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OK.  I am working on a site with Serif WebPlus.  It doesn't produce the nicest looking code, but that is fine with us - for now anyway. :)  The issue I am having - our navbar is javascript and I have a calendar script that creates a flash file.  The navbar drop-downs will only go behind the calendar flash file.  Is there some way that I could get the navbar drop-downs to stay on TOP of the calendar flash file?  The temp location for the page is: http://solidrockministries-mb.ca/hide2/srmcs_calendar.html  Any advice on how to fix this would be appreciated.  Thanks.



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I've had to deal with this before.


Try giving them z-indexes. You'll have to give them a position as well since z-index won't work without position.


I tried giving them a z-index and have the same problem.  Are you meaning to give each div that contains the objects (script and flash file) a different z-index?  Each div has an absolute position (in pixels).  I will search for more information on z-index to make sure I am using it properly, but if there are any other suggestions out there that would be appreciated as well.  Thanks.



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The z-index just defines what order each element appears on the screen in the z direction. So, think of stacking books. Obviously if you put a book on top of another book you can't see the one on bottom. It's like that but rotated to be the screen.



z-index will not work.

Do you think I am blantantly lying to kwdrysdale? Why would I do that? I said I've done it. I've done it. To your credit, that code does look a bit familiar. I was using Dojo when I had to do it so maybe I used a combination of both. I remember having to use z-index and some HTML attributes. I'd have to dig through a repository at work to find the code.

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I have to get drop-downs showing over flash objects on a weekly basis. But if you don't believe me, perhaps you'll believe someone else.




If you look at the first menu you will see (or not see) that the flyout sublevels do not show above the Flash object and are in fact covered by this. Changing the z-index of the menu has no effect.




You can make some further modifications to the Flash HTML on a page to allow the Flash to be covered up by a flyout.  There are two modifications that will allow this; you must perform both modifications by editing the HTML of your page.


1. You can add a line of HTML to the Flash HTML that causes the flash to be "transparent" when interacting with the nav menu. The line is:


<param name="wmode" value="transparent">


This can be lumped together with the other "param" lines in your Flash HTML code.


2. You also have to add a parameter to your "embed" tag. The parameter is wmode="transparent". Therefore, a complete embed tag may look like this:


<embed src="flash.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100" height="100" wmode="transparent"></embed>

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Thank you all so very much.  I tried the z-index with no luck at all.  The param method is the way to go and works like a charm - I think it is mainly because I had to go over flash.  Thanks again, and I hope this will not cause any arguments between the 2 different solutions.



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