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Category Select and Per Page problems


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I'm not a seasoned coder in PHP, and I am having problems with one of the scripts on my site. It's basically a database of "homebrew" games and applications everything is divided by categories. The problem I am having is that the selection doesn't work properly. Say for instance you are in the "Nintendo DS" section for example. The url would be:




If you were to try and show 15 items per page as opposed to the default of 5 per page, it would send you to the wrong url:




What it should have done was this:



There are also some other similar problems I am having as well, like when I click the ">>" button which takes you to the next page it simply adds another "?page=1" to the end of the url everytime I click it like this:




When it should do this:




I hope you are still following me on this, I am trying to explain the best that I can.


You can take a look at the page and see what I mean by visiting http://www.modawii.com/homebrew and playing around with it yourself.


Here is my code for my "categoryResults.php":




$WHERE = "Category='".$_GET['cat']."'";
header("Location: ./index.php");

$page = "search homebrew";

$pg = $_GET['page'];

if(!$_GET['cnt']){$cnt = 5;}
else{$cnt = $_GET['cnt'];}

if(!$pg){$pg = 1;}
$count = (($pg * $cnt)-$cnt);
if($count < 0){$count = 0;}
$query = mysql_query("SELECT ID,Title,Category,DishImage,description,ratingStr FROM ".$cfg['homebrewTable']." WHERE ".$WHERE." AND approved='yes' LIMIT ".$count.",".$cnt);
echo "<p>";
echo smallHomebrewTable($ID,$title,$category,$image,$description,$ratingStr,$cfg['bodyWidth']);
echo table(1,0,$cfg['bodyWidth']);
echo tr();
echo td(1,"basicText","left",0,0,0,0," style='padding:5px;'").perPageSelect($cnt,"categoryResults.php","&cat=".$_GET['cat']).td(2);
echo td(1,"basicText","right",0,0,0,0," style='padding:5px;'");
	echo pageLinks($cfg['homebrewTable'],"./categoryResults.php?cat=".$_GET['cat'],$WHERE,$pg,$count,$cnt);

echo td(2);
echo tr(2);
echo table(2);




This has been driving me nuts for days now and I can't seem to get it working properly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!  :D

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For the first problem you should use a hidden field, put it somewhere inside the <form> tags:


<input type="hidden" name="cat" value="<?php echo $_GET['cat']; ?>" />


For the second problem, I think we need the code for at least the pageLinks() function to help.

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Oops, forgot that.


Here is the "pageLinks" function:


function pageLinks($dbTable,$link,$where,$page,$count,$cnt){
GLOBAL $cfg,$_GET;

if($page <= 0){$page = 1;}

if(!empty($where)){$WHERE = " WHERE ".$where;}

$cntQ = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$dbTable.$WHERE);
$total = @mysql_num_rows($cntQ);

$pageCount = ceil((($total / $cnt)));
if($page > $pageCount){$page = $pageCount;}

if($pageCount <= 0){$pageCount = 1;}

$prev = $page - 1;
$next = $page + 1;

if($prev < 1){$prev = 1;}
if($next > $pageCount){$next = $pageCount;}

if($page <= 1){
	$prevDisabled = " DISABLED";
	$prevDisabled = "";

if($pageCount <= 1){
	$selectDisabled = " DISABLED";
	$selectDisabled = "";

$str[] = "<div>";
	$str[] = " <input type=button class='flatButton' value='<<' onClick=\"window.location='".$link."?page=".$prev."';\"".$prevDisabled.">";

	$str[] = "<select name=page onChange=\"window.location='".$link."?page=' + this.value;\" style='font: normal 8pt Arial;'".$selectDisabled.">";
	for($i=1; $i <= $pageCount; $i++){
		if($i < ($pageCount)){$sep = "   ";}
		else{$sep = "";}
		if($i == $page){
//                                      $str[] = "<b>".$i."</b>".$sep;
//                                      $str[] = "<a href='".$link."?page=".$i."'>".$b.$i.$bc."</a>".$sep;
		if($i == $page){$selected = " SELECTED";}
		else{$selected = "";}
		$from	= ($i * $cnt)-($cnt - 1);
		$to		= ($from + $cnt)-1;
		$str[] = "<option value='".$i."'".$selected.">".$from." to ".$to."</option>";
	$str[] = "</select>";
	if($pageCount <= 0){
		$str[] = "<b>".$i."</b>".$sep;

	if($page == $pageCount){
		$nextDisabled = " DISABLED";
		$nextDisabled = "";

	$str[] = "<input type=button class='flatButton' value='>>' onClick=\"window.location='".$link."?page=".$next."';\"".$nextDisabled.">";

$str[] = "</div>";

return implode("\n",$str);



and also here is the "perPageSelect" function:


function perPageSelect($cnt,$redirect='searchResults.php',$urlVars=""){

$arr[] = 5;
$arr[] = 10;
$arr[] = 25;
$arr[] = 50;
$arr[] = 100;
$arr[] = 200;
$arr[] = 500;
$arr[] = "all";

$str[] = "<select name='pp' onChange=\"window.location='./".$redirect."?cnt=' + this.value;\" style='font: normal 8pt Arial;'>";

for($i=0; $i < count($arr); $i++){
	if($arr[$i] == $cnt){$sel = " SELECTED";}
	else{$sel = "";}
	$str[] = "<option value='".$arr[$i]."'".$sel.">".$arr[$i]." per page</option>";

$str[] = "</select>";

return implode("\n",$str);


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