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php mail


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I have a webpage that emails users; the trouble is they receive multiple copies of the same email.


Code is simply:


$MailSent = mail($Quote->CustomerEmail, "Fabricadabra Quotation", $Message, "From: sales@fabricadabra.net\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=uk-ascii")

or die("<h2 style='color:red'>Sorry but we were unable to send this email. " ....


It's not in a loop and the number of times it is output is usually 3 but sometimes up to 6!!


I have done a search but nothing like this found.


Thanks in advance



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Thanks all; here is the function I am using.

I have triple checked the page code and I am certain the page is not looping and the function itself can only be called once.


function UpdateQuoteAndEmail()




$sql = "UPDATE orderheader SET OrderStatus = '1' WHERE OrderNumber = '" . $_POST['QuotationNumber'] . "'";


or die("<h2>Database update failed: " . mysql_error() . "<br>" . $sql .

"<br>If this problem persists please contact " .

"<a href='http://www.dotnetlimited.net/dotNETMail.php' target='_blank'><span class='dotNET'>dotNet Limited</span></a>");


foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)


if ((substr($key, 0, 9) == "UnitPrice") && ($value != ""))


$sql = "UPDATE orderline SET Price = '" . $value . "', LineStatus = '1' " .

"WHERE OrderNumber = '" . $_POST['QuotationNumber'] . "' AND LineNumber = '" . substr($key, 9) . "'";


or die("<h2>Database update failed: " . mysql_error() . "<br>" . $sql .

"<br>If this problem persists please contact " .

"<a href='http://www.dotnetlimited.net/dotNETMail.php' target='_blank'><span class='dotNET'>dotNet Limited</span></a>");




$sql = "SELECT * FROM orderheader WHERE OrderNumber = '" . $_POST['QuotationNumber'] . "'";

$Quotes = mysql_query($sql)

or die("<h1>Database access failure - " . mysql_error() . "<br>" . $sql .

"<br>If this problem persists please contact " .

"<a href='http://www.dotnetlimited.net/dotNETMail.php' target='_blank'><span class='dotNET'>dotNet Limited</span></a>");


$Quote = mysql_fetch_object($Quotes);


$Message .= "<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40' xml:lang='en'>\n";

$Message .= "<head><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'><style>td {font-size:1em}</style></head>\n";

$Message .= "<body>\n";


$Message .= "<table width='800'>\n";

$Message .= "<tr><td align='center'><h1>Your quotation from FABRICADABRA</h1></td></tr>\n";


$OrderYYYY = substr($Quote->OrderDate, 0, 4);

$OrderMM  = substr($Quote->OrderDate, 5, 2);

$OrderDD  = substr($Quote->OrderDate, 8, 2);


$Message .=

"<tr><td align='center'><h2>Quotation reference: Q" . $Quote->OrderNumber . "&nbsp&nbsp&nbspDate Requested: " .

date('d/m/Y', mktime(0,0,0,$OrderMM,$OrderDD,$OrderYYYY)) . "</td></tr>\n";

$Message .= "<tr><td><br><br>Dear " . $Quote->CustomerName . ",</td></tr>\n";

$Message .= "<tr><td><br>Thank you for your recent quotation request.\n";

$Message .= "Please find below our best price for the items you were interested in.\n";


$Message .= "<br>This Quote is valid for 30 days and will not be available after <b>" .

date('d/m/Y', mktime(0,0,0,$OrderMM,$OrderDD+30,$OrderYYYY)) . ".</b></td></tr>\n";


$Message .= "<tr><td align='center'><br><br><table cellpadding='10' border='3'>\n";

$Message .= "<tr><td>Description</td><td>Sale Unit</td><td>Quantity</td><td>Unit Price</td><td>Line Total</td></tr>\n";


$sql = "SELECT * FROM orderline WHERE OrderNumber = '" . $Quote->OrderNumber . "' AND LineType = 'Q'";

$QuoteLines = mysql_query($sql)

or die("<h1>Database access failure - " . mysql_error() . "<br>" . $sql .

"<br>If this problem persists please contact " .

"<a href='http://www.dotnetlimited.net/dotNETMail.php' target='_blank'><span class='dotNET'>dotNet Limited</span></a>");




while ($QuoteLine = mysql_fetch_object($QuoteLines))


$sql = "SELECT * FROM stocklist WHERE StockNumber = '" . $QuoteLine->StockNumber . "'";

$StockItem = mysql_query($sql)

or die("<h1>Database access failure - " . mysql_error() . "<br>" . $sql .

"<br>If this problem persists please contact " .

"<a href='http://www.dotnetlimited.net/dotNETMail.php' target='_blank'><span class='dotNET'>dotNet Limited</span></a>");

$Item = mysql_fetch_object($StockItem);

$LineTotal  = $QuoteLine->Quantity * $QuoteLine->Price;

$QuoteTotal += $LineTotal;

$Message    .= "<tr><td>" . $Item->ShortDescription;

if ($QuoteLine->Variant != "") {$Message    .= " (" . $QuoteLine->Variant . ")"; }

$Message    .= "</td>";

$Message    .= "<td align='center'>" . $Item->Unit . "</td>";

$Message    .= "<td align='right'>"  . $QuoteLine->Quantity . "</td>";

$Message    .= "<td align='right'>£" . number_format($QuoteLine->Price,2, '.', '') . "</td>";

$Message    .= "<td align='right'>£" . number_format($LineTotal,2, '.', '') . "</td></tr>\n";



$Message .= "</table>\n";


$Message .= "<tr><td><br><br>All prices quoted are inclusive of VAT</td></tr>\n";


if ($QuoteTotal > 149.99)


$Message .= "<tr><td>Postage would be FREE for this order.</td></tr>\n";




$Message .= "<tr><td>As this order is for less than £150 a postage cost of £10 would be required.</td></tr>\n";



$Message .= "<tr><td>If you wish to procede with this purchase please go to " .

"<a href='www.fabricadabra.net'>fabricadabra</a> and click on 'My Quotations'.</td></tr>\n";

$Message .= "<tr><td>If you have any further queries regarding this quote feel free to reply to this email.</td></tr>\n";


$Message .= "<tr><td>Thank you for allowing Fabricadabra the oportunity to provide you with a quotation.</td></tr>\n";


$Message .= "</table></body></html>\n";




$MailSent = mail($Quote->CustomerEmail, "Fabricadabra Quotation", $Message, "From: sales@fabricadabra.net\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=uk-ascii")

or die("<h2 style='color:red'>Sorry but we were unable to send this email. " .

"<br>If this problem persists please contact " .

"<a href='http://www.dotnetlimited.net/dotNETMail.php' target='_blank'><span class='dotNET'>dotNet Limited</span></a>" .

"<br><br><br>" . $Message);






$sql = "UPDATE orderline SET LineStatus = '2' WHERE OrderNumber = '" . $Quote->OrderNumber . "' AND LineType = 'Q'";

$QuoteLines = mysql_query($sql)

or die("<h2>Database update failure - " . mysql_error() . "<br>" . $sql .

"<br>If this problem persists please contact " .

"<a href='http://www.dotnetlimited.net/dotNETMail.php' target='_blank'><span class='dotNET'>dotNet Limited</span></a>");






$_POST['Action'] = "";

$_POST['QuotationNumber'] = "";



Thanks again

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try to echo something above that mail function and check how many times it prints

sorry man i really find it hard to understand your code.


and wait if your mail function is inside this function UpdateQuoteAndEmail()


you maybe calling that function more than once

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So you did redarrow and I though 'Oh no it isnt'  :-[

Anyway, turns out there is a javascripd form validation that can submit the page more than once  :'(


All sorted now so thanks to all for their suggestions.


How do I set this thread to SOLVED so that other members don't waste time reading this?



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