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Help Please Php login not working and limited PHP knowledge


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if anyone can give me a few pointers I would appreciate it. Background....php admin gone AWOL and now site no longer works.


The php site has a basic login which use to work with my user/pass but now it does not. I have checked the global.php and this is correct as it connects to the database. When I change the password within this get a sql error, so i know the Db connection is good.


It maybe that the authentication does not use the db as the .htpasswd points to a directory that is not there. I have created the path and a new file .htpasswd and put my user name password but still this does not work.


I appologise for my lack of basic php knowledge but this is the first time i have looked at php...I do have unix knowledge but puzzled how even the login is supposed to work. Maybe someone can help with basic debug tips. THANKS

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Bit more info ....looking at the SQL there are usernames with password hashes but having created the .htpasswd/.htgroup files the hashes are different.


How would one reset the password in the SQL?? I have thought of cut pasting the hash from the .htpasswd into the password but dont think it would work.


Thanks for your help

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OK but not sure which files you need? Heres the login.php and the admin_user.php which I think adds new users to the secure area.


Sorry I,m a php numpty



switch($_REQUEST['action']) {
        case 'login':
                $count = $sqlProc->queryCount("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM use
r WHERE email = '".
                        addslashes($_REQUEST['email'])."' AND password = PASSWOR
                if ($count>0) {
                        # Authenticates OK
                        $_SESSION['user'] = $sqlProc->queryRow("SELECT * FROM us
er WHERE email = '".
                                addslashes($_REQUEST['email'])."' AND password =
                                $sqlProc->queryRow("SELECT isadmin,viewprivate F
ROM `group` WHERE groupid = ".$_SESSION['user']['groupid']));
        case 'logout':
me'=>'Unregistered User','loggedin'=>'false');
                        $sqlProc->queryRow("SELECT isadmin,viewprivate FROM `gro
up` WHERE groupid = ".$_SESSION['user']['groupid']));



and admin_user.php .....if I could change my password or reate another user to access the pages behind this would get me out of the krapp




$_REQUEST=getReq(array( 'userid|int|-1|-1',
# debug($_REQUEST);
# die();


# First we check the selected category exists - if not we're at the category hom
e (catid -1).

$baseDir = './upload/todo';

        case 'update':
                $sqlProc->query("UPDATE user SET name = '".addslashes($_REQUEST[
                        email = '".addslashes($_REQUEST['email'])."',".
                        ($_REQUEST['password']=='' ? '' : '`password` = password
                        ."groupid = $_REQUEST[groupid] WHERE userid = $_REQUEST[
        case 'add':
                $sqlProc->query("INSERT INTO user (name,email,password,groupid)
VALUES ('".addslashes($_REQUEST['name'])."',
# We're this far it means that the category definitely exists.

$users = $sqlProc->queryArray("SELECT * FROM user");
$groups = $sqlProc->queryArray("SELECT groupid,name FROM `group`",MYSQL_ASSOC,'g
# debug($groups);

function selectHTML($name,$options,$value='',$nullValue='') {
        $html='<select name="'.h($name).'">'."\n";
    if($nullValue!='') $html.='<option value="">'.$nullValue.'</option>'."\n";
        while (list($optVal,$optName)=each($options)) {
                if ($optVal!=$optName) $html.= ' value="'.h($optVal).'"';
                if ($optVal==$value) $html.=' selected';
        return $html;



Thks for helping

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Can anyone help me to determine why my login attempts are failing, I have not changed my user/pass and unable to figure out how to add a new username without getting www access to the site to run the script which is supposed to add new user accounts. I have checked the /var/html/error_log and nothing so dont even know if its a user acct prob or another issue.


This is driving me FFFFFFF crazy !!!


Thks for helping

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Your usernames appear to be stored in a mysql table named "user"


$sqlProc->query("INSERT INTO user (name,email,password,groupid)
VALUES ('".addslashes($_REQUEST['name'])."',


Go to phpmyadmin (if you have it) and just run the query

INSERT INTO user (name,email,password,groupid) VALUES ('YOUR_USER_NAME','YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS',password(YOUR_PASSWORD)','GROUP_ID");


Replace YOUR_USER_NAME YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS YOUR_PASSWORD with your username, email and password (amazingly)


You'll also need to look at a table (probably called group) and see which group_id corresponds to the group you want to be part of (probably "admins" or similar.)

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Ran code as suggested and yes I see the new account being added but A) the password is in cleartext B) Group showing as 0 not a member of admin group.


Also on trying to logon with those details it does not allow me in. Could be a group issue ie not a meber of the right group or could be a problem which affects all logins. Can you suggest anything else to help debug the problem please.



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More info changed groupid for new account, so in admin group but still no luck at login .


Can i ask a question what relevence is this file .htaccess to the login procedure...


AuthUserFile /home/virtual/site58/fst/var/www/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /home/virtual/site58/fst/var/www/.htgroup
AuthName "Admin Area"
AuthType Basic
<Limit GET>
require group  SiteAdmins


The two .ht files were accidently deleted by myself as I was clearing up the site......stupid I know. So I have recreated the paths and the two files and added via htpasswd my original account name and password. Also added my account to the SiteAdmins group.


The new account I added using your query did not get appended to these files though????


Yours very Confused ...thks for helping I do appreciate it :)



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Hi Again thks for your help but still wrestling with password setting.


it appears that only this line works...




note syntax difference from your suggestion


INSERT INTO user (name,email,password,groupid) VALUES ('YOUR_USER_NAME','YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS',password(YOUR_PASSWORD)','GROUP_ID");


The password is still in cleartext and I cant figure the correct syntax out Mysql v4.1. Tried cmd line mysql and that too gives me grief ARGHHHHHH



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:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


YOU BEAUTY !!!! GET the syntax right and yippeee. The hash was a lot longer then usual but the login works fine THANKS YOu ROCK...


Maybe you can advise on the next problem. When uploading images to the secure area (not porn) I see the image initially then when I select to add it to the db i just get the unlinked img symbol. The error log says


[sun Mar 09 00:58:28 2008] [error] [client x.x.x.x] chmod: changing permiss

ions of `./upload/todo/cat_211_pub': Operation not permitted, referer: http://ww



Heres the code



$_REQUEST=getReq(array( 'catid|int|-1|-1',


# First we check the selected pic exists
$count=$sqlProc->queryCount("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM pix_cat WHERE catid =
if($catid==-1) $count = 1;
if ($count<1 or $_REQUEST['action']=='none') redirect($_REQUEST['referer']);case 'upload':
                        $_REQUEST['name'] = $_FILES['photofile']['name'];
                        $det = getimagesize($_FILES['photofile']['tmp_name']);
                                $src = imagecreatefromjpeg($_FILES['photofile'][
                                $mask = imagecreatefrompng('./images/masks/photo
                                } else {
                                        $im = resizeTo($src,700);
                                        $width = imagesx($im);
                                        $height = imagesy($im);
                                        # addWatermark($im,$mask);
                                $thb = resizeTo($src,200);
                                $th_width = imagesx($thb);
                                $th_height = imagesy($thb);
                                # addWatermark($thb,$mask);
                        } else $_REQUEST['action'] = 'problem';
                } else $_REQUEST['action'] = 'problem';
        case 'confirm':
$det = getimagesize('images/temp/pic.jpg');
                $width = $det[0]; $height = $det[1];
                $det = getimagesize('images/temp/thumb.jpg');
                $th_width = $det[0]; $th_height = $det[1];
                $sqlProc->query("INSERT INTO pix_index (catid, timestamp, public
, name,
                        width, height, th_width, th_height) VALUES
                        ($catid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '$_REQUEST[public]', '$_REQUE
                        $width, $height, $th_width, $th_height)");
                $picId = mysql_insert_id($sqlProc->connection);




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