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Aligning and bold text in email message


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Was wondering if i could get a quick hand in this, i have an email facility in my program which automatically send emails.


Now i am spending too much time getting the look of the email right and am not getting anywhere, i am trying to get bold texts around the main headings in the email by putting the <b>, </b> but they just appear on the actual message.


Does anyone have a idea on the code for bold text and aligning texts.


Many Thanks


This is my code


$to = "gds@googlemail.com";
$subject = "Technical Query Progress";
$body = "Dear Client\n 
There has been an amendment made in your submitted Query \n \n
Enquiry Number			".$formID."\n
Issue Title			".$issuetitle."\n
System Affected			".$systemaffected."\n\n
Issue Details by the Client\n
Analyst Support Comments\n    
Priority Level			".$prioritylevel."\n\n
Status of Query		".$status."\n

Thank You

Jupiter Development Support Analyst 


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if I am understanding you correctly you want the recipient of the email to have a better formatted email(with bold titles and better alignment)?


IF that is the case then you simply need to send the email in HTML format and then you can use any/all email formatting tags to do what you need.


you'll have to do some reading on the structure of text/html emails


$body = "Dear Client<br />
There has been an amendment made in your submitted Query <br />
<strong>Inquiry Number: </strong>".$formID.".... and so on....


hope this helps to at least get you going in the right direction.

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