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Different connection statement for Apache?


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I'm helping to migrate a website from IIS to Apache (using Joomla). PHP runs fine, but the database connection is failing, even though the exact same connection statement works fine in the IIS (Windows) version.


Is there a difference?



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If they always fail, it is likely due to a configuration problem or wrong database details.


Start by checking your web server log file for errors.


You would need to post your code if you what help with what it might or might not be doing, such as no error checking, no error reporting, and no error recovery logic.

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If they always fail, it is likely due to a configuration problem or wrong database details.


Start by checking your web server log file for errors.


You would need to post your code if you what help with what it might or might not be doing, such as no error checking, no error reporting, and no error recovery logic.


I see several errors in the Apache log that refer to not being able to map certain images. I can fix that by, if nothing else, using straight HTML code for the images instead of embedding the HTML code inside PHP.


The website is currently on IIS. We're moving it to Apache on the same server using a Joomla! interface.


PHP runs fine on Apache as long as there isn't a database connection.


So why would the same connection statement fail if running on the same server?


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PHP is a web server language extension. Each web server has a different PHP dll/executable, a different environment, and likely a different location for looking for a php.ini file.


To get the quickest solution, post whatever symptoms you are getting that are telling you that it is not working.

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PHP is a web server language extension. Each web server has a different PHP dll/executable, a different environment, and likely a different location for looking for a php.ini file.


To get the quickest solution, post whatever symptoms you are getting that are telling you that it is not working.


I've now eliminated Apache as the problem. If I hit a direct web path to the files, everything runs like a champ. I think it might be a weird bug in Joomla! itself.



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