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Errors in for loops


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I need help with a for loop using validation..


I have a check on the forloop to make sure all inputs match the requirements but if they are not i want it to show an error which i can do but if there was like 8 inputs then itll end up showing:

There was an error

There was an error

There was an error



So was wondering is there a way to cancel the forloop when the error occurs and show only "one error". I can't be using header re-directs, become my main global include contains the title and headers...so output has already started.




foreach ($_POST['Checkbox']  as $Value => $ItemID){

      $Quantity = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Quantity'][$Value]);                
If($Value == '' OR $Quantity == '' OR !(is_numeric($Quantity)) OR !(is_numeric($Value))){
<p align="center"><br><br>
<span class="NegativeMoney">There was an error!</span><br><br><br>
<a href="myitems.php?choice">Back</a></p><br><br><br><br>


This is what i got, hope you can understand what i am on about :P

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I'm using the checkbox as part of the array selection as below:


<input type="text" size="16" name="Quantity[<?=$Count?>]" value=""></td>
<input type="checkbox" name="Checkbox[<?=$Count?>]" value="<?=$ItemID?>">


Barand helped me with this part a while back. Which works, just need to find a way to make the error output only show once so it looks more professional in the for loop.

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How about this:



foreach ($_POST['Checkbox']  as $Value => $ItemID){

      $Quantity = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Quantity'][$Value]);                
If($Value == '' OR $Quantity == '' OR !(is_numeric($Quantity)) OR !(is_numeric($Value))){
<p align="center"><br><br>
<span class="NegativeMoney">There was an error!</span><br><br><br>
<a href="myitems.php?choice">Back</a></p><br><br><br><br>

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Yea, I think what you're asking about is basically the break command. In any for, foreach, do-while, while, or switch statements, break can be used to break out of the loop.


So you might do something like...

foreach ($whatever  as  $thing) {
    if ($theres_an_error) {
        $errors[] = "There was an error!";

if (count($errors) > 0) {
    foreach ($errors  as  $error)
        echo "There was an error processing your request:<ul><li>$error</li></ul>";


Cheers  ;)

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