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Using IF's to restrict users from seeing certain things...?


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I've got 3 userlevels setup in a Database they are as follows

  • UserLevel 1 : Student
  • UserLevel 2 : Teacher
  • UserLevel 3 : Superuser


I have a news page, I'd like the Students to be able to "Read More" and obviously read the news item. But I'd also like the Teacher & Superuser to be able to Edit and Delete the News Item as and when they wish to do so


Here is my PHP Code, I'm using

}if($userlevel == "2"){             

}else if ($userlevel == "3"){


in the code, But its actually blocking the Edit & Delete options for the Teachers' and Superusers' aswell


Any ideas on what I can do?


Heres my code

<?php #news-index.php By Stuart Blackett


        $result = mysql_query("SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT( time, '%D %M %Y @ %H:%i' )AS uk_date FROM $db_table ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 2",$connect);
                //Limit news items to 3

        while($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
             {//begin of loop

               //now print the results:
              echo "<hr>";
              echo "<br>";
               echo "<b> News Title:</b> ";

               echo $myrow['title'];

               echo "<br><br><b>News Posted On :</b> ";

               echo $myrow['uk_date'];
               echo "<br> <br>";
		         echo "<b><td>News Description :</b><br><br></td>";
               echo $myrow['description'];
                echo "<br>";
                echo "<hr>";

               // Now print the options to (Read,Edit & Delete the news)

               echo "<br><a href=\"read_more.php?newsid=$myrow[newsid]\">Read More </a>";
}if($userlevel == "2"){               
}else if ($userlevel == "3"){
			        echo "|| <a href=\"add_news.php\">Add News </a>";
                echo "|| <a href=\"edit_news.php?newsid=$myrow[newsid]\">Edit </a>";

                echo "|| <a href=\"delete_news.php?newsid=$myrow[newsid]\">Delete </a><br><br>";

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use the php logical or (||) operator:

if ($userlevel == "2" ||  $userlevel == "3"){               
    echo "|| <a href=\"add_news.php\">Add News </a>";
     echo "|| <a href=\"edit_news.php?newsid=$myrow[newsid]\">Edit </a>";
    echo "|| <a href=\"delete_news.php?newsid=$myrow[newsid]\">Delete </a><br><br>";

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You could have a function like this


function is_authed_admin()
     if (isset($_SESSION['user_level']))
          return true;
          return false;


and at the top of the page have something like this

if (!is_authed_admin())
header('Location: index.php');


This makes sure the user has a sufficient user level otherwise it will redirect the user

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Could also do something like:


if ($userlevel >="2"){               
    echo "|| <a href=\"add_news.php\">Add News </a>";
     echo "|| <a href=\"edit_news.php?newsid=$myrow[newsid]\">Edit </a>";
    echo "|| <a href=\"delete_news.php?newsid=$myrow[newsid]\">Delete </a><br><br>";


Just make sure your higher level accounts do get all the rights of lower level accounts and you are set!

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