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Pagination Problem


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Hey all,


I wrote a script to preform the basic pagination needs but for some reaons I cannot get the data to prin t to the screen when I click on the paginated page number (EG page #2). Everything prints fine for page one, but nothing shows up for page to or any other pages.


Heres the bit of code:

$link = ft_db_connect();

// now retrieve ALL submissions in this location
$table_id = information;
$_SESSION['city'] = $_POST['city'];
$sl = $_SESSION['city'];
$city_location = $sl;

$result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_entries FROM data_{$table_id} WHERE col_3 = '$city_location'") or die("Uh Oh" . mysql_error()); 
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $total_entries = $row[0];
$entries_per_page = 5;
if(isset($_GET['page_number'])) { $page_number = $_GET['page_number']; } else { $page_number = 1; }
$total_pages = ceil($total_entries / $entries_per_page);
$offset = ($page_number - 1) * $entries_per_page;

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ft_form_{$form_id} WHERE col_3 = '$city_location' LIMIT $offset, $entries_per_page") or die(mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  echo "<table>";
  echo "<tr><td><b>Location Name:</b> {$row['col_2']}</td></tr>";
  echo "<tr><td><b>City / Town:</b> {$row['col_3']}</td></tr>";
  echo "<tr><td><b>State / Province:</b> {$row['col_4']}</td></tr>";
  echo "<tr><td><b>GPS Data:</b> {$row['col_5']}</td></tr>";
  echo "<tr><td><b>Description:</b> {$row['col_6']}</td></tr>";
  echo "</table>";

  echo "<hr size=\"1\" />"; // just for display purposes to separate the entries

for($i = 1; $i <= $total_pages; $i++) { if($i == $page_number) { print "$i "; } 
  else { print "<a href='search.php?page_number=$i'>$i</a>"; } 


if (isset($_POST["submit"]) AND mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { 

echo "Sorry, there have been no submissions in this location.";


Now, you'll see $_SESSION['city'] = $_POST['city'] because I've been experimenting with trying to get this to work (it was originally $city = $_POST['city']  and the value is being pulled from posted data search from another page.


How do I store the original value of the search into a variable or into this code so the paginated data will show up on all pages?


I've been working on it for a bit now and it's really starting to drive me nuts lol.


Thanks in advance.

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Now, you'll see $_SESSION['city'] = $_POST['city'] because I've been experimenting with trying to get this to work (it was originally $city = $_POST['city']  and the value is being pulled from posted data search from another page.


How do I store the original value of the search into a variable or into this code so the paginated data will show up on all pages?


just change $_SESSION['city'] = ... to $city = $_REQUEST['city']; that will capture post and get methods. then add the city as a var to your pagination url like

<a href='search.php?city=$city&page_number=$i'>


that should fix the other problem, as when you click on a subsequent page past the first result, you redefine your city location based on the posted var (which is no longer posted, we are using get now..)


here, just use this...


$link = ft_db_connect();

// now retrieve ALL submissions in this location
$table_id = information;
$city_location = $_REQUEST['city'];

$result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_entries FROM data_{$table_id} WHERE col_3 = '$city_location'") or die("Uh Oh" . mysql_error()); 
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $total_entries = $row[0];
$entries_per_page = 5;
if(isset($_GET['page_number'])) { $page_number = $_GET['page_number']; } else { $page_number = 1; }
$total_pages = ceil($total_entries / $entries_per_page);
$offset = ($page_number - 1) * $entries_per_page;

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ft_form_{$form_id} WHERE col_3 = '$city_location' LIMIT $offset, $entries_per_page") or die(mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  echo "<table>";
  echo "<tr><td><b>Location Name:</b> {$row['col_2']}</td></tr>";
  echo "<tr><td><b>City / Town:</b> {$row['col_3']}</td></tr>";
  echo "<tr><td><b>State / Province:</b> {$row['col_4']}</td></tr>";
  echo "<tr><td><b>GPS Data:</b> {$row['col_5']}</td></tr>";
  echo "<tr><td><b>Description:</b> {$row['col_6']}</td></tr>";
  echo "</table>";

  echo "<hr size=\"1\" />"; // just for display purposes to separate the entries

for($i = 1; $i <= $total_pages; $i++) { if($i == $page_number) { print "$i "; } 
  else { print "<a href='search.php?city=$city_location&page_number=$i'>$i</a>"; } 


if (isset($_POST["submit"]) AND mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { 

echo "Sorry, there have been no submissions in this location.";

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Thanks Benjamin its finally working. I tried using the $_REQUEST method before but was setting it up wrong.


I have another question if I could, I wish to allow visitors the chance to update a row if that particular row comes up empty.


I tried using the following code (I surrounded it in #'s for this post only. It's not actually in my code):


$link = ft_db_connect();

// now retrieve ALL submissions in this location
$table_id = information;
$city_location = $_REQUEST['city'];

$result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_entries FROM data_{$table_id} WHERE col_3 = '$city_location'") or die("Uh Oh" . mysql_error()); 
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $total_entries = $row[0];
$entries_per_page = 5;
if(isset($_GET['page_number'])) { $page_number = $_GET['page_number']; } else { $page_number = 1; }
$total_pages = ceil($total_entries / $entries_per_page);
$offset = ($page_number - 1) * $entries_per_page;

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ft_form_{$form_id} WHERE col_3 = '$city_location' LIMIT $offset, $entries_per_page") or die(mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  echo "<table>";
  echo "<tr><td><b>Location Name:</b> {$row['col_2']}</td></tr>";
  echo "<tr><td><b>City / Town:</b> {$row['col_3']}</td></tr>";
  echo "<tr><td><b>State / Province:</b> {$row['col_4']}</td></tr>";
  echo "<tr><td><b>GPS Data:</b> {$row['col_5']}</td></tr>";
  echo "<tr><td><b>Description:</b> {$row['col_6']}</td></tr>";
  echo "</table>";

##################### NEW CODE #######################
if ($row ['col_6'] == "") {

echo "<form action='$_SERVER[php_SELF]' method='post'>";
echo "<input type='text' name='description'>";
echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit Information'>";
echo "</form>";

$description = $_POST['description'];

$query="UPDATE ft_form_{$form_id} SET description='$description'";

################## END NEW CODE ##########################

echo "<hr size=\"1\" />"; // just for display purposes to separate the entries


for($i = 1; $i <= $total_pages; $i++) { if($i == $page_number) { print "$i "; } 
  else { print "<a href='search.php?city=$city_location&page_number=$i'>$i</a>"; } 


if (isset($_POST["submit"]) AND mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { 

echo "Sorry, there have been no submissions in this location.";


The function works as in it shows up if that particular field is empty but I need two things from this:


1. To find any empty field not just the one I have as shown above if possible.

2. To actually be able to update the table if that information is submitted.


Seems I'm hitting a brick wall again. Only thing that happens when new information is submitted is the default "Sorry, there have been no submissions in this location." message is shown. I know I'm missing something simple I just don't know what.


Again, thanks for all of your help guys.

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Sorry for reposting, but I wasn't able to modify my original post.


For this section of code:

$description = $_POST['description'];

$query="UPDATE ft_form_{$form_id} SET description='$description'";


I'm actually using this:

if (isset($_POST[submit])) {
$form_id = 24;
$id = $row["submission_id"];
$new_description = $_POST["description"];

$query = "UPDATE `ft_form_{$form_id} SET `description` = '{$new_description}' WHERE submission_id = '{$id}'";


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Actually, let me reword this.


I know the syntax for modifying a database. What I want to know is, which one is better to use for the visitor side if I created a function that only shows a form based on an empty field, would it be UPDATE or INSERT?


What I'm trying to accomplish is, after everything prints (which it does) if there is a field that is empty (say for example:

  echo "<tr><td><b>GPS Data:</b> {$row['col_5']}</td></tr>";

), I am trying to successfully allow a user to enter that data and update the database with the submitted code.


Hope that makes sense. I just need a fresh pair of eyes to help me distinguish where I'm going wrong.





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