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Can someone show me how to amend L10FmX.php so I can send attachments?

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Hi, I am new here, I did a quick search, but could find no info on the topic.


I have not used PHP much, and wondered if the following code be easily amened so that I can allow customers to upload their attachments to my form and receive their attachment along with their submitted email?


The code is as follows


// L10Fm - v1.01 rel 1 (12/10/03)
// requirements for session data - 
//	1. LevelTen Hit Counter PHP v3.15 rel 3
//	2. L10HC_API.php v3.15 v1.0 rel 1

// confinguration variables

// List all domains, including posible subdomains (e.g. www.) that are allowed to submit 
// requests to this script and the domains of any posible recipient email address.

$validReferrers = array('www.arena-kitchens.co.uk', 'arena-kitchens.co.uk', 'www.arenakitchens.co.uk', 'arenakitchens.co.uk', 'www.alarisavenue.co.uk', 'alarisavenue.co.uk');

// Use the this array (or create new arrays with a different association) to replace
// setting fields in the form. Don't delete the 'default' array.

$formAction['default'] = array(
'recipient' => '[email protected]',
'recipient_cc' => '',
'recipient_bcc' => '',
'subject' => 'Quote Form',	
'redirect' => 'http://www.arena-kitchens/thanks.html',
'email' => '',	
'realname' => '',	
'required' => '',
'format' => 'html',	
'sesrep_max_items' => '10',

// If set to 0, the form can set the email recipient. For security reasons you should 
// set this variable to 1. 

$disableFormRecipients = 1;

// Start of code
// Don't edit below this line

$pageHdr = "<html><head><style>td {font: x-small, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;} h1 {font-size: medium;} .err {color: #EE0000; font-weight: bold;}</style></head><body bgcolor=#FFFFFF><table width='500' align=center><tr><td>";
$pageFtr = "</td></tr>\n</body></html>";

$L10_LIBLoaded = 0;
if(file_exists("../L10_LIB.php")) {
$L10_LIBLoaded = 1;	

$a = preg_replace("/https?:\/\//","",$HTTP_REF);
$a = explode("/",$a);
$a = array_shift($a);

if(!in_array($a,$validReferrers)) {
print "$pageHdr<p class=err>Invalid Referrer '$a'</p><p>Referrer does not have permission to access this LevelTen Formmail script.<p>For help on this issue, see <a href='http://www.leveltendesign.com/L10Apps/Fm/help_troubleshooting.php#invalidReferrer?hct=L10Fm-ErrMsg' target=_blank>LevelTen Formmail troubleshooting</a>$pageFtr";

if(($_POST['form_action'] == '') || ($formAction[$_POST['form_action']]['recipient'] == '')) {
$fAIndex = 'default';
} else {
$fAIndex = $_POST['form_action'];

$recipient  = (!$disableFormRecipients && ($_POST['recipient'] != '')) ? $_POST['recipient'] : $formAction[$fAIndex]['recipient'];
$subject  = ($_POST['subject'] != '') ? $_POST['subject'] : $formAction[$fAIndex]['subject'];
$redirect = ($_POST['redirect'] != '') ? $_POST['redirect'] : $formAction[$fAIndex]['redirect'];
$email = ($_POST['email'] != '') ? $_POST['email'] : $formAction[$fAIndex]['email'];
$realname = ($_POST['realname'] != '') ? $_POST['realname'] : $formAction[$fAIndex]['realname'];
$recipient_cc  = (!$disableFormRecipients && ($_POST['recipient_cc'] != '')) ? $_POST['recipient_cc'] : $formAction[$fAIndex]['recipient_cc'];
$recipient_bcc  = (!$disableFormRecipients && ($_POST['recipient_bcc'] != '')) ? $_POST['recipient_bcc'] : $formAction[$fAIndex]['recipient_bcc'];
$format = ($_POST['format'] != '') ? $_POST['format'] : $formAction[$fAIndex]['format'];
$required  = ($_POST['required'] != '') ? $_POST['required'] : $formAction[$fAIndex]['required'];
$sesrep_max_items  = ($_POST['sesrep_max_items'] != '') ? $_POST['sesrep_max_items'] : $formAction[$fAIndex]['sesrep_max_items'];
$recipient_secured  = ($_POST['recipient_secured'] != '') ? $_POST['recipient_secured'] : $formAction[$fAIndex]['recipient_secured'];

$a = explode("@",$recipient);
$a = array_pop($a);
if(!in_array($a,$validReferrers)) {
print "$pageHdr<p class=err>Invalid Recipient '$recipient'</p><p> Email address does not have permission to relay through this LevelTen Formmail script.<p>For help on this issue, see <a href='http://www.leveltendesign.com/L10Apps/Fm/help_troubleshooting.php#invalidReferrer?hct=L10Fm-ErrMsg' target=_blank>LevelTen Formmail troubleshooting</a>$pageFtr";

$rccArray = explode(",",$recipient_cc);
$recipient_cc = '';
if($rccArray[0] != '') {
foreach($rccArray as $rcc) {
	$a = explode("@",$rcc);
	$a = array_pop($a);
	if(in_array($a,$validReferrers)) {
		$recipient_cc .= "$rcc,";	
$recipient_cc = substr($recipient_cc,0,-1);

$rbccArray = explode(",",$recipient_bcc);
$recipient_bcc = '';
if($rbccArray[0] != '') {
foreach($rbccArray as $rbcc) {
	$a = explode("@",$rbcc);
	$a = array_pop($a);
	if(in_array($a,$validReferrers)) {
		$recipient_bcc .= "$rbcc,";	
$recipient_bcc = substr($recipient_bcc,0,-1);

$a = explode(",",$required);
if($a[0] != '') {
foreach($a as $req) {
	if($_POST[$req] == '') {
		print "$pageHdr<p class=err>Required Field '$req' is missing!</p><p> You must input a value for this field before submitting<p align=center><a href=\"".$HTTP_REFERER."\">back to form</a>$pageFtr";

$htmlFormat = (strtolower(substr($format,0,1)) == 'h');

$msg = '';
if($htmlFormat) {
$msg = "<html><head><style>td {font: x-small, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;} .fldname {font-weight:bold;font-size:x-small;} .flddata {font-size:x-small;} .tblhdr { font-size:x-small;font-weight:bold;color:#FFFFFF;background-color=#000088}</style></head><body>\n";
$msg .= "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=640>\n";
$msg .= "<tr><td colspan=3 class='tblhdr'>Form Data</td></tr>\n";
} else {
$msg = "Form data\n\n";

$bl0 = '';
$bl1 = '';
$ld = ' ';
$el = "\n\n";

$creditStrAdd = '';

if($htmlFormat) {
$bl0 = '<tr bgcolor=#E8E8FF><td class="fldname" valign=top>';
$bl1 = '<tr bgcolor=#FFFFFF><td class="fldname" valign=top>';
$ld = '</td><td>   </td><td width=80% class="flddata">';
$el = "</td></tr>\n";
$i = 0;
foreach($_POST as $k => $v) {
if($htmlFormat) {
	$v = str_replace("\n","<br>\n",$v);
if($i) {
	$msg .= "$bl0$k:$ld$v$el";	
} else {
	$msg .= "$bl1$k:$ld$v$el";	
$i = !$i;

if(file_exists("../L10HC_API.php")) {
$vID = getVID();
if($htmlFormat) {
	$msg .= "<tr><td colspan=3><br> <br></td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=3 border=1>";
	$creditStrAdd = ' & LevelTen Hit Counter';
} else {
	$msg .= "\n\n";
	$creditStrAdd = ' & LevelTen Hit Counter';
$msg .= getSessions($vID,$max_sessions,$recipient_secured,$htmlFormat+1);
if($htmlFormat) {
	$msg .= "</td></tr>\n";
} else {


if($htmlFormat) {
$msg .= "<tr><td colspan=3> </td></tr><tr><td colspan=3 align=center>Generated by<br>LevelTen Formmail$creditStrAdd<td></tr></table></body></html>\n";
} else {
$msg .= "\n\nGenerated by LevelTen Formmail$creditStrAdd\n";

$extraHeaders = "";
if($email != '') { $extraHeaders .= "From: \"".addslashes($realname)."\" <".$email.">\r\n"; }
if($realname != '') { $extraHeaders .= "Reply-To: $email\r\n"; }
if($htmlFormat == 'h') { $extraHeaders .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n"; }
if($recipient_cc != '') { $extraHeaders .= "Cc: $recipient_cc\r\n"; }
if($recipient_bcc != '') { $extraHeaders .= "Bcc: $recipient_bcc\r\n"; }

$success = 1;
$success = mail($recipient,$subject,$msg,$extraHeaders);

if(!$success && $L10_LIBLoaded) {
log_event("Unsuccesful Email Attempt: $recipient");

//print "mail($recipient,$subject,$msg,$extraHeaders)";
//print "$msg";

header("Location: $redirect");

It is possible for your script to be modified so it can send attachments with the emails.


You'll need to read up on file uploads and how to send an email attachment with php


If you want someone to do it for you, then please post a in the freelance forum instead.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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