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PHP Business management system


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Hello, I was asked to build a small business management system, I think this is very common topic. Where staff can record product sales, record customer who buys the product, store product's details, calculate monthly revenue. I had searched around for the ready code, but couldn't get a nice one. If I got it, I would only customize the code to that specific company needs. Is there any package that you know of ? It could be either in PHP or Perl implementation using MySQL. Thank you.

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It's your call, but from personal experience I'll tell you that these little systems seem great initially then crash in a burn of fire when the business grows. New needs arise and the system can't handle it. Here are some examples:


* Need to export data to quickbooks

* Need to integrate with third party system


You might say, hey I'll just change the code. If the chosen system allows you to do that it might work, but it just puts a bandaid on a larger problem. Uh oh, you've now broken the upgrade path. But wait, anytime they want a change I'll do the work. Oh wait, they get pissed off at you because they're paying you too much, now what? Now they are SOL with a custom built system that no one knows of and cannot maintain. They're forced to scrap the whole thing or pay someone else far more than they need to, all because you've put them in a bad position by making a poor technology choice from the get go.


Go with something well known and support. It's your responsibility.

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