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Help in Date Format


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I have four textboxes, (txtDate1,txtDate2,txtDate3,txtDate4), when i key in in txtDate1, for example, 11/05/2006, the rest will automatically become 12/05/2006,13/05/2006,14/05/2006. however, if 14/05/2006 is sunday, it will need to skip that and become 15/05/2006. i need a function to differentiate whether the date is sunday, if it is, that need to be skipped.

and the date format in (dd/mm/yyyy).In this case for example,
1/1/2006 (friday)
2/1/2006 (saturday)
3/1/2006 (sunday)
4/1/2006 (monday)
5/1/2006 (tuesday)

so the 3/1/2006 will be skipped.
so txtDate1 will be 1/1/2006, txtDate2 will be 2/1/2006 , txtDate3 will be 4/1/2006 , txtDate4 will be 5/1/2006 .

Just consider the user key in dd/mm/yyyy. (11/05/2006), but NOT mm/dd/yyyy

thanks you so much, need help urgently !~!~
thank you so much !
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi there,,

That one was funny to script,,, :)
Try it,,
    border: 1px solid gray;
Choose a date (format:dd/mm/yyyy) <input type="textbox" id="date1" class="datebox" onchange="populate_dates();"><br>
1 day after: <div id="date2" class="datebox" > </div>
2 days after: <div id="date3" class="datebox"  > </div>
3 days after: <div id="date4" class="datebox" > </div>
with Sundays skipped :)

var dateParsePatterns = [
    // dd/mm/yyyy
    {   re: /(\d{1,2})\/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{4})/,
        handler: function(bits) {
            var d = new Date();

    if ((parseInt(bits[2]) == 0) || (parseInt(bits[2]) > 12) || (parseInt(bits[1]) == 0) || (parseInt(bits[1]) > 31))
        d="Invalid date";
                d.setMonth(parseInt(bits[2])-1); // Because months indexed from 0
            return d;

function parseDateString(s){
        var re = dateParsePatterns[0].re;
        var handler = dateParsePatterns[0].handler;
        var bits = re.execu(s);
        if (bits) {
            return handler(bits);
return "Invalid date";
function populate_dates()
var date1 = document.getElementById('date1').value;

if (control=="Invalid date")
    var temps = control;

function print_next_dates(temps)
for (i=2;i<5;i++)
    temps.setDate(temps.getDate() + 1); // adding 1 day to the date
    if (temps.getDay() == 0) // skipping the sundays (cause 0 means sunday, using the getDay function)
        temps.setDate(temps.getDate() + 1);
    var nextday = temps.getDate(); // getting the day (05/12/2005 gives 5)
    var nextmonth = temps.getMonth()+1; // getting the month (05/12/2005 gives 12)
    var nextyear = temps.getFullYear(); // getting the full year (05/12/2005 gives 2005)
    if (nextday<10)
        nextday = "0"+nextday; // adding a '0' before the single number
    if (nextmonth<10)
        nextmonth = "0"+nextmonth; // adding a '0' before the single number
    eval("document.getElementById('date"+i+"').innerHTML='"+nextday+"/"+nextmonth+"/"+nextyear+"'"); // populating
document.getElementById('date1').value=''; //needed for firefox
nb: you have to remove the 'u' in the line > var bits = re.execu(s);

Hoping it helps,,

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