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[SOLVED] What is wrong with my code?


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I created a simple php file which should connect to mySQL and list the contents of a table and echo them onto the page.


<title>Show database containing Users</title>

$conn = @mysql_connect( 'localhost', 'root', '' )
or die( 'Could not connect to MySQL' );

$rs = @mysql_connect_db( 'singer', $conn )
or die( 'Could not select database' );

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `owner`'
or die('There is a problem with the query' );

$rs = mysql_query( $sql, $conn )
or die('Problem');

while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $rs ) )
echo( 'Name: ' . $row['name'] );
echo( 'Address: ' . $row['house'] );
echo( ', ' . $row['street'] );
echo( ', ' . $row['town'] );
echo( ', ' . $row['county'] );
echo( ', ' . $row['country'] );
echo( ', ' . $row['postcode'] );
echo( 'Email: ' . $row['email'] );
echo( 'Phone Number: ' . $row['phone'] );
echo( 'Mobile Number: ' . $row['mobile'] );


When i run the page I can see nothing, and when I view the source code i see this:


<title>Show database containing Users</title>


Any help you can give me would be appreciated. I am running an Apache server with mySQL, both installed using a program called XAMPP




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I'm not the world's greatest with syntax, but try replacing


echo( 'Name: ' . $row['name'] );
echo( 'Address: ' . $row['house'] );
echo( ', ' . $row['street'] );
echo( ', ' . $row['town'] );
echo( ', ' . $row['county'] );
echo( ', ' . $row['country'] );
echo( ', ' . $row['postcode'] );
echo( 'Email: ' . $row['email'] );
echo( 'Phone Number: ' . $row['phone'] );
echo( 'Mobile Number: ' . $row['mobile'] );




echo "Name: $row['name']";
echo "Address: $row['house']";
echo "$row['street']";
echo "$row['town']";
echo "$row['county']";
echo "$row['country']";
echo "$row['postcode']";
echo "Email: ' . $row['email'] );
echo "Phone Number: ' . $row['phone'] );
echo "Mobile Number: $row['mobile']";


If it works, you can play with it to format it how you want, not sure this is the problem 100% but see if it works.

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aebstract - your code can't be right surely? as it mixes up the text with variable names inside quotations? Anyway i tried it, it didnt work


Revraz - i removed the @before the first two commands and got this:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect_db() in C:\Server\XAMPP\htdocs\owner.php on line 13


Line 13 and 14:


$rs = mysql_connect_db( 'singer', $conn )

or die( 'Could not select database' );

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Thanks for that, read the sticky.


found a php.ini file in C:\Server\XAMPP\php


As far as i can see the the things in the sticky were already done?


extension_dir = "C:\Server\XAMPP\php\ext\"


extension=php_mysql.dll (no semi colon at the start)



Any other suggestions?


here is a link to my php.ini file


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it looks to be missing a few things in the config, if its not your server contact your admin on fixing this


Its mine, however I just noticed its loaded a different php file to the one I edited.


I will edit the php file in C:\windows and see if it helps?

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