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setting default value for a from text box


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setting default value for a from text box


so i created a form with username firstname lastname and description.

I wanted the description field to be filled with a default value of "worker", but if they type over that, i wanted it to enter that value into db.


i just didnt know if the value="worker" will almost make the desciprtion box worker.

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If your setting a default value for a specific set of data (one the user cannot customise) you really want to use a drop down menu instead.


If your users can customise the data in the field then you would only need to check for a blank or null value and then use an if statement like this,



if ($_POST['myvalue']==="") {
$myvalue = "worker";



Of course you would have first validated the post variable before reaching this point.

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yeah not text areas, these will be text box's.


by default i want the text box to say "worker" but also give them an option to type in whatever over that..


but i dont want it to pass the default text "worker"  if its been typed over.


I think if i used "value=worker" for a text box, regardless of what they put in, it will always be worker.

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Incorrect. Value will be ignored if the user typed in something different. This is really on the browser side of things though... so if it's not working for you, try using a standardized browser like FireFox, Opera, or even IE7.

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Ah no, as discomatt says if another value is written into the textbox the default will be ignored so you can safely use the attribute value="worker" for a default value.

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