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Regular expressions


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Can someone please help me with an if statement.

Basically In regular expressions i understan ?() is if then

and ?()| is if then else.


However when i use it in my bb code I dont understand how they work

Just wonder if someone could shwo me cupple of examples?


my code:


In my example, the bold text is my "variable" which i have got working.

however my if statment needs to read as follows:


If(word is between = and ]) set as var (.*)



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whats that surpose to do!!!

also use the parameter /i to ignore case instead of trying to cover case versions (on color)


heres a simple BB to html code snip

your need to remove the extra - as if i didn't add them it will look messedup on this forum



// A simple FAST parser to convert BBCode to HTML
// Trade-in more restrictive grammar for speed and simplicty
// Syntax Sample:
// --------------
// [-img]http://phpfreaks.com/images/deadrats.gif[-/img]
// [-url="http://phpfreaks.com"]phpfreaks[-/url]
// [-mail="webmasterphpfreaks.com"]Webmaster[-/mail]
// [-size="25"]HUGE[-/size]
// [-color="red"]RED[-/color]
// [-b]bold[-/b]
// [-i]italic[-/i]
// [-u]underline[-/u]
// [-list][-*]item[-*]item[-*]item[-/list]
// [-code]value="123";[-/code]
// [-quote]John said yadda yadda yadda[-/quote]
// Usage:
// ------
// <?php include 'bb2html.php'; ?>
// <?php $htmltext = bb2html($bbtext); ?>

function bb2html($text)
  $bbcode = array("-<", "->",
                "[-list]", "[-*]", "[-/list]", 
                "[-img]", "[-/img]", 
                "[-b]", "[-/b]", 
                "[-u]", "[-/u]", 
                "[-i]", "[-/i]",
                '[-color="', "[-/color]",
                "[-size=\"", "[-/size]",
                '[-url="', "[-/url]",
                "[-mail=\"", "[-/mail]",
                "[-code]", "[-/code]",
                "[-quote]", "[-/quote]",
  $htmlcode = array("<", ">",
                "<ul>", "<li>", "</ul>", 
                "<img src=\"", "\">", 
                "<b>", "</b>", 
                "<u>", "</u>", 
                "<i>", "</i>",
                "<span style=\"color:", "</span>",
                "<span style=\"font-size:", "</span>",
                '<a href="', "</a>",
                "<a href=\"mailto:", "</a>",
                "<code>", "</code>",
                "<table width=100% bgcolor=lightgray><tr><td bgcolor=white>", "</td></tr></table>",
  $newtext = str_replace($bbcode, $htmlcode, $text);
  $newtext = nl2br($newtext);//second pass
  return $newtext;

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also I only want those cases

doesnt get replaced. i onyl want either or


as well as using preg_replace on windows with php 4.3.


Still would like some pointers on using an if statement too.

I like learning new things

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the 50 needs to be static.

the thing is when i use these quotes get mixed up..

so i tried grouping them and nothing. I recon the statement will work.


And I didnt actually know there was a specific forum for regular expressions.

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All i want to do is this...


and with regex i want to get the content between ="(.*)" as a variable.

however if i put [-color=red][-size=20] (exclude -) i get this

<span style='color:red"][size=16;'>

so i need an if statement to STOP the variable before ] which will stop this mix up

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this will be easier... to show you what im trying to do

require_once "class.bbcode.php";
$bb =new BBcode;
$bb->bbSettings(array("bbenabled" =>0,"allowflash" =>true));
$s ="[color=\"red\"][size=\"16\"]Hey[/size] [strike]um[/strike][/color] [b]Name[/b],\n\n";
$s .="<br>How are [u][b][i]you[/i][/b][/u]; \n\n";
print $bb->bbDisplay($s);


this is the class i was producing:

class BBcode {
function bbSettings($array =false){
	$this->bbCodeEnabled =$array['bbenabled'];
	$this->bbFlashEnabled =$array['allowflash'];
	$this->bbHyperlinkEnabled =$array['allowlinks'];
	$this->bbImagesEnabled =$array['allowimages'];
function bbDisplay($str){
	$bulktext =explode(" ",$str);
	foreach($bulktext as $word) $phrase[] =preg_replace($this->BBcode,$this->BBstyle,$word);
	return implode(" ",$phrase);
var $BBcode =array(

var $BBstyle =array(
	"<span style='font-weight:bold;'>\\1","</span>",
	"<span style='text-decoration:underline;'>\\1","</span>",
	"<span style='font-style:italic;'>\\1","</span>",
	"<span style='text-decoration:line-through;'>\\2","</span>",
	"<span style='color:\\2;'>\\3","</span>",
	"<span style='font-size:\\2pt;'>\\3","</span>"

var $BBReference =array("b","u","i","strike","color","colour");

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you need lazyness on the color and strike







final code

//require_once "class.bbcode.php";
$bb =new BBcode;
$bb->bbSettings(array("bbenabled" =>0,"allowflash" =>true));

$s ="[color=\"red\"][size=\"16\"]Hey[/size] [strike]um[/strike][/color] [b]Name[/b],\n\n";
$s .="<br>How are [u][b][i]you[/i][/b][/u]; \n\n";
print $bb->bbDisplay($s);

class BBcode {
function bbSettings($array =false){
	$this->bbCodeEnabled =$array['bbenabled'];
	$this->bbFlashEnabled =$array['allowflash'];
	$this->bbHyperlinkEnabled =$array['allowlinks'];
	$this->bbImagesEnabled =$array['allowimages'];
function bbDisplay($str){
	$bulktext =explode(" ",$str);
	foreach($bulktext as $word) $phrase[] =preg_replace($this->BBcode,$this->BBstyle,$word);
	return implode(" ",$phrase);
var $BBcode =array(

var $BBstyle =array(
	"<span style='font-weight:bold;'>\\1","</span>",
	"<span style='text-decoration:underline;'>\\1","</span>",
	"<span style='font-style:italic;'>\\1","</span>",
	"<span style='text-decoration:line-through;'>\\2","</span>",
	"<span style='color:\\2;'>\\3","</span>",
	"<span style='font-size:\\2pt;'>\\3","</span>"

var $BBReference =array("b","u","i","strike","color","colour");


infact you should use it on BUI as well

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