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Ordered mysql Lists


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I have a little predicament. i have a section of code where the user selects an option to show a list. the script searches one table for the selcted options and then a query gets the name to display from another table.

the problem is i need the ouput to be listed alphabetically.


so, as it stand it does this:

user selects a list to view.

the script gets the entries from the db that match the users query.

each entry then gets the name to display from another table using the id.

the script outputs the data.


How can i get the names to be listed alphabetically. without editing the first table to contain the name.


here is the code:

$koslistaccess = $_SESSION['koslist'];
echo "<br /><br /><u><b>KOS List</b></u><br /><br />";

if ($koslistaccess != 'yes') {
echo "You are not authorized to view this page.";
}elseif($koslistaccess == 'yes'){
//show form to show citadel members, kos alliances, kos corps, kos pilots.
Please select a list to view from the selection below:<br />
<form action="?c=koslist" method="post" name="koslist">
<select name="list">
		<option value="1">KOS</option>
		if($_SESSION['admin'] == 'yes')
			echo '<option value="2">The Citadel</option>';
<select name="type">
		<option value="alliance">Alliances</option>
		<option value="corp">Corporations</option>
		<option value="pilot">Pilots</option>
<input type="hidden" name="search" value="yes" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Select" />
//get the full list.
//get alliances first
//then get corps
//then get people
if($_POST['search'] == 'yes'){
	$list = $_POST['list'];
	$type = $_POST['type'];
	if($type == 'alliance'){
		$typeidkos = "all";
		$typeidkb = "all";
	}elseif($type == 'corp'){
		$typeidkos = "corp";
		$typeidkb = "crp";
	}elseif($type == 'pilot'){
		$typeidkos = "pil";
		$typeidkb = "plt";
$queryko = "SELECT * FROM kos_".$type." WHERE ".$typeidkos."_access='".$list."'";
$resultko = mysql_query($queryko);
$numrows = mysql_num_rows($resultko);
if ($numrows == 0){
	echo "<br />No matches found.";
	//start the table
	echo "<table border='1' width='250'>";
	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultko,MYSQL_NUM)){
		//get the table contents
		$allid = $row[0];
		//get the name from kb db
		echo $querykb = "SELECT * FROM kb3_".$type."s WHERE ".$typeidkb."_id='".$allid."'";
		echo $querykb;
		$resultkb = mysql_query($querykb);
		while($rowkb = mysql_fetch_array($resultkb,MYSQL_NUM)){
			$name = $rowkb[1];
			echo "<tr><td>".$name."</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
	echo "<br />Please select an option.";

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yes i know, but the first table the query runs on doesn't contain the name of the entry, so there is nothing to sort. i could sort by ID but this still wouldnt order the output alphabetically. once the script has an entry in the first table it THEN gets the name from a second table. because that section is this:

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultko,MYSQL_NUM)){
		//get the table contents
		$allid = $row[0];
		//get the name from kb db
		echo $querykb = "SELECT * FROM kb3_".$type."s WHERE ".$typeidkb."_id='".$allid."'";
		echo $querykb;
		$resultkb = mysql_query($querykb);
		while($rowkb = mysql_fetch_array($resultkb,MYSQL_NUM)){
			$name = $rowkb[1];
			echo "<tr><td>".$name."</td></tr>";



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right, i have tried a few tests with a JOIN and i keep getting this error: #1052 - Column 'all_id' in on clause is ambiguous


this is the query im running:


SELECT * FROM kos_alliance JOIN kb3_alliances ON all_id = all_id


both tables have a column called all_id


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