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Many to Many


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Hello guys

I have a database with many tables but one group in particular is confusing me, the group involves three tables


table 1 'aicrew'






table 2 'flight'


`captain` (aircrew)

`pilot` (aircrew)



`date` (timestamp)


and because it is a many to many relationship as each flight has two aircrew and each aircrew can do many flights there is a resolved table to remove the many to many relationship called aircrew_has_flight


table 3 'aircrew_has_flight'




now I know how to pull the information for flights but i get confused about inserting a flight and pulling aircrew information for a particular flight.


$day = strtotime("NOW");
$start = strtotime("- 1 month", $day);//to get a date 1 months ago
$query = "SELECT * FROM 'flight' where `date` > '$start' ORDER BY `date` DESC"; //will list all flights in last month starting from the earliest


now I get confused going across the many to many to pull the last names of the aircrew who flew the flights, can any one help me

also when inserting a new flight do I have to insert information into the aircrew_has_flight table as well?



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I think a better structure would be:


table 1 'aicrew'






table 2 'flight'






table 3 'flight_aircrew'



'position' (captain, pilot, etc)


Then if you want people who have flown this month:

$query = "SELECT * FROM aircrew WHERE idaircrew IN (SELECT fa.idaircrew FROM flight_aircrew fa INNER JOIN flight f ON fa.idflight = f.idflight WHERE f.date > '$start' ORDER BY f.date DESC";

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Then if you want people who have flown this month:

$query = "SELECT * FROM aircrew WHERE idaircrew IN (SELECT fa.idaircrew FROM flight_aircrew fa INNER JOIN flight f ON fa.idflight = f.idflight WHERE f.date > '$start' ORDER BY f.date DESC";


thanks for that Rhodesa , so if I want a list of flights that pilot a did in the last  month would I

$query1 = "SELECT idaircrew FROM aircrew WHERE lastname = 'Reynolds'";
//then the rest to get the idaircrew to equal $id
$query2 = "SELECT flighttime FROM flight WHERE idaircrew IN (SELECT fa.idaircrew FROM flight_aircrew fa INNER JOIN flight f ON fa.idflight = f.idflight WHERE f.date > '$start' ORDER BY f.date DESC && idaircrew = '$id'";
//would that list all flighttime for the pilot called Reynolds in the last month??

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You can actually do it in one query...here it is with new lines/indents to make it more readable:


SELECT flighttime FROM flight
  WHERE date > '$start' AND
    idflight IN (
      SELECT fa.idflight FROM flight_aircrew fa 
        INNER JOIN aircrew a ON fa.idaircrew = a.idaircrew
        WHERE a.lastname = 'Reynolds'

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thanks ever so much guys for that

so if I want to insert a new flight, would i insert the flight data into the `flight` table,  pull mysql_insert_id() and then put that along with the aircrewid into the `flight_aircrew` table ?

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