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iterate thourgh Copy objects


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I have a problem with copying objects in PHP 5. In a catalog search results of two different types need to be displayed:


class Item_catHosting_catSearch extends Item_catHosting
// member variables
protected	$displayItem	= null;
protected	$displayArgDao	= null;

// Checks the parameter chosting.pricecutout. If it is not null, call
// Item_catHostingCutout::loadItem, otherwise Item_catHosting::loadItem.
public function loadItem($argDao)
	if (!$argDao->fetch()) 
		return false;

	printf("parent id %s\n<br />", $argDao->id);

	// Item is a pricecutout. Therefore create a Item_catHostingCutout
	// and use its methods to load the record
	if ( !empty($argDao->pricecutout) ) {
		$this->displayItem	= new Item_catHostingCutout;
		$this->displayItem->loadItem( $this->displayArgDao );
		// Item_catHostingCutout::loadItem contains this statement:
		// printf("Child Cutout id %s, pricecutout\n<br />", $argDao->id, $argDao->pricecutout);
	} else {
		$this->displayItem	= new Item_catHosting;
		$this->displayItem->loadItem( $this->displayArgDao );
		// Item_catHosting::loadItem contains this statement:
		// printf("child catHosting id %s\n<br />", $argDao->id);

	return true;

// displays all or several entities of this level
// groupParam is a DAO result
public static function displayGroup($argDao = null)
	$item				= new self;
	$item->prevItem		= null;	
	// Copy result object. Iterate through copy in self::loadItem to look for
	// price cutout hostings. The original is passed to the parent methods to
	// display the items
	$cArgDao				= clone $argDao;
	$item->displayArgDao	= $cArgDao;

	// iterate through all items and display them
	while ( $item->loadItem($argDao)) {

		$prevItem	=& $item;
		$item		=& new self;
		$item->displayArgDao	= $prevItem->displayArgDao;
		$item->prevItem	= $prevItem;



The output looks like this:

parent id 34

child catHosting id 35

parent id 36

child catHosting id 38

parent id 41

child catHosting id 43

parent id 47

child catHosting id 48

parent id 51

child catHosting id 53


Starting point it the static method Item_catHosting_catSearch::displayGroup($argDao), with a PEAR::DataObjects $argDao as it's parameter. This method makes a copy of $argDao called $cArgDao.


Item_catHosting_catSearch::loadItem() iterates through $argDao, and depending on a value calls one of two child classes' methods: Either Item_catHostingCutout::loadItem or Item_catHosting::loadItem.


The problem is, that although these child classes get $cArgDao as their input value, they seem to continue to iterate through the original $argDao. As a result, the child classes' loadItem methods process rows different than which were checked in Item_catHosting_catSearch. In fact, the output should look like this:

parent id 34

child catHosting id 34

parent id 35

child catHosting id 35

parent id 36

child catHosting id 36

parent id 38

child catHosting id 48



Anyone an idea, what might be the reason for this behaviour? I have thought about it for some hours now, and can't get the mistake.


Thanks in advance,


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