif"></img></a>

<div id="paginate-top"> </div>

<div id="pcontent"> </div>

<div id="paginate-bottom"> </div>


//include db_fns
//get product_id
//connect to db
$query="SELECT p1,p2,p3 from ajax WHERE product_id='$product_id'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Sorry, unable to execute $sql: " . mysql_error()); // execute the query
$result = mysql_query($query);


for( $i=0; $i<$num_rows; $i++) 
 	array_push($idarray, array($row[0],$row[1],$row[2]));
//code out puts after this line
echo "<xxxxx ='xxxxx’>"; //Dynamically output JavaScript opening tag
echo "var mysettings={}\n"; //Dynamically output javascript variable
echo "mysettings.page=[" . implode(",", $idarray) . "]\n";
echo "mysettings.selectedpage=0\n";

echo "xxxx\n"; //Dynamically output JavaScript closing tag

var mypages=new ajaxpageclass.bindpages(myajaxbook, "pcontent", ["paginate-top", "paginate-bottom"])


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I have tried to incorporate php variables into an ahref tag but get parse errors.

This is an example that gives parse errors. Can you help please.

<a href="xxxx:ajaxpage('<?php ./$p1?>', 'contentarea');"onmouseover="Tip('View Synopsis')"><img src=<?php './images/{$book['pix']}'?> border='0' width='80' height='100'/></a>"

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That PHP doesnt exist.  You have an opening tag:




and a closing tag:




That closing tag doesnt exist, and even if you were to separate it into this:


./$p1 ?>


Its still not any php that I have seen.


You can include php variables in javascript, but it has to be valid php to work.

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Ok Taking your comments into account I have modified the tag thus.

The ./$p1 is a var holding location of page to be pulled into the content area div.



<a href=":ajaxpage('<?php './$p1'?>',' 'contentarea');"onmouseover="Tip('View Synopsis')"><img src=<?php './images/{$book['pix']}'?> border='0' width='80' height='100'/></a>"

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