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I need help badly!! Help me fis the PHP and MySQL bug!


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I am trying to make a registering page in my site from a form, the form is perfect but the problem is i am getting an error with processing the form with PHP.

Here's my PHP code for inserting the record in the database:


/*Data base connection*/



$connection= mysql_connect("localhost",$User,$MyPassword);


/* insering a new record */




mysql_select_db($DBName, $connection);


/*Information from registration form*/

$email= $_POST["Email"];

$DesUsername = $_POST["UserName"];

$Password= $_POST["Password"];

$CPassword= $_POST["CPassword"];

$FName= $_POST["FName"];

$SName= $_POST["SName"];

$Country= $_POST["Country"];

$Gender= $_POST["sex"];


/*getting the date*/

$Year= $_POST["Year"];

$Month= $_POST["Month"];

$Day= $_POST["Day"];



$sql = 'INSERT INTO `DBName`.`TheTable` (`UserName`, `Password`, `Email`, `FirstName`, `LastName`, `Year`, `Month`, `Day`, `Country`, `ID`, `Gender`) VALUES( $DesUsername , $Password , $email , $FName , $SName , $Year , $Month , $Day , $Country , NULL , $Gender);';


if (!mysql_query($sql,$connection))


  die('<h1>Some Error has occured:</h1><br /> ' . mysql_error());


echo "Congratulations! You have been sucessfully registered to webtutorial! <br /> <h1>Enjoy your stay!</h1>";






after this i get the following error:

Unknown column '$DesUsername' in 'field list'


you can test the script yourself byclicking this link: http://www.wc.890m.com/ScriptTest

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$sql = "INSERT INTO `DBName`.`TheTable` (`UserName`, `Password`, `Email`, `FirstName`, `LastName`, `Year`, `Month`, `Day`, `Country`, `ID`, `Gender`) VALUES( '$DesUsername' , '$Password' , '$email' , '$FName' , '$SName' , '$Year' , '$Month' , '$Day' , '$Country' ,  , '$Gender')";

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valadate your code please use mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['my_varable']) function on all posting varables..


also set the form name="submit" buttion name as submit...


also in php the ' singel quote means show as written,....

example $varable echo's $varable and

" " double quotes makes php echo what in the $varable......


your insert was wrong you used ' single quote not " double quote


use a database connection that makes sence to all please....


read up on databse connection for php


example this connection so much easer to read then yours.....


there plenty off wrongs to php do wrights mate..












/*Data base connection*/
$connection= mysql_connect("localhost",$User,$MyPassword);
/* insering a new record */


mysql_select_db($DBName, $connection);

if (isset($_POST['submit'])){

/*Information from registration form*/
$email= $_POST["Email"];
$DesUsername = $_POST["UserName"];
$Password= $_POST["Password"];
$CPassword= $_POST["CPassword"];
$FName= $_POST["FName"];
$SName= $_POST["SName"];
$Country= $_POST["Country"];
$Gender= $_POST["sex"];

/*getting the date*/
$Year= $_POST["Year"];
$Month= $_POST["Month"];
$Day= $_POST["Day"];

$sql = "INSERT INTO DBName TheTable (UserName, Password, Email,
FirstName, LastName, Year, Month, Day, Country, ID, Gender) VALUES( $DesUsername , $Password , $email , $FName , $SName , $Year , $Month , $Day , $Country , NULL , $Gender)";

if (!mysql_query($sql,$connection))
  die('<h1>Some Error has occured:</h1>
' . mysql_error());
echo "Congratulations! You have been sucessfully registered to webtutorial!
<h1>Enjoy your stay!</h1>";


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