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Hi Guys,


Just a quick one. I am trying to pass a string from a text field in a form on one page (a.php) to another page (b.php) via the URL. I have managed to get the string to the other page but cannot get assign it to a variable for use in my upload script. I know the string is getting to b.php as i can print out the string.


$ref = $_GET['ref']; 
      $destination_file = "clients/".$ref."/".$myFileName."";


The problem is that once the upload form is submitted $destination_file doesn't upload the file to clients/$ref/ folder on ftp. Instead it uploads the file to clients/ ignoring $ref.


Any ideas?

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where for example it should say clients/folder/doc.jpg




print $_GET['ref'];
$ref = $_GET['ref'];  		
      $myFile = $_FILES['file_ftp']; 
      $file = $myFile['tmp_name'];  
  $max_size = "314572800";     //Max filesize in bytes. (Set to 300MB)

      $myFileName = basename($_POST['fileName']); //Retrieve filename out of file path

      $destination_file = "clients/".$ref."/".$myFileName."";  //webserver path 
  print $destination_file;
      // connection settings
      $ftp_server = "121.5";  //Address of ftp server. (Could also be )
      $ftp_user_name = "user"; // Username
      $ftp_user_pass = "pass";   // Password

      $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server);        // set up connection
      $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass) or die("You do not have access to this ftp server!");   
      if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) {  // check connection
             print "FTP connection has failed! <br />";
  if($_FILES['file_ftp']['size'] > $max_size)
print "Your selected file is too large. You are only permitted to upload files 300MB in size.<br />Your file was <strong>".$_FILES['file_ftp']['size']."</strong> bytes in size.";

      $upload = ftp_put($conn_id, $destination_file, $file, FTP_BINARY);  // upload the file
      if (!$upload) {  // check upload status
         print "Your file upload has been unsuccessful.<br />Failed File: <strong>$myFileName</strong><br />";
      } else {
         print "Your file has uploaded to successfully!<br />Your File: <strong>$myFileName</strong><br />Size: <strong>".$_FILES['file_ftp']['size']."</strong> bytes";

      ftp_close($conn_id); // close



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NEVER EVER EVER EVER upload a file based entirely on user input.


Your best bet is to do something like this


call the page like this page.php?ref=3


then use


$folders = array ('thisfolder', 'thatfolder', 'anotherfolder', 'lastfolder')

if (!is_numeric($_GET['ref']) || $_GET['ref'] > count($folders)-1)

  echo 'Invalid input';


  $destination_file = "clients/".$folders[$_GET['ref']]."/".$myFileName."";


Imagine if someone called your page like so




Just not good coding practice.

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