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php/mysql update query strange problem...


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hi having problem with a UPDATE records in table if anyone can help please.


have a page called view_me.php

it just takes a single record from the a MYSQL table and lists off the entry in a html table (<tr><td>...



next stage


performs a similar task to above but instead of putting entry's in table tr/td it puts it back in a form. ive done this by doing


echo "<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"dbFname\" maxlength=\"20\" value=\"{$row['dbFname']}\"/></td>";  


its taking the information without any issue but when i update thats where the problem is...


when i change the values and press the button to update. if i change a value to a number it is fine, no problem, but if a change a value to a actual name with letters and stuff it spits out a error..


" Unknown column 'me' in 'field list' "


'me' is just what i put in the first name field in the update table.



basic content of the file with the form...

if (!isset($_SESSION["sess_loggedon"])) {
        else{ header ('location: index.html');
$query  = ("SELECT * FROM xowner WHERE dbOwnerId='".$_SESSION['sess_loggedon']."'");
$result = mysql_query($query);


   <div id="main"><p>UPDATE MY DETAILS </p>
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
echo "<form name=\"update\" method=\"post\" action=\"update.php\">";
echo "<table align=\"center\">";
echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td width=\"50%\">User Name </td>";
    echo "<td width=\"50%\">{$row['dbOwnerId']} </td>";
  echo "</tr>";
echo "          <tr>";
echo "            <th>DbFname:</th>";
echo "            <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"dbFname\" maxlength=\"20\" value=\"{$row['dbFname']}\"/></td>";
echo "          </tr>";
echo "          <tr>";
echo "            <th>DbLname:</th>";
echo "            <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"dbLname\" maxlength=\"20\" value=\"{$row['dbLname']}\"/></td>";
echo "          </tr>";
echo "          <tr>";
echo "            <th>Dbemail:</th>";
echo "            <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"dbemail\" maxlength=\"30\" value=\"{$row['dbemail']}\"/></td>";
echo "          </tr>";
echo "          <tr>";
echo "            <th>Dbmainphone:</th>";
echo "            <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"dbmainphone\" maxlength=\"11\" value=\"{$row['dbmainphone']}\"/></td>";
echo "          </tr>";
echo "          <tr>";
echo "            <th>Dbotherphone:</th>";
echo "            <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"dbotherphone\" maxlength=\"11\" value=\"{$row['dbotherphone']}\"/></td>";
echo "          </tr>";
echo "          <tr>";
echo "            <th>Dbaddress:</th>";
echo "            <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"dbaddress\" maxlength=\"40\" value=\"{$row['dbaddress']}\"/></td>";
echo "          </tr>";
echo "          <tr>";
echo "            <th>Dbaddress1:</th>";
echo "            <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"dbaddress1\" maxlength=\"40\" value=\"{$row['dbaddress1']}\"/></td>";
echo "          </tr>";
echo "          <tr>";
echo "            <th>Dbcity:</th>";
echo "            <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"dbcity\" maxlength=\"20\" value=\"{$row['dbcity']}\"/></td>";
echo "          </tr>";
echo "          <tr>";
echo "            <th>Dbpostcode:</th>";
echo "            <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"dbpostcode\" maxlength=\"9\" value=\"{$row['dbpostcode']}\"/></td>";
echo "          </tr>";
echo "          <tr>";
echo "            <th>notes:</th>";
echo "            <td><input type=\"notes\" name=\"dbnotes\" size=\"70\" value=\"{$row['dbnotes']}\"></td>";
echo "          </tr>";
echo "          <tr>";
echo "            <th>Dbpassword:</th>";
echo "            <td><input type=\"password\" name=\"dbpassword\" value=\"{$row['dbpassword']}\"></td>";
echo "          </tr>";
echo "          <tr>";
echo "            <td width=\"116\"></td>";
echo "            <td width=\"156\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Update\">";
echo "            </td>";
echo "          </tr>";
echo "        </table>";
echo "      </form>    ";
   } ?>
    </div><!-- end id main -->


the actual update.php file


if (!isset($_SESSION["sess_loggedon"])) {
        else{ header ('location: index.html');

//$dbOwnerId = $_POST['dbOwnerId'];
$dbFname = $_POST['dbFname'];
$dbLname = $_POST['dbLname'];
$dbemail = $_POST['dbemail'];
$dbmainphone = $_POST['dbmainphone'];
$dbotherphone = $_POST['dbotherphone'];
$dbaddress = $_POST['dbaddress'];
$dbaddress1 = $_POST['dbaddress1'];
$dbcity = $_POST['dbcity'];
$dbpostcode = $_POST['dbpostcode'];
$dbnotes = $_POST['dbnotes'];
$dbpassword = $_POST['dbpassword'];

$query2  = ("UPDATE xowner SET dbFname=$dbFname, dbLname=$dbLname, dbemail=$dbemail, dbmainphone=$dbmainphone, dbotherphone=$dbotherphone, dbaddress=$dbaddress, dbaddress1=$dbaddress1, dbcity=$dbcity, dbpostcode=$dbpostcode, dbnotes=$dbnotes WHERE dbOwnerId='".$_SESSION['sess_loggedon']."'");

//, , dbpassword=$dbpassword 

mysql_query($query2) or die(mysql_error());

echo "You have updated your record  <a href=\"view_me.php\">Continue</a>";



ive tried a reading a number of tutorials which havent helped in this case. anyone who can take a look please..



edit: at the mo theres is no validation in the form, should accept any letters or numbers.

if u think im going about this wrong please point me in the direction of a decent tutorial

(im quite new to php)

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Barand your a star! ive been staring at this for AGES!


thank you very much. 

i need to make sure the entry validates now.  if u have any tips it let me know


i was thinking of putting some functions in a function.php and calling it with includes at the top.


that way i can use the same function for both the register and this update.


is this a good way?


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