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Search Engine for a website?


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I posted a question last week about a search engine script I was working on that would use php to search my mysql database. Once my problems with my own script started to snowball a bit, I decided I may need to just go with a pre-made search engine that I can just implement into my site. I tried using google's search engine, but it did not seem to recognize the pages on my site that output text from my database using php. Does anyone know of a free or cheap search engine that would be able to do this?

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I posted a question last week about a search engine script I was working on that would use php to search my mysql database. Once my problems with my own script started to snowball a bit, I decided I may need to just go with a pre-made search engine that I can just implement into my site. I tried using google's search engine, but it did not seem to recognize the pages on my site that output text from my database using php. Does anyone know of a free or cheap search engine that would be able to do this?


Google does work. I have used it in the past. One of the initial problems that I had was that it took a week or so for my pages to even be crawled once they were created. If it's for a business site, you have a better chance of getting it to work if you follow the steps that they outline on their site. I read over it once to see about our site as well as the company I work for.


The main points that I took away were:

1. Register for Google analytics

2. Have your site linked to as many other sites as possible (i.e. the more incoming links, the more sites that link to yours, the better)

3. Properly formatted links according to HTML DOCTYPE standards so the spider can crawl them easier (i.e. each <a> tag needs a title and/or rel attribute as well)

4. Put your business on Google maps

5. Create a Google sitemap

6. There are some more.


If you go to Google's homepage and click on business solutions, you can see all the different types of things you can do.

This page answers most of those questions.




If you're looking for something lightweight, it shouldn't be too hard to code up something with MySQL LIKE and multiple input boxes. I've also done that. Though, I have no idea how complex your site is.

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