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hi everyone!


i ve installed apache on my laptop and a problem is occured with my router.

when i try to get in my router typing its address, the first page of apache is displayed.

then i tried to stop apache, i uninstalled apache, but nothing.


i cannot get in my router. Can you help me to solve the problem?

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Apache should not affect your router.  You are most probably going to your computers LAN address (eg, which would of been assigned by your router. Your router will have its own IP Address, normally it is something like or the correct address will be mentioned in yours routers manual.

Hold on. How on earth did you manage to install Apache to your routers ip address. I just tried setting my Apache installation to my routers IP address and Apache fails to load.


Anyway If Apache was listening on then surely your computer wont be able to connect to the internet as no IP address was assigned by your router. What is the make and model of your router?


Seems strange to me.

can i see anywhere if apache has been assigned router IP?

By having a look in Apaches configuration file which is called httpd.conf


level one i do not remember the model.

The make and model is usually printed on the base of the router itself and the manual.


logically i know that it would have is a loop back address. This ip is used by your computer.

Yes you can in the httpd.conf. However can you access your router if you stop Apache? If you still can't access your router after Apache has stopped then either your router is borked or your routers address is not (this the most likely scenario)


Is your router attached to your PC? What yppe of router is it (Wired or Wireless).


Can you post the model and make of your router. If you tell me this then I can search for the manual for  that router to understand how it works. I still standby what I said last time though. This has got to be your computers LAN address. Your computers LAN address will not be the same as your routers address.


Yes you can in the httpd.conf. However can you access your router if you stop Apache? If you still can't access your router after Apache has stopped then either your router is borked or your routers address is not (this the most likely scenario)


Is your router attached to your PC? What yppe of router is it (Wired or Wireless).


Can you post the model and make of your router. If you tell me this then I can search for the manual for  that router to understand how it works. I still standby what I said last time though. This has got to be your computers LAN address. Your computers LAN address will not be the same as your routers address.




1. i can't access my router although stop apache

2. the type of router is wireless

3. my router is LEVEL ONE WBR 3460

4. I have 2 notebooks. the first (new) access internet ok. i can access my router in address

the older is that i tell you about the problem with apache. I CANT ACCESS MY ROUTER FROM THIS NOTEBOOK.

Although it is connected to my network, its connected only locally i cant access internet.




I now see what your problem is. First make sure Apache is completely stopped. I presume you're on Windows XP - the following steps should work on Vista.


To stop Apache from starting up automatically go to Start > Run and type in services.msc into the Run box. Click OK and the services window will open. Now in the list of services you should find the Apache service. Right click on the Service and click Properties. Press the Stop button if Apache is already running. When the service has stopped, look just above the Start Stop and Restart buttons you find the Startup Type pull down menu. It should be set to Automatic, if it is click the menu and choose Manual. Now click ok to all open dialog boxes. The Apache service will now not startup when Windows starts.


NOTE: The following maybe different if your have Vista, I believe you can do this from Control Panel under the Network category. The following will work if you're using XP. You'll also want to consult your routers manual too.


Now to get your laptop to reconnect to your router you'll need to re-setup the Wireless connection. You can do this within windows by using the Wireless Network Setup Wizard by going Start > All Programs > Accessories > Communications > Wireless Network Setup Wizard

Run through the wizard to reconnect your laptop to your wireless network. You'll most probably need to provide your WEP or WAP/WAP2 key in order for your laptop to connect to the wireless. This would of been setup when you installed your router.


Once your laptop is reconnected I will help you to reconfigure Apache to use a different IP Address.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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