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Captcha Problems


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here is my problem, I have 3 files. Page.php, Image.php, and register_view.php


In page.php I believe that is the file that it should display on the page.


here is the code for page.php:

<script language='JavaScript'>
     function setFocus() {




  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">
  <body onLoad="setFocus()">

<img src='image.php'>

<form action="page.php" method="post" name="verifica" onsubmit="setFocus();">

<input type="text" name="key" size=17 maxlength=15 ><br>
<input type="submit" value=" Test Code ">



//print $stronzo;
<script language="javascript">
alert("Exact Code!!!"); 

<?} else 

<script language="javascript">
alert("Sorry...Wrong Code!!! Exact code was <?print $code;?>. Try again."); 




Here is the code for image.php:




# Config

/* Set thick colored lines in background.
   0  no linear background.
   1  linear background.  
$LinearBackgroud = 1;

/* Set granular noise.
   0  no granular noise.
   1  granular noise.  
$GranularNoise = 1;

/* Set linear noise.
   0  no square noise.
   1  square noise.  
$LinearNoise = 1;

/* Set square noise .
   0  no square noise.
   1  square noise.  
$SquareNoise = 0;

/* Horizontal Character distortion.
   0  no distortion.
   1  distortion.  
$distortion_hor = 0;

/* Vertical Character distortion.
   0  no distortion.
   1  distortion.  
$distortion_ver = 0;

/* Character color select.
   0  All characters are black.
   1  random color.  
$CharacterColorMode = 0;

/* subset of Security Code 
   0  User has to type the whole code.
   1  User has to type a subset of Code: only red characters 
   NOTE - This option is obviously not compatible with random color of characters 
$subset = 0;

/* Character Phase Shift
   0  no staggering.
   1  staggering.  
$staggering = 0;

/* Character size select. 
   0.5   character size randomizes from 50 to 100%.
   0.6   character size randomizes from 60 to 100%.
   1     fixed size. 
$CharacterSizeMode = 1;

/* Character rotation angle. The script will randomize the rotation of the
   characters between this angle in degrees, positive and negative. Set to
   zero for no rotation.  
   0  no rotation
   20 rotation of 20°
$CharacterRotationMode = 20;

/*  Default font. You can change it. Font must be in same directory of script 
$font = 'sans.ttf';

/*  Type of fonts used. Fonts must be in same directory of script 
   0 no random font. Default font is always loaded
   1 random fonts
$randomfont = 1;
$fontlist = array ("sans.ttf","box.ttf","ball.ttf","shades.ttf","outlined.ttf","sp.ttf","dayplanner.ttf");

/* number and type of characters in the security code. 
$Codelength = 6;
$Characters = "23456789abcdefghkmnpqrstuvwxyz";

/* Set image height  (width is automatically set) 
$height = 60;

/* Set Backgroud color mode
    0 White
    1 Grey
    2 random shading background
$BackgroudColorMode = 0;

# Don't change anything below here unless you know what you're doing


// Create Securitycode
  for ($i = 0; $i < $Codelength; $i++) {
    $SecurityCode[$i] = substr($Characters,mt_rand(0,strlen($Characters) - 1),1);
    $rand = mt_rand(0,1);
    If ($i == 1) {$rand = 1;}
    if ($rand > 0) 
     $select[$i] = $i;
     $select[$i] = -1;

if ($randomfont > 0) {$font = $fontlist[mt_rand(0,6)];}

// Set  font size
$fontsize = $height * 0.6;	

// Set Width and Create image
$textbox2 = imagettfbbox($fontsize, 0, $font, $pass) or die('Error in imagettfbbox function');
$width = (abs($textbox2[4] - $textbox2[0]))*1.25;
$im = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);

// Create some colors
$white = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$grey = imagecolorallocate($im, 238, 238, 238);
$black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
$red = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 0, 0);

// Create backgroud

ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $grey);

if ($BackgroudColorMode < 1) {ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $white);}

if ($BackgroudColorMode > 1) {

// colors to fade
$red_start   = mt_rand(0,255);
$red_end     = mt_rand($red_start,255);

$green_start = mt_rand(0,255);
$green_end   = mt_rand($green_start,255);

$blue_start  = mt_rand(0,255);
$blue_end    = mt_rand($blue_start,255);

function dif ($start,$end)
if ($start >= $end)
	$dif = $start - $end;
	$dif = $end - $start;

return $dif;

function draw($start,$end,$pos,$step_width)
if ($start > $end)	
	$color = $start - $step_width * $pos;
	$color = $start + $step_width * $pos;

return $color;

$dif_red = dif($red_start,$red_end);
$dif_green = dif($green_start,$green_end);
$dif_blue = dif($blue_start,$blue_end);

$step_red = $dif_red / $width;
$step_green = $dif_green / $width;
$step_blue = $dif_blue / $width;

$height = $height-1;

for ($pos=0; $pos<=$width; $pos++)
$color = ImageColorAllocate($im,draw($red_start,$red_end,$pos,$step_red),



$height = $height+1;


/* generate colored thick random lines in background */

if ($LinearBackgroud > 0) {
	 imagesetthickness($im, $height/10);
	for( $i=0; $i<$width*$height/200; $i++ ) {
	$Color = imagecolorallocate($im, mt_rand(100,250), mt_rand(100,250), mt_rand(100,250));
		imageline($im, mt_rand(0,$width), mt_rand(0,$height), mt_rand(0,$width), mt_rand(0,$height), $Color);

// staggering
$x = $width/18;
for ($i = 0; $i < $Codelength; $i++) {
$Color = $black;
if ($CharacterColorMode > 0)  $Color = imagecolorallocate($im, mt_rand(0,250), mt_rand(0,250), mt_rand(0,250));

$textbox = imagettfbbox($fontsize, 0, $font, $SecurityCode[$i]) or die('Error in imagettfbbox function');
$y = ($height - $textbox[5])/2;
$w = abs($textbox[4] - $textbox[0]);

$Size = mt_rand($fontsize*$CharacterSizeMode,$fontsize);
$Angle = mt_rand(-$CharacterRotationMode,$CharacterRotationMode);
if ($staggering > 0) { 
  $x = $x + rand($w-$w/18 , $w+$w/18);
$y = rand($y-($height/6) ,$y+($height/6));  

if ($subset < 1) {ImageTtfText($im,$Size,$Angle,$x-$w,$y,$Color,$font,$SecurityCode[$i]); } 
else {

if ($select[$i] > -1) {ImageTtfText($im,$Size,$Angle,$x-$w,$y,$red,$font,$SecurityCode[$i]); }
              else {ImageTtfText($im,$Size,$Angle,$x-$w,$y,$Color,$font,$SecurityCode[$i]);}

else {

$y = $height - $height/4;
$x = $x + $w*1.1;

if ($subset < 1) {ImageTtfText($im,$Size,$Angle,$x-$w,$y,$Color,$font,$SecurityCode[$i]); } 
else {

if ($select[$i] > -1) {ImageTtfText($im,$Size,$Angle,$x-$w,$y,$red,$font,$SecurityCode[$i]); }
              else {ImageTtfText($im,$Size,$Angle,$x-$w,$y,$Color,$font,$SecurityCode[$i]);}



//Vertical distortion amplitude and frequency, 
// good values $ampl_y = 5 $freq_y = 10; 0 for no vertical distorsion
$ampl_y = 5; 
$freq_y = 10;

//Horizontal distorsion amplitude and frequency, 
// good values $ampl_x = 5 $freq_x = 5; 0 for no vertical distorsion
$ampl_x = 5; 
$freq_x = 10; 

if ($distortion_ver > 0) {
//Apply vertical distortion
for ($i=0;$i<$width;$i+=2){
                $xx+$i-2,$yy+sin($i/$freq_y)*$ampl_y,     //dest
                $xx+$i,$yy,             //src
if ($distortion_hor > 0) {      
//Apply horizontal distortion
for ($i=0;$i<$height;$i+=1){
                $xx+sin($i/$freq_x)*$ampl_x,$yy+$i-1,     //dest
                $xx,$yy+$i,             //src

// Apply square noise
if ($SquareNoise > 0) {
imagesetthickness($im, 1);
for($i = 0; $i <= $width; $i += $height/5) {
        @ImageLine($im, $i, 0, $i, $height, $black);
      for($i = 0; $i <= $height; $i += $height/5) {
        @ImageLine($im, 0, $i, $width, $i, $black);

// Apply linear noise
if ($LinearNoise > 0) {
imagesetthickness($im, 1);
	for( $i=0; $i<$height; $i++ ) {
		imageline($im, mt_rand(0,$width), mt_rand(0,$height), mt_rand(0,$width), mt_rand(0,$height), $black);

// Apply granular noise
if ($GranularNoise > 0) {
for ($i=1;$i<($width*$width/10);$i++)
                $cor_x = mt_rand(1,$width);
                $cor_y = mt_rand(1,$height);

// make image 
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');

//store code to verify

if ($subset > 0) {$pass = $pass2;}

$_SESSION['code'] = $pass



Here is the code for register_view.php:


<p>There are many reasons to register and participate on Penguin Polls.  If you like to share your opinion on different subjects with other people, and recieve feedback for ideas and thoughts that you would like to express, this is a great place for you to form and postulate your thoughts.  

Penguin Polls is also a great source for world news, with regular updates.  If your looking for updates to current matters and issues going on around the world this is a great place to find that information.  As our main focus is on collecting information about everything from the mundane to the awe inspiring ideas, events, products, this is a great source for you to get an update on everything from ideas, to news, thoughts, and opinions. 

We want your opinions, links to official news articles, and your participation in rating and ranking other opinions and news articles.   Get points for voting, posting, and adding news and media links and get your choice of rewards for cashing those points in.  </p>

<?php display_page_notice(); ?>
<form action="<?php page_url('register'); ?>" method="post">
<p><?php form_field('text', '<a>Username</a>', 'user', 'username'); ?></p>
<p><?php form_field('text', '<a>Email</a>', 'user', 'email'); ?></p>
<p><?php form_field('text', '<a>Who Refered you?</a>', 'user', 'referer'); ?></p>
<p><?php form_field('password', '<a>Password</a>', 'user', 'password'); ?></p>
<p><?php form_field('password', '<a>Password (confirm)</a>', 'user', 'password_confirm'); ?></p>

<p> </p>
<?php include('page.php'); ?>
<p><?php form_field('checkbox', ' <a> I agree to</a> <a href="http://penguinpolls.com/tos">Terms of Service</a> <a>and the</a> <a href="http://penguinpolls.com/privacy">Privacy Policy</a>.', 'user', 'legal'); ?></p>
<div><input id="inputsubmit2" name="inputsubmit2" value="Register" class="submit2" type="submit"></div>



I looked under my apache error file, and I get no warnings, and I get no errors. However, I get the broken image icon when I try to display the page. You can view it here: http://www.penguinpolls.com/register


Thanks in advance,



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I'm not sure if it's a inconsistency on just this post but you have Image.php and in the image source you're looking for image.php, I do believe it is case-sensitive.


Your page is looking for http://www.penguinpolls.com/image.php but when you drag the image to the start bar you get


Looking for something?


Sorry, but whatever you requested, our army of penguins couldn't find it. (In fact, they asked the monkeys for backup. Still, nothing!)


Maybe you just want to go home?



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i tried the scripts and the problem seem to be a couple variables not being assigned.


At the top of image.php add


$pass = "";

$pass2 = "";


This will set them initially. if the script has any errors in it the picture will not output.



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Also I noticed this

/*  Default font. You can change it. Font must be in same directory of script
$font = 'sans.ttf';

/*  Type of fonts used. Fonts must be in same directory of script
   0 no random font. Default font is always loaded
   1 random fonts
$randomfont = 0;
$fontlist = array ("sans.ttf","box.ttf","ball.ttf","shades.ttf","outlined.ttf","sp.ttf","dayplanner.ttf");


I changed $randomfont to "0". You have to make sure the font files are in the same folder as this script. so if you only want to use one font put the file in the same folder as the script and fill in the $font = ""; variable and set $randomfont to "0" otherwise you will have to make sure you have all of those font files in the folder.



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some stuff is wrong in the page.php file. The code get's stored in a session so the code is in variable $_SESSION['code'] not $code. I changed a couple things and this is what I have for page.php which works.



$key = $_POST['key'];
$code = $_SESSION['code'];
} else {
$key = "0";
$code = "1";
<script language='JavaScript'>
     function setFocus() {

  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">
  <body onLoad="setFocus()">

<img src="image.php" />

<form action="page.php" method="post" name="verifica" onsubmit="setFocus();">

<input type="text" name="key" size=17 maxlength=15 ><br>
<input type="submit" value=" Test Code ">



//print $stronzo;
  if($key == $code){
<script language="javascript">
alert("Exact Code!!!");

} else {
<script language="javascript">
alert("Sorry...Wrong Code!!! Exact code was <?php print $code; ?>. Try again.");






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