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Combing HTML file; Uploading data to mysql --- Need Help!


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Hi there everybody!

I am having a problem with php and I was referred here by a friend who uses this forum often so hopefully someone can help me fix my problem.


Ok, so I am trying to use PHP to comb through an html file, grab the data, and put it into a mysql database.


Here is the page I am trying to have put into a database:



This is basically a page of hockey statistics. I am able to get most of the data into mysql. My problem is encountered when a player has played for more than one team. Because when the page is generated, it displays the stats that that player has earned on each team along with a Total line. I have successfully programmed something that can lift off the first line of stats for the players current team. But I don't want those, I want the stats that are on the Total line.


Here is the code I have. This work was actually initially done by someone else and I have now taken it over, and whatever it is that they did to account for the Total line does not work so now I am trying to fix it. The part that doesn't work is in between the ------ lines. When I first received the file, there were absolutely no comments, so whatever comments you see are things I put in to help myself remember what certain lines do.




$url = $info[scoring];#Gets URL for processing
$player_names = player_names();

$fp = fopen ($url, "r");#Opens URL, read only.
if (!$fp) {
    echo "ERROR: $errstr ($errno)<br>\n";#Can't load the file - error message
} else {
  while($buffer=fgets($fp,512)) {#fgets reads the file line by line and stores the info into $buffer...loop progresses as long as there is data to read.
    $buffer = strip_tags($buffer);#Strips HTML and PHP tags from file

    foreach($player_names as $key => $value) {#Iterative loop that goes over array. Assigns unique keys to $key for each unique $value
      if(strstr($buffer,$key)) #strstr finds first occurence of a string..in this case, returns strings $buffer starting at $key
  { $buffer=str_replace($key,$value,$buffer); }#str_replace — Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string. For every line (buffer) replaces key with value.

    $buffer = preg_replace("([\s]+)", " ", $buffer); #Looks for any amount of whitespace and replaces it with one whitespace.
    $buffer = str_replace(",", ".", $buffer); #Replaces all commas with points.

    if(substr($buffer, 0, 3)=="TOT") { #If string starts with TOT
      $stats = preg_replace("([\s]+)", " ", $buffer); #Looks for any amount of whitespace and replaces it with one whitespace.
      $stats = addslashes($stats);# Allows any special characters like ' to be included in entry
      list($foo, $gp, $g, $a, $p, $plusminus, $pim, $pp, $sh, $gw, $gt, $ht, $s, $pctg, $gs, $ps) = split(' ', $stats); #splits line into individual array components where space occurs and assigns them to variables.

       #Not sure how this works or helps.
   if(!strstr($a,".")) {
         $sql_del = strrpos($sql, "(");
         $sql = substr($sql, 0, $sql_del);
         $sql .= "('', '$pos', '$num', '$fname', '$lname', '$team', '$gp', '$g', '$a', '$p', '$plusminus', '$pim', '$pp', '$sh', '$gw', '$gt', '$ht', '$s', '$pctg', '$gs', '$ps', '$rookie')";


    $fchar = trim(substr($buffer, 0, 2)); #trim strips whitespace from beginning and end of string
    if($fchar=="F"||$fchar=="C"||$fchar=="L"||$fchar=="R"||$fchar=="D"||$fchar=="G") {
# if fchar is equal to this OR that OR this, etc.
      $stats = preg_replace("([\s]+)", " ", $buffer); #See above
      $stats = addslashes($stats);

      list($pos, $num, $fname, $lname, $team, $gp, $g, $a, $p, $plusminus, $pim, $pp, $sh, $gw, $gt, $ht, $s, $pctg, $gs, $ps) = split(' ', $stats);

      if(substr($fname, 0, 1)=='*') {#Determines if player is a rookie
        $rookie = 1;#Assigns player rookie status
$fname = str_replace("*", "", $fname);#Eliminates star
      }	else {
        $rookie = 0;

      if($sql) $sql .= ", \n"; #add comma and line break to $sql

      $sql .= "('', '$pos', '$num', '$fname', '$lname', '$team', '$gp', '$g', '$a', '$p', '$plusminus', '$pim', '$pp', '$sh', '$gw', '$gt', '$ht', '$s', '$pctg', '$gs', '$ps', '$rookie')"; #add all this on each new line


if($sql) $sql2 = "INSERT INTO sorter_stats (id, pos, num, fname, lname, team, gp, g, a, p, plusminus, pim, pp, sh, gw, gt, ht, s, pctg, gs, ps, rookie) VALUES ".$sql;

if($sql2) {
  db_execute("DELETE FROM sorter_stats") or die("del error!");
  db_execute($sql2) or die("error! $sql2 ".mysql_error());




I basically need a way to check whether or not a TOT line exists for the player, and then if it does, I need to replace the data from the first line with the data from the TOT line for inputting into the database.


Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have been working on this for a while now and can't seem to figure out how to achieve what I want to achieve.

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