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yep... create your own news letter that stored in the dbase. (info) then create a page for the client to enter ther email address (register).  and then create a page to automate let say if you have a new information for your client it will automatically send to ther email adresess.  ;D

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ok so index.php could be


<form action="whatever.php"><input type="text" value="e-mail address"><input type=submit></FORM>


ok now what will go into whatever.php and what should i do in mysql? im new please guys :D


Saving stuff into a database, then e-mailing out to people is about a 20 step process, nobody is going to help you with 20 steps right here, you need to get a tutor or find a tutorial or something, there's way too much information to cover here.

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I think what generates that type of reply is your question, if you did some google'ing you could probably find quite a few answers to that question.  Furthermore, no one is a mind reader, so nobody knows if you already have tables set up, or some rough code, etc...


You'd probably be more successful if you had either more information, or even better some code you just needed help tweaking.


I can't speak for everyone on these forums, and I am new here myself, but I doubt the regular users here love it when people come and and basically say "I want somethings that does XXXX, write it for me"


In mysql you need a table to store you user info, this can simply be an id column and email_addy column, or can be quite extensive with all sorts of user data (names, addys, telephone, etc..)


in whatever.php your form needs to INSERT data into your MySQL table/dbase


your newsletter can be a file on the server, stored in another table, etc... and you need to choose how you send them the newsletter.


Will you administrate your email list behind the scenes?  will it automatically send them an email upon sign-up, etc....


Will the email be in html format or text or both?


Will they be able to unsubscribe


etc,,, etc,,,



So as you can see there is alot to consider/think about when taking on this sort of project/task, so it's easy to see why people may not be jumping out of the woodwork to write out a whole form, interface, db, functions, etc... and then have to tweak it a hundred times while you figure out what you want.

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aight, thanks for the heads up, i found this tutorial while using google, and i knew that this is a good tutorial but i cant really understand it. Where do i put the "CREATE TABLE nl_subscribe (  em varchar(75) NOT NULL default '',  status varchar(10) NOT NULL defult '') TYPE=MyISAM;"


how should i call my database and how should i call my table

also i dont understand where i put "$pt2="http://$SERVER_NAME$SCRIPT_NAME";

$pt2= substr($pt2,0,strlen($pt2)-21);  This will prepare url up to the root of the page to add the unsubscribe page name here .  Please note that the number 21 is the file name length including the extensions.

Now let us collect the email address from the database

$query="select em from nl_subscribe where status='subscribe'";




$msg2=$msg."<BR>To unsubscribe <a    href=$pt2"."unsub.php?email=$rowdata[em]>Click HERE</a>";


}//end of while loop"

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I see you took my advice seriously, because I was serious you don't learn anything unless you dive into the deep end without your water wings.  We are like the life guards if u start to sink we'll pull you out before brain damage occurs, but you gotta jump into the pool for us to help you.

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cooldude832, I'm loving your metaphors.




You need to enter that into your MySQL Database, if you don't have one, google: 'MySQL'.


Try reading the instructions and comments instead of C+P'ing.


Good luck and if you need help post back, but try yourself first, don't as soon as you get stuck run to a forum.


Happy PHPing.

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