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Unexpected T_VARIABLE driving me crazy


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Since my other topics got a bit messy I have started a new one,


I am one step further but I get the following error:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in  etc. etc.


I searched these forums and half the www for an answer but without luck, I hope someone can help me out!


mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (1, 'Mes', 1, 2000, 'item-Knife', 20, 20, '1 per $type_s (Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen nog niet hebben)', "$num = $data->clicks-$data->Mes; return $num;", 'Al je $type_p hebben al een mes', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (2, 'Walter P99', 1, 5000, 'item-Walter_P99', 50, 50, '1 per $type_s (Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen nog niet hebben)', $num = $data->clicks-$data->{''Walter P99''}; return $num;', 'Al je $type_p hebben al een Walter P99', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (3, 'Uzi', 1, 6000, 'item-Uzi', 65, 65, '1 per $type_s (Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen nog niet hebben)', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->Uzi; return $num;', 'Al je $type_p hebben al een uzi', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (4, 'Flashbang', 1, 10000, 'item-Flashbang', 110, 110, '1 per $type_s (Je hebt $num $type_p die deze granaat nog niet hebben)', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->Flashbang; return $num;', 'Al je $type_p hebben al een flashbang', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (5, 'Granaat', 1, 15000, 'item-Grenade', 170, 170, '1 per $type_s (Je hebt $num $type_p die deze granaat nog niet hebben)', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->Granaat; return $num;', 'Al je $type_p hebben al een granaat', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (6, 'MP5k', 1, 7500, 'item-MP5k', 80, 80, 'Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen kunnen dragen', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->MP5k-$data->Shotgun-$data->G36C-$data->{''SIG 552''}-$data->Ak47-$data->{''Ak Beta''}-$data->{''Scherpschut geweer''}-$data->M4-$data->{''Granaat Lanceerder''}-$data->Bazooka; return $num;', 'Je hebt geen $type_s die dit wapen kan dragen', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (7, 'Shotgun', 1, 17500, 'item-Shotgun', 200, 200, 'Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen kunnen dragen', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->MP5k-$data->Shotgun-$data->G36C-$data->{''SIG 552''}-$data->Ak47-$data->{''Ak Beta''}-$data->{''Scherpschut geweer''}-$data->M4-$data->{''Granaat Lanceerder''}-$data->Bazooka; return $num;', 'Je hebt geen $type_s die dit wapen kan dragen', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (8, 'G36C', 1, 22500, 'item-G36C', 270, 270, 'Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen kunnen dragen', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->MP5k-$data->Shotgun-$data->G36C-$data->{''SIG 552''}-$data->Ak47-$data->{''Ak Beta''}-$data->{''Scherpschut geweer''}-$data->M4-$data->{''Granaat Lanceerder''}-$data->Bazooka; return $num;', 'Je hebt geen $type_s die dit wapen kan dragen', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (9, 'SIG 552', 1, 25000, 'item-SIG_552', 310, 310, 'Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen kunnen dragen', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->MP5k-$data->Shotgun-$data->G36C-$data->{''SIG 552''}-$data->Ak47-$data->{''Ak Beta''}-$data->{''Scherpschut geweer''}-$data->M4-$data->{''Granaat Lanceerder''}-$data->Bazooka; return $num;', 'Je hebt geen $type_s die dit wapen kan dragen', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (10, 'Ak47', 1, 30000, 'item-Ak47', 390, 390, 'Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen kunnen dragen', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->MP5k-$data->Shotgun-$data->G36C-$data->{''SIG 552''}-$data->Ak47-$data->{''Ak Beta''}-$data->{''Scherpschut geweer''}-$data->M4-$data->{''Granaat Lanceerder''}-$data->Bazooka; return $num;', 'Je hebt geen $type_s die dit wapen kan dragen', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (11, 'Ak Beta', 1, 40000, 'item-Ak_Beta', 570, 570, 'Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen kunnen dragen', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->MP5k-$data->Shotgun-$data->G36C-$data->{''SIG 552''}-$data->Ak47-$data->{''Ak Beta''}-$data->{''Scherpschut geweer''}-$data->M4-$data->{''Granaat Lanceerder''}-$data->Bazooka; return $num;', 'Je hebt geen $type_s die dit wapen kan dragen', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (12, 'Scherpschut geweer', 1, 45000, 'item-Sniper_rifle', 670, 670, 'Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen kunnen dragen', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->MP5k-$data->Shotgun-$data->G36C-$data->{''SIG 552''}-$data->Ak47-$data->{''Ak Beta''}-$data->{''Scherpschut geweer''}-$data->M4-$data->{''Granaat Lanceerder''}-$data->Bazooka; return $num;', 'Je hebt geen $type_s die dit wapen kan dragen', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (13, 'M4', 1, 50000, 'item-M4', 780, 780, 'Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen kunnen dragen', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->MP5k-$data->Shotgun-$data->G36C-$data->{''SIG 552''}-$data->Ak47-$data->{''Ak Beta''}-$data->{''Scherpschut geweer''}-$data->M4-$data->{''Granaat Lanceerder''}-$data->Bazooka; return $num;', 'Je hebt geen $type_s die dit wapen kan dragen', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (14, 'Granaat Lanceerder', 1, 60000, 'item-Grenade_Launcher', 1030, 1030, 'Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen kunnen dragen', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->MP5k-$data->Shotgun-$data->G36C-$data->{''SIG 552''}-$data->Ak47-$data->{''Ak Beta''}-$data->{''Scherpschut geweer''}-$data->M4-$data->{''Granaat Lanceerder''}-$data->Bazooka; return $num;', 'Je hebt geen $type_s die dit wapen kan dragen', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (15, 'Bazooka', 1, 75000, 'item-Bazooka', 1490, 1490, 'Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen kunnen dragen', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->MP5k-$data->Shotgun-$data->G36C-$data->{''SIG 552''}-$data->Ak47-$data->{''Ak Beta''}-$data->{''Scherpschut geweer''}-$data->M4-$data->{''Granaat Lanceerder''}-$data->Bazooka; return $num;', 'Je hebt geen $type_s die dit wapen kan dragen', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (16, 'Kogelvrij vest', 2, 12500, 'item-Bulletproof_vest', 140, 140, '1 per $type_s (Je hebt $num $type_p die dit vest nog niet hebben)', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->{''Kogelvrij vest''}; return $num;', 'Je hebt geen $type_s die dit vest kan dragen', NULL");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (17, 'Bulldog', 3, 2500, 'item-Bulldog', 0, 30, '5 (Je kan nog $num honden meer hebben)', '$num = 5-$data->Bulldog; return $num;', 'Je hebt al 5 honden', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (18, 'Camera', 3, 8000, 'item-Cam', 0, 90, '7 (Je kan nog $num cameras plaatsen)', '$num = 7-$data->Camera; return $num;', 'Je hebt al 7 cameras', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (19, 'Hek', 3, 15000, 'item-Barbed_wire', 0, 170, '3 (Je kan nog $num hekken neerzetten)', '$num = 3-$data->Hek; return $num;', 'Je hebt al 3 hekken', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (20, 'Muur', 3, 20000, 'item-Stone_wall', 0, 240, '3 (Je kan nog $num muren bouwen)', '$num = 3-$data->Muur; return $num;', 'Je hebt al 3 muren', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (21, 'Bunker', 3, 35000, 'item-Bunker', 0, 470, '5 (Je kan nog $num bunkers bouwen)', '$num = 5-$data->Bunker; return $num;', 'Je hebt al 5 bunkers', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (22, 'Mobieltje', 4, 1000, 'item-Cellphone', NULL, NULL, '1 (Je kan nog $num mobieltjes kopen)', '$num = 1-$data->Mobieltje; return $num;', 'Je hebt al een mobieltje', 'Als je een mobiel hebt kun je berichten versturen en ontvangen')");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (23, 'FN P90', 5, 50000, 'item-FN_P90', 900, 900, '1 per junkie (Je hebt nog $num junkies die dit wapen kunnen dragen)', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->{''FN P90''}; return $num;', 'Al je junkies hebben dit wapen al', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (24, 'Chip', 6, 25000, 'item-Chip', 400, 400, '1 per kloon (Je hebt $num klonen die nog geen chip hebben)', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->Chip; return $num;', 'Al je klonen hebben al een chip in hun hoofd', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (25, 'Helm', 7, 20000, 'item-Helmet', 240, 240, '1 per agent (Je hebt nog $num agenten zonder helm)', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->Helm; return $num;', 'Elke agent heeft al een helm', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (26, 'Politie wagen', 7, 35000, 'item-Police_car', 470, 470, '1 per agent (Je kan nog $num wagens kopen)', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->{''Politie wagen''}; return $num;', 'Elke agent heeft al een wagen', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (27, 'Huis', 8, 25000, 'item-Home', NULL, NULL, '100m<sup>2</sup> (Je hebt nog ${num}m<sup>2</sup>)', '$num = $clan->land-($clan->homes*100+$clan->money_lvl2*150+$clan->money_lvl3*200+$clan->def_lvl1*25+$clan->def_lvl2*100+$clan->def_lvl3*150); $num -= ($clan->type == 3) ? 0 : $clan->money_lvl1*100; return ($num >= 100) ? 1 : 0;', 'Je hebt niet genoeg land om een huis te bouwen', 'In ieder huis kunnen 5 clan-members')");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (28, 'Muur', 8, 50000, 'item-Stone_wall', NULL, 3000, '100m<sup>2</sup> (Je hebt nog ${num}m<sup>2</sup>)', '$num = $clan->land-($clan->homes*100+$clan->money_lvl2*150+$clan->money_lvl3*200+$clan->def_lvl1*25+$clan->def_lvl2*100+$clan->def_lvl3*150); $num -= ($clan->type == 3) ? 0 : $clan->money_lvl1*100; return ($num >= 100) ? 1 : 0;', 'Je hebt niet genoeg land om een muur te bouwen', NULL)");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (29, 'Coffeeshop', 9, 90000, 'item-Joint', NULL, NULL, '100m<sup>2</sup> (Je hebt nog ${num}m<sup>2</sup>)', '$num = $clan->land-($clan->homes*100+$clan->money_lvl1*100+$clan->money_lvl2*150+$clan->money_lvl3*200+$clan->def_lvl1*25+$clan->def_lvl2*100+$clan->def_lvl3*150); return ($num >= 100) ? 1 : 0;', 'Je hebt niet genoeg land om een coffeeshop te bouwen', 'Met een coffeeshop verdient elke clan-member per uur:<br>Bank: $150,contant: $50')");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (30, 'Chemie Lab', 10, 90000, 'item-Alchemy', NULL, NULL, '100m<sup>2</sup> (Je hebt nog ${num}m<sup>2</sup>)', '$num = $clan->land-($clan->homes*100+$clan->money_lvl1*100+$clan->money_lvl2*150+$clan->money_lvl3*200+$clan->def_lvl1*25+$clan->def_lvl2*100+$clan->def_lvl3*150); return ($num >= 100) ? 1 : 0;', 'Je hebt niet genoeg land om een lab te bouwen', 'Met een chemie lab verdient elke clan-member per uur:<br>Bank: $100,contant: $100')");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO $users (`id`, `signup`, `login`, `pass`, `level`, `IP`, `email`, `type`, `url`, `info`, `cash`, `bank`, `bankleft`, `bankmax`, `clicks`, `clickstoday`, `attack`, `defence`, `attwins`, `attlosses`, `defwins`, `deflosses`, `clan`, `clanlevel`, `bonus`, `turns`, `showonline`, `online`, `activated`, `Mes`, `Walter P99`, `Uzi`, `MP5k`, `Flashbang`, `Granaat`, `Shotgun`, `G36C`, `SIG 552`, `Ak47`, `Ak Beta`, `Scherpschut geweer`, `M4`, `Granaat Lanceerder`, `Bazooka`, `Kogelvrij vest`, `Bulldog`, `Camera`, `Hek`, `Muur`, `Bunker`, `Mobieltje`, `FN P90`, `Chip`, `Helm`, `Politie wagen`, `IPs`, `blocklist`) VALUES 
(1, '2008-02-29 21:06:02', '$usr', '$password', 255, '', '$email', 1, '', '', 500, 500, 5, 2500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '', 100, 1, '2008-02-29 21:09:17', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '')");


On my localhost it works fine but on my remote server I get an error!



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You should get a line number where the error message is.


Look at that line number and the lines before and after it.


Unexpected tvalue is many times a missing dollar sign ($)


Also check for missing semi colons.

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You should get a line number where the error message is.


Look at that line number and the lines before and after it.


Unexpected tvalue is many times a missing dollar sign ($)


Also check for missing semi colons.

Thanks, yes the first line of the code I showed is the line with the error in it, although I think all the other lines must have errors in them as well. I think that the problem is that it tried to take the value of some variables but I want to use them as a string...

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Unwexpected T_Variable means either an Added $ dollar symbol or incorrect syntax before the $ dollar symbol.


ok your queries look really complicated to me, looks like a huge amount of syntax errors, but you say it worked on your local server so anyway, i dont get this part:


$num = $data->clicks-$data->Mes; return $num;


i believe the first query is the one giving the error


mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (1, 'Mes', 1, 2000, 'item-Knife', 20, 20, '1 per $type_s (Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen nog niet hebben)', "$num = $data->clicks-$data->Mes; return $num;", 'Al je $type_p hebben al een mes', NULL)");





mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (1, 'Mes', 1, 2000, 'item-Knife', 20, 20, '1 per $type_s (Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen nog niet hebben)', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->Mes; return $num;', 'Al je $type_p hebben al een mes', NULL)");



im guessing your using classes, i cannot believe this is working on ur local server, or am i being syntax-paranoid?



hope this helps,

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Unwexpected T_Variable means either an Added $ dollar symbol or incorrect syntax before the $ dollar symbol.


ok your queries look really complicated to me, looks like a huge amount of syntax errors, but you say it worked on your local server so anyway, i dont get this part:


$num = $data->clicks-$data->Mes; return $num;


i believe the first query is the one giving the error


mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (1, 'Mes', 1, 2000, 'item-Knife', 20, 20, '1 per $type_s (Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen nog niet hebben)', "$num = $data->clicks-$data->Mes; return $num;", 'Al je $type_p hebben al een mes', NULL)");





mysql_query("INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (1, 'Mes', 1, 2000, 'item-Knife', 20, 20, '1 per $type_s (Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen nog niet hebben)', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->Mes; return $num;', 'Al je $type_p hebben al een mes', NULL)");



im guessing your using classes, i cannot believe this is working on ur local server, or am i being syntax-paranoid?



hope this helps,


Your my master, that worked like a charm! I will try to change all the others like you just did! Thank you very much for helping me out!


And i don't know why it did work on my localhost lol, I am using the XAMPP package... maybe that helps...

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np, just a thought though:


try this:



function dothequery($queries){
	foreach($queries As $Query){
		$res = mysql_query($Query) or Die("Error: ".$Query."<br />".mysql_error());
	$res = mysql_query($queries) or Die("Error: ".$queries."<br />".mysql_error());
return $res;

$Queries = Array(
"INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (1, 'Mes', 1, 2000, 'item-Knife', 20, 20, '1 per $type_s (Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen nog niet hebben)', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->Mes; return $num;', 'Al je $type_p hebben al een mes', NULL)",
"INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (2, 'Walter P99', 1, 5000, 'item-Walter_P99', 50, 50, '1 per $type_s (Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen nog niet hebben)', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->{''Walter P99''}; return $num;', 'Al je $type_p hebben al een Walter P99', NULL)",
"INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (3, 'Uzi', 1, 6000, 'item-Uzi', 65, 65, '1 per $type_s (Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen nog niet hebben)', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->Uzi; return $num;', 'Al je $type_p hebben al een uzi', NULL)",
"INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (4, 'Flashbang', 1, 10000, 'item-Flashbang', 110, 110, '1 per $type_s (Je hebt $num $type_p die deze granaat nog niet hebben)', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->Flashbang; return $num;', 'Al je $type_p hebben al een flashbang', NULL)",
"INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (5, 'Granaat', 1, 15000, 'item-Grenade', 170, 170, '1 per $type_s (Je hebt $num $type_p die deze granaat nog niet hebben)', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->Granaat; return $num;', 'Al je $type_p hebben al een granaat', NULL)",
"INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (6, 'MP5k', 1, 7500, 'item-MP5k', 80, 80, 'Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen kunnen dragen', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->MP5k-$data->Shotgun-$data->G36C-$data->{''SIG 552''}-$data->Ak47-$data->{''Ak Beta''}-$data->{''Scherpschut geweer''}-$data->M4-$data->{''Granaat Lanceerder''}-$data->Bazooka; return $num;', 'Je hebt geen $type_s die dit wapen kan dragen', NULL)",
"INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (7, 'Shotgun', 1, 17500, 'item-Shotgun', 200, 200, 'Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen kunnen dragen', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->MP5k-$data->Shotgun-$data->G36C-$data->{''SIG 552''}-$data->Ak47-$data->{''Ak Beta''}-$data->{''Scherpschut geweer''}-$data->M4-$data->{''Granaat Lanceerder''}-$data->Bazooka; return $num;', 'Je hebt geen $type_s die dit wapen kan dragen', NULL)",
"INSERT INTO $weapons VALUES (8, 'G36C', 1, 22500, 'item-G36C', 270, 270, 'Je hebt $num $type_p die dit wapen kunnen dragen', '$num = $data->clicks-$data->MP5k-$data->Shotgun-$data->G36C-$data->{''SIG 552''}-$data->Ak47-$data->{''Ak Beta''}-$data->{''Scherpschut geweer''}-$data->M4-$data->{''Granaat Lanceerder''}-$data->Bazooka; return $num;', 'Je hebt geen $type_s die dit wapen kan dragen', NULL)"
// add the rest of your queries like above

$Result = dothequery($Queries);



also note in your queries be careful to make sure you "escape" specific characters unwanted inside the value fields, like single quotes.


to make it a little easier, ass each value your putting into the db as a variable before hand, so instead of:


$query = "INSERT INTO $table VALUES ('blah blah','$blah2 and blah2')"


you would use:


$val1 = "blah blah";
$val2 = $blah2." and blah2";
$query = "INSERT INTO $table VALUES ('$val1','$val2')";


you will be able to use mysql_escape_string which will secure your query values to work:


$val1 = "blah blah";
$val2 = $blah2." and blah2";
$query = "INSERT INTO $table VALUES ('".mysql_escape_string($val1)."','".mysql_escape_string($val2)."')";



hope this helps,

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