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I have some code that is throwing an error because it is looking for an object,

but my javascript is not as good as I would like it to be.


So to begin with I have an html page that calls process() using onload()

in this page is a text box with the id="myName"


the exact error occurs in the handleServerResponse() function

error =    //get the text message, which is in the first child of the document element

                helloMessage = xmlDocumentElement.firstChild.data;


evidently helloMessage is supposed to receive an object but dosen't

I tried using alerts to pin point the exact problem but I don't know what

xmlDocumentElement.firstChild.data; is supposed to do??


the php is really straight forward and is called with this line of code

xmlHttp.open("GET", "quckstart.php?name=" + name, true);

I'll post this code under the javascript

I think the problem is that the php page is not returning an object but

how do I check this?



//the process function & the handleServerResponse functions


function process(){


  //proceed only if the xmlhttp object isn't busy

  if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4 || xmlHttp.readyState == 0){


  //retrive the name typed by the user on the form

  name = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("myName").value);


  //execute the quickstart.php page from the server

  xmlHttp.open("GET", "quckstart.php?name=" + name, true);


  //define the method to handle server responses

  xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = handleServerResponse;


  //make the server request


  } else {

  // if the connection is busy try again after one second 

  setTimeout('process()', 1000);

    }//end function process()



//executed automatically when a messageis received from the server

function handleServerResponse(){ 


  //move forward only if the transactiion has completed

  if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4){

  //status of 200 indicates the transaction completed successfully

  if(xmlHttp.status == 200){


    //extract the xml retrived from the server

    xmlResponse = xmlHttp.responseXML;


    //obtain the document element (the root element) of the xml structure

    xmlDocumentElement = xmlResponse.documentElement;


    //get the text message, which is in the first child of the document element

    helloMessage = xmlDocumentElement.firstChild.data;


    //update the client display using the data received from the server

    document.getElementById("divMessage").innerHTML = '<i>' + helloMessage + '</i>';


    //restart sequence

    setTimeOut('process()', 1000);

  } else {//a http status different than 200 signals an error

    alert("there was a problem accessing the server: " + xmlHttp.StatusTest);



}//end function handleserverresponse()


// begin php scripting


//we'll generate xml output

header('Content-Type: text/xml');

//generate xml header

echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="URF-8" standalone="yes"?>';


// create the <response element

echo '<response>';


//retrive the user name

$name = $_GET['name'];


//generate output depending on the user name received from client

$userNames = array('CRISTIAN', 'BOGDAN', 'FILIP', 'MIHAI', 'YODA');

if (in_array(strtoupper($name), $userNames))

  echo 'Hello, master ' . htmlentities($name) . '!';

else if (trim($name) == '')

  echo 'Stranger, please tell me your name!';


  echo htmlentities($name) . ', I don\'t know you!';


//close the <response> element

echo '</response>';



//any insight would be greatly appreciated

// thank you

// kevin


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