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Ladder/league system coding


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I have made a rating script like hot or not. The top images are displayed in a toplist; i can have multiple toplists for different categories of pictures.


I'm trying to find a way to have one big league system instead of different toplists for different categories.



I'd like to set up 3 leagues. People rate the pictures and each week the top 3 pictures from league 3 move into league 2, while the bottom 3 pictures from league 2 are demoted to league 3 and so on. Each week the votes are reset and voting continues as usual for another week etc.


I'm having trouble thinking where to start coding. Any suggestions of scripts that do similar jobs?

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Below is one way of promoting/demoting. Of course you'll need a way to allocate scores and preserving the results while scores are collected for the next week.


You may want to lookup the functions used







* code to create 3 leagues of 
* 8 members with random scores
* and save me typing in data
        $member = 'A';
        $ladder = array();

        for ($i=0; $i < 24; $i++)
            $league = $i%3;
            $score = rand(1,50);
            $ladder[$league][$member] = $score;
* sort each league by rating desc
        for ($leag=0; $leag<3; $leag++)
            arsort ($ladder[$leag]);
* show ladder
        echo '<pre>', print_r($ladder, true), '</pre>';
* now promote/demote teams
        promote ($ladder, 0, 1);             // leagues 0 and 1
        promote ($ladder, 1, 2);             // leagues 1 and 2
* show new ladder
        echo '<pre>', print_r($ladder, true), '</pre>';
* function to promote/demote between two leagues
function promote (&$ladder, $a, $b)
    $ka = count($ladder[$a]);
    $topa = array_slice ($ladder[$a], 0, $ka-3);
    $bota = array_slice ($ladder[$a], $ka-3);         // lower 3 from league a
    $topb = array_slice ($ladder[$b], 0, 3);          // top 3 from league b
    $botb = array_slice ($ladder[$b], 3);
    $ladder[$a] = array_merge($topa, $topb);          // promote
    $ladder[$b] = array_merge($bota, $botb);          // demote

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