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Replace one word with another in lots of rows in a database

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Is there in any way (with MySQL or PHP or software) to replace one work with another in all rows in a table?


I have about 7000 product descriptions in Swedish and I need to translate them into English. The good thing is that all the description only contain a few words (I think that I just need to replace about 30 words in total to translate everything). The bad thing is that I don't know how to do that.


So I want to select all rows with the language id for English (currently all English decriptions are in Swedish) and then replace all occurances of a specific word with another specific word.


So UDPATE description ???? WHERE language_id = 5 is what I've figured wold be a start for an MySQL command... the problem is that I don't know what to put instead of ????.


Would it be possible to do that in PHP or MySQL? Could you help me with any kind of command (is that how you say it?) or any other help?


Regards /Oskar

Might be worth looking at the syntax in question http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/update.html. In the place where you put ? ? ? you will want the column name(s) that you are replacing.


However I suspect that the real problem is that you have a long piece of text, inside which you need to replace 1 word, that sounds more like a regular expression issue. In which case you want something like this:


UPDATE <table name> SET description = REPLACE(description, 'word', 'replacement') WHERE language_id = 5;

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