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Image gallery


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Hi, I want to create an image gallery that looks like the following image (click to see, cant remember rules on images)



To get it laid out the way i want i need to use tables, and there isnt hundreds, but still a few.

all the positioning is how i want it, appart from the album list, but thats not a problem for this forum.

The problem im presenting is this:

-i want the image thumbnails to show along the bottom in the order they are in the database. (ordered by id)

-the current image is not to be shown in the 'filmstrip'

-the arrows at each end represent next and previous.


when you load the album for the first time, it gets the list of files from a database. then it displays the first image in the list in the centre. the images on the right of the serperator are going to be the next images in the list. when clicking the next button the next image is loaded into the centre and the first image appears as a thumb in the previous part of the filmstrip and so on.


the thing im confused about is how to do this. i can get the rows from the DB but its how to display it im worried about. please help if u understand. if not ask me about what u dont understand. I think im going to use the $_GET method to get the id of which image is going to be shown in the centre. i guess i could use a counter to get the next 3 and previous 3 images in the list?


Thanks in advanced

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