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Not quite sure what this particular issue is called - (submitting forms i think)


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I am developing an helpdesk system, a user would fill in an blank form and submit to a work queue (workqueue.php)


An analyst would see the list of queries and open one of them, he would then give a query a status, either resolved, unresolved or pending.


What im wanting is that the analyst to give a query a status level but once submitted that query would then leave the work queue and join another php page called resolved.php.


I hope this is straight forward, this is a major bit of my system and am not understanding how to do it.


Any help would be appreciated








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insert the question into a db with the following columns (this is onyl a rough draft)


id    question    read  status  date 

#    blah balh    0        0        date


0 on read means "unread" and status 0 is "not unclassified yet"


and on work queue...

"SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `read`='0' "


and display all that..

then for updating...

"UPDATE `table` SET `read`='1' AND `status`='{$status}' "


then on the resolved page...


"SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `status`='what ever your resolved number will be' "


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I have form checking code below, just need the code which would send a particular query which has been given as status level to be submitted to php pages - resolved.php, unresolved.php & pending.php



require "connect.php";
$formID = $_GET['formID'];
$issuetitle = $_GET['issuetitle'];
$datesubmitted = $_GET['datesubmitted'];
$timesubmitted = $_GET['timesubmitted'];
$systemaffected = $_GET['systemaffected'];
$prioritylevel = $_GET['prioritylevel'];
$issuedetails = $_GET['issuedetails'];
$supportcomments = $_GET['supportcomments'];
$clientFname = $_GET['clientFname'];
$clientSurname = $_GET['clientSurname'];
$teamname = $_GET['teamname'];
$clientID = $_GET['clientID'];
$status = $_GET['status'];
$dateactioned = $_GET['dateactioned'];
$timeactioned = $_GET['timeactioned'];
$analystFname = $_GET['analystFname'];
$analystSname = $_GET['analystSname'];

if($prioritylevel == "Please Select") 

	$message1 = "Please select the issue topic";
	header("Location: analystformedit.php?message1=$message1");

if($status == "Please Select") 
	$message2 = "Please enter the system affected";
	header("Location: analystformedit.php?message2=$message2");

if($supportcomments == "") 
	$message3 = "Please enter details of the problem";
	header("Location: analystformedit.php?message3=$message3");

$query = "update form set issuetitle ='".$issuetitle."', datesubmitted ='".$datesubmitted."', timesubmitted ='".$timesubmitted."', systemaffected ='".	 										$systemaffected."', prioritylevel ='".$prioritylevel."', issuedetails ='".$issuedetails."', supportcomments ='".$supportcomments."', clientFname ='".$clientFname."', 	clientSurname ='".$clientSurname."', teamname ='".$teamname."', clientID ='".$clientID."', status ='".$status."', dateactioned = '".$dateactioned."', timeactioned = '".			$timeactioned."', analystFname = '".$analystFname."', analystSname = '".$analystSname."' where formID =".$formID;

   $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die ("Unable to perform query<br>$query");
header("Location: enquiryscreen.php?var=formID");




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don't use GET...


insert it into a databse, and whoever is answering the question can draw it from the database...


to sort the 3 statuses, simply use 1, 2, 3


for resolved,

"SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `status`='1' "

for unsolved

"SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `status`='2' "

for pending,

"SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `status`='3' "

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Sorry i think i may have confused you with the code.


I need the GET method there because i am updating the form.


Basically when a user fills in a form they would submit it.

Analyst would open that query and give it an status level from a drop down box and then clicks submit (so he is updating the query he opened by inserting extra data for that particular record).


From the code you have given me, it looks alot more clearer but once a status level is given and then submitted would the query iv just submitted be removed from the work queue as it doesn't need to be there anymore ?

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there is no "actual" work queue


People submit stuff, it goes in a table, it is stored on the hard-drive. Its not temporary data (unless you do a cron job, which you'll probably want to as your site grows). Then, on the work queue, you are uploading that data. The way you would do it by a "first submitted, first answered" would be via that date and time you inserted into the same row as the data when it is submited. Then the person puts a status on it, clicks submit, and it is updated.


Then on the answer display page, the ones that have  been classified as solved, or a "1", would be displayed.


is that what you're trying to do?

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