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Getting a file list with paths


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In a folder? Did you want it to browse subfolders as well?


From PHP's website:

$dir = "/etc/php5/";

// Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents
if (is_dir($dir)) {
    if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
        while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
            echo "filename: $file : filetype: " . filetype($dir . $file) . "\n";

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You need a recursive function. The concept can be a little abstract at first, but properly calling a function from itself is a great way to get things like this done. Be careful when doing this though, as you can get yourself into an infinite loop quite easily.


// $d is the directory to loop through
// $ind is whatever you want to indent each level of depth, defaut is a few non breaking spaces
// $depth is the ammount of tabs to put before each file in the directory

function makeTree ($d, $ind = "   ", $depth = 0) {

if (!is_dir($d) ) // Check if this isn't a directory
	return FALSE; // If not, return FALSE

if (!$h = opendir($d) ) // Attempt to open a directory handle
	return FALSE; // If not, return FALSE

echo str_repeat($ind, $depth) . '<b>'. $d .'</b><br>' . "\n"; // Echo tabs based on depth, then echo a bold directroy name

while( ($f = readdir($h)) !== FALSE ) { // Loop through all files in current directory
	static $i = 0; // Set increment variable to 0 on first loop only
	if (substr($f, 0, 1) == '.') // Check if first character in file name is '.' (.htaccess, .DS_Store, ect)
		continue; // If it is, skip the rest of the loop and start again on the next file
	if (is_dir($d .'/'. $f)) // Check if this file is actually a folder
		makeTree($d .'/'. $f, $ind, $depth + 1); // If is is a directory, call this function to loop through THAT directory and increase the depth by 1
	else // If it isn't a folder
		echo str_repeat($ind, $depth) . $f . '<br>' . "\n"; // Echo the file name
	$i++; // Increment the variable

if ($i < 1) // Check if increment variable is less than one
	echo str_repeat($ind, $depth) . '<small>No files...</small>' . "\n"; // Echo to the user the folder is empty
echo '<font face="Courier">';
echo '</font>';


And here's a quick modified sample of the function in use



function dirArray ($d, &$a) {

if (!is_dir($d) )
	return FALSE;

if (!$h = opendir($d) )
	return FALSE;

$a = array();
$fa = array();	
while( ($f = readdir($h)) !== FALSE ) {
	if (substr($f, 0, 1) == '.') 
	if (is_dir($d .'/'. $f))
		dirArray($d .'/'. $f, $a[$f . '/']);
		$fa[] = $f;
$a = array_merge($a, $fa);


function makeTree($a, $g = '', $o = FALSE, $c = '', $depth = 0) {

if (!is_array($o) )
	$o = array();

if (empty($a))
	echo $g . str_repeat('|', $depth) . '-' . '<small>Folder is empty</small><br />' . "\n";

foreach ($a as $dir => $file) {

	echo $g . str_repeat('|', $depth) . '-';
	if (is_array($file) ) {

		if (in_array($c . $dir, $o) ) {
			echo '<b><a href="?c='.$c.$dir.'">(-)</a> <a href="?open='.$c.$dir.'">'.substr($dir, 0, -1).'</a></b><br />' . "\n";
			makeTree($file, $g, $o, $c.$dir, $depth+1);
		} else
			echo '<b><a href="?e='.$c.$dir.'">(+)</a> <a href="?open='.$c.$dir.'">'.substr($dir, 0, -1).'</a></b><br />' . "\n";

	} else
		echo $file . '<br />' . "\n";




if (!is_array($_SESSION['open_dirs']) )
$_SESSION['open_dirs'] = array();

if ($_GET['open']) {
$_SESSION['current_dir'] = $_GET['open'];
if (!in_array($_GET['open'], $_SESSION['open_dirs']) )
	$_SESSION['open_dirs'][] = $_GET['open'];
if ($_GET['c'])
if ( ($key = array_search($_GET['c'], $_SESSION['open_dirs'])) !== FALSE )
if ($_GET['e'])
if (!in_array($_GET['e'], $_SESSION['open_dirs']) )
	$_SESSION['open_dirs'][] = $_GET['e'];

dirArray('/Applications/MAMP/htdocs', $return);
echo '<font face="Courier">' . "\n";
makeTree($return, ' ', $_SESSION['open_dirs']);
echo '</font>';


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