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Need Help with a PHP Loop


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I'm coding an online RPG and I've got stuck at a final routine which I will explain below:


Within the Game you have a commander and the commander can have officers. Now the officers can also have officers so I store these in a MYSQL table in the format:


ID - Is the ID of the Player

Commander - Is the commander of the player 0 = No Commander

Status - 1 = Active  2 = Banned  3=Deleted


Now the top level commander can have an alliance. Lets say the commander calls his alliance "Alliance1"


I need a routine that will set everyone below him to "Alliance1"


So every officer and sub officer of the officer needs to get this alliance tag.


So I need a PHP Script to loop through everyone under the commander and set an alliance TAG to "Alliance1" and I am completly stumped how to do this.


I've looked into for each loops but going down multi levels is quite hard for me.


Any help or pointers really appreciated.







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It's all in the same table, isn't it? Shouldn't be too hard to get it working. Create a column in your table and call it "alliance" or whatever you want. When the commander makes his alliance and sets his alliance name "A1" it will be set in the database. Whenever someone joins his alliance, they will get the same set value for their alliance. If they leave, you can update it with a blank alliance or however you want. That's just the basic, what you're needing?

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$commandID //Set to the ID of the Commander

$query = "SELECT `ID` FROM `table` WHERE `Commander`='$commandID'";
$sql = mysql_query($query) or die("<pre>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error()."\nQuery: ".$query."</pre>");

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql) {
     $query = "UPDATE `table` SET `tag`='Alliance1' WHERE `ID`='".$row['ID']."' LIMIT 1"
     mysql_query($query) or die("<pre>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error()."\nQuery: ".$query."</pre>");


That's all I can gather from what your said.

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Thanks for the replies so far, I will explain a little bit more


COMMANDER - Joins the game.

COMMANDER - Gets 5 officers under him called officer1 to officer5


OFFICER1 - Gets 2 Officers under him

OFFICER2 - Gets 3 Officers under him


So now the chain looks like this:











So on the example above COMMAND1 has two officers and the first has 3 officer himself and the second has 2 officers.


Now COMMANDER1 decided that he wants to start an alliance TAG called MyAlliance.


Somehow I need a routine that gives COMMANDER1 and every officer and sub officer the TAG MyAlliance.


Remember there could be multi officers deep underneath the main commander.


So the routine has got to say:


Get all officers of the Commander and give them the Alliance Tag MyAlliance

Get all the officers of the officers and give them the Tag MyAllliance

and so on and so on until every officer or sub officer has the TAG


This is why I'm finding it difficult. Drilling down multi levels stumping me.




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I have solved my problem so thanks everyone for looking. Basically I need to run a cron job because the routine is quite intense. The guts of it is:


Get the user id of every player in the game

check there commander in a loop and see if they are top level, if they are not then loop to next commander

keep looping until you get to the top and then set the alliance name to whatever the top commander has set


then move onto player 2 and do all again, do the above for each player in the game. Its effectively a loop withing a loop.



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