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Grabbing multiple pieces of information from some html markup


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I'm trying to grab several pieces of information from my routers system status page and I can't figure out the smartest way to match and store the information. The page is displayed below along with its markup.




  <meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html;charset=iso-8859-1'>
<title>Web Configurator</title>
<SCRIPT src="General.js"></SCRIPT>
<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
<table border="0">
    <td width="500" colspan="3"> </td></tr><tr> 
    <td colspan="3" class="header2"> System up Time:<b>     0:01:19</b> </td></tr><tr> 
    <td colspan="3">CPU Load:<b>  0.95%</b></td></tr><tr> 
    <td colspan="3"> </td></tr><tr> 
    <td colspan="3" class="header2"> WAN Port Statistics:</td></tr><tr> 
    <td colspan="3"> Link Status:<b> Up			 </b> </td></tr><tr> 
    <td colspan="3">Upstream Speed:<b>   764 kbps</b></td></tr><tr> 
    <td colspan="3">Downstream Speed:<b>  8059 kbps</b> </td></tr><tr> 
    <td colspan="3"> 
      <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" align=left>

          <td class="TableTilte"> 
            <div align=center> Node-Link</div></td><td class="TableTilte"> 
            <div align=center> Status</div></td><td class="TableTilte"> 
            <div align=center> TxPkts</div></td><td class="TableTilte"> 
            <div align=center> RxPkts</div></td><td class="TableTilte"> 
            <div align=center> Errors</div></td><td class="TableTilte"> 
            <div align=center> Tx B/s</div></td><td class="TableTilte"> 
            <div align=center> Rx B/s</div></td><td class="TableTilte"> 
            <div align=center> Up Time</div></td></tr><tr> 
          <td class="TableItem"> 
            <div align=center>  1-PPPoA</div></td><td><div align=center> Up    </div></td><td><div align=center> 148</div></td><td><div align=center> 156</div></td><td><div align=center> 0</div></td><td><div align=center> 342</div></td><td><div align=center> 122854</div></td><td><div align=center>     0:00:19</div></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr> 
    <td colspan="3"> </td></tr>  <tr> 
    <td colspan="3">LAN Port Statistics:</td></tr><tr> 
    <td colspan="3"> 
      <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" align=left>

          <td class="TableTilte"> 
            <div align=center> Interface:</div></td><td class="TableTilte"> 
            <div align=center> Status</div></td><td class="TableTilte"> 
            <div align=center> TxPkts</div></td><td class="TableTilte"> 
            <div align=center> RxPkts</div></td><td class="TableTilte"> 
            <div align=center> Collisions</div></td></tr><tr> 
          <td class="TableItem"> 
            <div align=center> Ethernet</div></td><td><div align=center>100M/Full Duplex</div></td><td><div align=center>429</div></td><td><div align=center> 451</div></td><td><div align=center> 0</div></td></tr>                </table></td></tr><tr> 
    <td colspan="3">  </td></tr></table>



I need to get the "value" of the following entries:


System up Time

Link Status

Upstream Speed

Downstream Speed


Up Time


I have all the above markup stored in a variable (obtained through curl) and now I need to extract the information from it and in the end store it in an array like this:


    [system_up_time] => 24:02:30
    [link_status] => up
    [upstream speed] => 764
    [ect] => ect


I have no problem writing a regular expression which matches each piece of information separately but that way round I get a huge amount of preg_match() calls. Is that the way to do it, match each "piece of information" with it's own regex and a "dedicated" preg_match call? Or is there a smarter way round?


I'm not looking for anyone to write the script, just ideas on how to structure the script / the information extraction. Any input will be much appreciated.



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If you're markup remains static in its structure, certain things will always follow others


so an easy way would be to use .*?first item.*?seconditem


to make sure the . does not eat up past the item, you will have to make the item match very specific and take a substring out of it






u want to match last 'lo' the one before 'bye'


instead of .*?lo

you could say:

.*?(lo)bye        //because you know 'bye' will always come after the last 'lo' in the static structure

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Thank you for your excellent solution dsaba - your method works like a charm and is more neat than 10 calls to preg_match()


// Array containing the sub patterns
$regex_array = array('system_up_time' => '([0-9]{1,}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})',
			     'cpu_usage' => '([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,})',
			     'link_status' => '(Down|Initializing|Up)',
			     'upstream_speed' => '([0-9]{1,}) kbps',
			     'downstream_speed' => '([0-9]{1,}) kbps',
		             'status' => '<td><div align=center> (N\/A|Idle|LCP Up|Up)',
		             'txpkts' => '([0-9]{1,})',
                                     'rxpkts' => '([0-9]{1,})',
			     'errors' => '([0-9]{1,})',
			     'txbs' => '([0-9]{1,})',
			     'rxbs' => '([0-9]{1,})',
			     'up_time' => '([0-9]{1,}:[0-9]{2,}:[0-9]{2,})',
			     'lan_txpkts' => '<div align=center>([0-9]{1,})<',
			     'lan_rxpkts' => '([0-9]{1,})',
			     'lan_collisions' => '([0-9]{1,})'

// Array containing all the fields (name of a pieces of data)
$fields_array = array_keys($regex_array);

// Construct the regular expression without delimiters
foreach($regex_array as $key => $subpattern) {
	$regex .= '.*?' . $subpattern;

// Extract information from $sysstatistics_adsl
preg_match('/' . $regex . '/s',$sysstatistics_adsl,$tmp_matches);



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Instead of returning numeric keys with preg_match_all() you can custom keys per matched subgroup, you can incorporate this into your function ie:

(?P<customKey>subgroup regex)


See this post:




This way you can get your



    [system_up_time] => 24:02:30

    [link_status] => up

    [upstream speed] => 764

    [ect] => ect



directly from the matches array in preg_match_all()

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