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Conditional subpattern


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I was working on kinda complex regex lately, I have it done now, but I was wonderin if there was a way to minify the code.


Here's that I was pondering about:


Sample text:


<a href="LINK">LINK</a>


And sample pattern:


_(?:<a href=")?(LINK)(?:">)?/1(?:<\/a>)?_i




I only wanna grab LINK, thus :? (non-capturing parentheses). I want this to apply to LINK and also to <a href="LINK">LINK</a> so I put those tag parts in optional parentheses ()?. What I was wondering is, if there is way to say to the regex engine, if it didn't match (<a href=")? it doesn't need to match (">)? and (<a\/>) as it will only appear when together.


I found conditional patterns (?(condition)yes-pattern|no-patter) but couldn't figure out how to use them and if it's even possible to do.


Any help much appreciated.

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It was a thing for friend, he wanted to replace all e-mails, e.g.:


<a href="mailto:email@email.com">email@email.com</a>


with his <script> that would document.write the mail - as an anti-spam feature (although this solution is terrible).


So I created this function, to accomodate for all three possibilites (I know it has flaws):


function removeMails($text){   
        $pattern = '_(?:<a href=")?(?:mailto:)?([-[:alnum:]]+?)@([-[:alnum:]]+?)\.([-[:alnum:]]{2,}?)(?:">[^"\']+</a>)?_i';
        $replace = "<script type='text/javascript'>spam_email('%s', '@', '%s', '%s');</script>";
        $sanitize = create_function('$matches', 'return sprintf("<script type=\'text/javascript\'>spam_email(\'%s\', \'@\', \'%s\', \'%s\');</script>", $matches[3], $matches[2], $matches[1]);');
        return preg_replace_callback($pattern, $sanitize, $text);


Only thing I'm curious about is whether I can put a conditional pattern in there as I said above.


P.S.: I know the e-mail pattern is lame, I'm going to replace it with better one. Not the RFC compliant, though (lol).

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