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selecting words out of an array?


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Hi Guys.


Is it posible to select a unique word in an array, and display all the words the has that words in. 




Array list:

pink blackberry

blackberry case

blackberry phone

blackberry 8800 pink

headset case


To be selected list:





pink blackberry

blackberry 8800 pink

blackberry case

headset case


All of the pinks appear, then all of the caes appear.


So far I have this (both arrays)

but i need to know how to select them.

		$list = $_POST['list'];
		$list_array = explode("\n", $list);

		$cat = $_POST['cat'];
		$cat_array = explode("\n", $cat);

	foreach ($list_array as $lists) {
	foreach ($cat_array as $cats) {
                $lists = trim($lists);
			$cats = trim($cats);




Thanks for your help


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I'm not sure what you mean "select them".


The easiest thing would be in your first foreach to do something like:


if (strpos($lists,"pink" > 0)
   echo $lists


And then do something similar for the second loop. I am sorta new to this too, but the strpos would be a way to check for the substring within the string, yeah?

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It's a good idea, but I can't seem to get it to work.


The problem is that out of 100 words, 10 will have the word pink in.

So I need to display that batch together.


I'm sure that there is an easy way.


I just have to find it.



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function match_categories($list, $cat) {

    //Create the arrays
    $list_array = explode("\n", $list);
    $cat_array = explode("\n", $cat);

    //clean the data
    foreach ($list_array as $key => $value) $list_array[$key] = trim($value);
    foreach ($cat_array as $key => $value) $cat_array = trim($value);

    $return_vals = array();

    //Search each category for each list item
    foreach ($cat_array as $category) {

        foreach ($list_array as $list_item) {

            if (strpos($category,$list_item)) {
                $return_vals[$list_item] = $category;

$found_categories = match_categories($_POST['list'], $_POST['cat'])


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or try

$a =
'pink blackberry
blackberry case
blackberry phone
blackberry 8800 pink
headset case';
$c = 
$c = str_replace(' ','',$c);
$c = str_replace("\n",'|',$c);
echo $out = preg_replace("/(^.*(\b($c)\b).*$)|(^.*\n?\r?)/m",'$1',$a);

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Came up with this one.

using preg_match.

also added a simple scoring system, which than sorts the matches by score.


$list=array('pink blackberry','blackberry case','pink blackberry case','blackberry phone','blackberry 8800 pink','headset case');


function rsearch($list,$keys)
foreach($keys as $term)
	foreach($list as $key=>$slist)
		$score=(preg_match("/^$term\$/i",$slist)*1000) + // complete match  highest score
			   (preg_match("/\b$term\b/i",$slist)*100) + // Within search list, Med Score
				preg_match("/$term/i",$slist);           // compounded search term, low score
		if($score) $scores[$key]+=$score;
			$keys[$j] ^= $keys[$i] ^= $keys[$j] ^= $keys[i];
foreach($keys as $key)
return $matches;


header('Content-type: text/plain');




U can prolly add a lot more to the scoring system. maybe adding weights to the search terms position.

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