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Hi all,


I am stumped in how to code this. What I am trying to do is to code this out so that it will give me...


foreach($_SESSION['products'] as $key => $value)
if(isset($_POST['Rating[0]']) && (isset($_POST['form2_submit'])))
//some more code goes here....


in the end.


Where 0 in  $_POST['Rating[0]'] is replaced $key so I can increment thru my foreach and  loop thru the keys and get all the POST data. But I am stuck and I tried...





and so forth and never get a value for $POST['Rating[0]'] and the rest when it exists, so I know I am not writing it correctly in my foreach loop.


Does this make sense?


Thanks for the help.



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Yep, that was it.


That solved that. But now I ended up with another issue.


I have an array for this item that I want the user to rate. And I am checking to see if they picked a value or not and I am testing it, but I always get a true and its not correct.


Here are the values for the array:


// $key added to make the drop down dynmamic and uses the $key from the foreach loop
function makeDropListKey($name,$list,$selected="",$key) {
  // $name       select name
  // $list       array of value, label pair
  // $selected   selected value
  global $x;//for the tab index
  global $key;//gets this value from the foreach loop
  while(list($value,$label) = each($list)) {
    $options .= '<option value="'.$value.'">'.$label.'</option>';
  $dropList = '<select name="'.$name.'['.$key.']" tabindex="'.$x.'">'.$options.'</select>'."\n";
  $dropList = ereg_replace("value=\"$selected\"","value=\"$selected\" selected",$dropList);
  return $dropList;

$label = array( "" => "Rate this video:", "1" => "1 Poor", "2" => "2", "3" => "3", "4" => "4", "5" => "5 Excellent"); // default for empty selected


And what I am testing for is the $key, but it will always test as TRUE since there is POST data for the keys. But unless they choose an item from the menu, there wont be a $value.


So how would I test for the $value dynamically instead of the $key?


Here is my $key test code:


foreach($_SESSION['products'] as $key => $value)
if(!isset($_POST['Rating'][$key]) && (isset($_POST['form2_submit'])))
				{ echo '<font face="Arial" color="#FF0000" size="+1"><b>' . $name . '</b></font>';
					} else { 
						echo $name . '</td>';
					//more code goes here that does not apply (for the $value)
		$list = makeDropListKey('Rating',$label,$_SESSION['Rating'][$key],$key); //used makeDropListKey which adds $key to make the Rating[$key]  <-- dyanamic ability to function
		echo $list;



I am sorry, I am not explaining myself very well. I don't think you understand what I need.


I need to test the value of Rating[0] - x to ensure they chose a value for each of the drop downs, and the default for each is "" => "Rate this video:"


So if I test for !empty and the $key, it would return that the $key is not empty and let them continue.


And they did not pick a value for each of the drop downs.


I have this in place now before my code...


					echo '$_POST[\'Rating\']['.$key.']\'=' . $_POST['Rating'][$key] . '<br><br>';


And if they do not select anything from the drop downs, it gives me...









I need to test that they picked one of the values for each of the ratings.


Does that make more sense now?


Thanks a lot,



empty($_POST['rating'][$key]) it is not checking the key it is checking the value of the item in the rating array.


Also I modified your code a bite:

makeDropListkey function

function makeDropListKey($name, $list, $selected='')
    // $name       select name
    // $list       array of value, label pair
    // $selected   selected value

    global $x;      // for the tab index
    global $key;    // gets this value from the foreach loop

    while(list($value, $label) = each($list))
        if($selected == $value)
            $options .= '<option value="'.$value.'" selected="selected">'.$label.'</option>';
             $options .= '<option value="'.$value.'">'.$label.'</option>';

    $dropList = '<select name="'.$name.'['.$key.']" tabindex="'.$x.'">'.$options.'</select>'."\n";

    return $dropList;


Form processing code:

    $label = array( ""  => "Rate this video:",
                    "1" => "1 Poor",
                    "2" => "2",
                    "3" => "3",
                    "4" => "4",
                    "5" => "5 Excellent"); // default for empty selected

    foreach($_SESSION['products'] as $key => $value)
        if(!isset($_POST['Rating'][$key]) || !empty($_POST['Rating'][$key]))
            echo '<font face="Arial" color="#FF0000" size="+1"><b>' . $name . '</b></font>';
    	    echo $name . '</td>';

        //more code goes here that does not apply (for the $value)
        //used makeDropListKey which adds $key to make the Rating[$key]  <-- dyanamic ability to function
    	$list = makeDropListKey('Rating', $label, $_SESSION['Rating'][$key]);

        echo $list;

Thanks for the mods and code cleanup (sorry, dreamweaver [and me] sometimes do not indent correctly)


I made your changes and it still did not identify when they did not pick a drop down. I played with this and got it working.


I had to change it to:


if(!isset($_POST['Rating'][$key]) || empty($_POST['Rating'][$key]))


And now, it they do not select a video, it will tell them.


Thanks for the help.


I think this is resolved, unless you see something I missed?



Ohh! Another syntax error escaped passed me again, must slow down on my typing :( however you managed to correct it. Glad I could help.


Dreamweaver is not the best tool in the box when it comes to PHP. I only use it for HTML/CSS I use a separate PHP IDE for my PHP coding.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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