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need some help with php and mysql


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hello everyone i usually try to google for the answears and learn on my own but right now i'm really stuck...



What i need is to query a database and echo the value of every field in the row and then move to the next row.

now each row has way too many field.  i thought i could avoid specifying $row['field'] by doing a foreach loop since $row is an array... but apparently something went wrong... the values are coming out repeated the output for this is






... and so on






... and so on


any idea what could be going wrong?

here's my code


Thanks for ur help :D

$con = mysql_connect("(ipaddress)","(user)","(pass)");
if (!$con)
  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("(database)", $con);
$msqlq = "SELECT * FROM (table)";
$result = mysql_query($msqlq) or die(mysql_error());  
while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ))
	foreach($row as $field)
	  echo $field.'<br>';//the <br> is just for debuggin purposes 


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From the manual:

mysql_fetch_array — Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both


The default is both. So all elements are available by their column name and a numerical index. Either add the appropriate parameter to mysql_fetch_array() to get only one set of data or use mysql_fetch_assoc() or mysql_fetch_row().


EDIT: You posted your "any ideas?" comment while I was preparing this reply. If I had seen it before I wrote the above I would not have even bothered with a response. This is a forum where people voluntarily provide help. Waiting 11 minutes before asking "any ideas" is presumptuous to say the least.

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