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displaying search results EG Country in BOLD


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Hey Everybody, I really hope that someone can help me here, I am stuck

I cannot get the actual search result to display BOLD in particular teh country parameter.


Can anybody please help me,


thanks in advance

the code is attached below


<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td valign="top"><?php
require_once "com/regexp.php";
$pagerows = 15;
$correct = array("key", "time", "type", "level", "sect", "loc", "ee", "p");
$parameters = array();
$cond = "(a.listid = b.listid)";
$parameters["key"] = "notset";
$parameters["time"] = "notset";
$parameters["type"] = "notset";
$parameters["level"] = "notset";
$parameters["sect"] = "notset";
$parameters["loc"] = "notset";
$parameters["ee"] = "notset";
$parameters["p"] = 1;
$keywords = array();
$errors = false;
$totalresults = 0;

while(list($k, $v) = each($_GET))
  if (in_array($k, $correct))
    if ($k == "key")
      $parameters[$k] = strip_tags($v);
      $parameters[$k] = $v;
if ($parameters["key"] != "")
  $parameters["key"] = str_replace(",", " ", $parameters["key"]);
  $keywords = explode(" ", $parameters["key"]);
  $addFirst = true;
  $addOR = false;
  foreach($keywords as $k)
    $k = trim($k);
    if (strlen($k) > 0)
      if ($addFirst)
        $cond .= " AND (";
        $addFirst = false;
      if ($addOR)
        $cond .= " OR";
        $addOR = true;
      $cond .= " listtitle like '%".$k."%' OR listempdesc like '%".$k."%' OR listskillstr like '%".$k."%'";
  if (!$addFirst)
    $cond .= ")";

if ($parameters["ee"] == 2)
  $cond .= " AND (listaa = 1)";
if ($parameters["ee"] == 3)
  $cond .= " AND (listaa = 0)";

if ($parameters["type"] != 0)
  $cond .= " AND (listtype = ".$parameters["type"].")";
if ($parameters["level"] != 0)
  $cond .= " AND (listlevel = ".$parameters["level"].")";
if ($parameters["sect"] != 0)
  $cond .= " AND (listsector = ".$parameters["sect"].")";
if ($parameters["loc"] == 2)
  $cond .= " AND (listcountry BETWEEN 4 AND 12)";
elseif ($parameters["loc"] == 3)
  $cond .= " AND (listcountry > 12)";
elseif ($parameters["loc"] > 3)
  $cond .= " AND (listcountry = ".$parameters["loc"].")";
$timecut = 0;
  case "1" :
    $timecut = (time() - (60 * 60 * 24 * 7));
  case "2" :
    $timecut = (time() - (60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 4));
$cond .= " AND (listdispdate > '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timecut)."')";
$validstartdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() - (60*60*24*30));
$validenddate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$cond .= " AND (listdispdate > '".$validstartdate."' AND listdispdate <= '".$validenddate."') AND (listactive = 1)";
<h1>Search results:</h1>
if (!$g_db)
if (!$g_db)
  echo "An error occurred while trying to execute your request, please trying again.";
  $nodisplay = false;
  $countries = array();
  $countries[] = "";$countries[] = "";$countries[] = "";
  $skilllevels = array();
  $jobtypes = array();
  $currencies = array();
  $sectors = array();
  $companies = array();
  $result = select_query(array("tblskilllevels"), array("skillleveltext"));
  if ($result == false || $result == -1)
    echo mysql_error();
    $nodisplay = true;
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
      $skilllevels[] = $row["skillleveltext"];
  $result = select_query(array("tblcountry"), array("countryname"));
  if ($result == false || $result == -1)
    echo mysql_error();
    $nodisplay = true;
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
      $countries[] = $row["countryname"];
  $result = select_query(array("tblcurrency"), array("curshort"));
  if ($result == false || $result == -1)
    echo mysql_error();
    $nodisplay = true;
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
      $currencies[] = $row["curshort"];
  $result = select_query(array("tblworkxtype"), array("worxtypetext"));
  if ($result == false || $result == -1)
    echo mysql_error();
    $nodisplay = true;
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
      $jobtypes[] = $row["worxtypetext"];
  $result = select_query(array("tblsector"), array("sectortext"));
  if ($result == false || $result == -1)
    echo mysql_error();
    $nodisplay = true;
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
      $sectors[] = $row["sectortext"];
  $result = select_query(array("tblrecruiterdetails"), array("recid", "reccompany"));
  if ($result == false || $result == -1)
    echo mysql_error();
    $nodisplay = true;
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
      $companies["\"".$row["recid"]."\""] = $row["reccompany"];
  $result = select_query(array("tbllistings as a", "tbllistingssum as b"), array("count(a.listid) as TOTAL"), $cond);
    if ($result == false || $result == -1)
    echo mysql_error();
    $nodisplay = true;
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
    $totalresults = $row["TOTAL"];
  $currentpage = (($parameters["p"] - 1) * $pagerows);
  $lastresult = (($currentpage + $pagerows) > $totalresults) ? $totalresults : $currentpage + $pagerows;
  if ($totalresults > 0)
    echo "Displaying ".($currentpage + 1)." - ".$lastresult." of ".$totalresults."<br>";
  $link = "main.php?usr=sek&lev=job&con=search&key=".$parameters["key"]."&time=".$parameters["time"];
  $link .= "&type=".$parameters["type"]."&level=".$parameters["level"]."&ampsect=".$parameters["sect"];
  $link .= "&loc=".$parameters["loc"]."&ee=".$parameters["ee"];
  if ($parameters["p"] > 1)
    echo "<a href=\"".$link."\">&laquo</a> | ";
    echo "<a href=\"".$link."&p=".($parameters["p"]-1)."\">&lt</a> | ";
  if ($lastresult < $totalresults)
    echo "<a href=\"".$link."&p=".($parameters["p"]+1)."\">&gt</a> | ";
    $lastpage = (($totalresults % $pagerows) == 0) ? floor($totalresults / $pagerows)
                          : (floor($totalresults / $pagerows) + 1);
    echo "<a href=\"".$link."&p=".$lastpage."\">&raquo</a>";
  $cond .= " LIMIT ".$currentpage.", ".$pagerows;
  $result = select_query(array("tbllistings as a", "tbllistingssum as b"), array("*"), $cond);
  if ($result == false || $result == -1)
    echo mysql_error();
    $nodisplay = true;
  echo "<br>";
  if ($nodisplay)
    echo "No result found matching your criteria";
    echo "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
    $counter = $currentpage + 1;
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
      $row["listtype"] = $jobtypes[$row["listtype"]-1];
      $row["listlevel"] = $skilllevels[$row["listlevel"]-1];
      $row["listcurrency"] = $currencies[$row["listcurrency"]-1];
     $row["listcountry"] = $countries[$row["listcountry"]-1];
      $row["listsector"] = $sectors[$row["listsector"]-1];
      $row["listdispdate"] = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($row["listdispdate"]));
      $row["recid"] = $companies["\"".$row["recid"]."\""];
      displayListing($row, $counter++);
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<hr>";
    <td width="185" align="center" valign="top"> </td>

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There's rather a lot of code there. Any chance of you narrowing down where you think the problem lies?


Perhaps it's just me, but i'm not entirely sure what the problem is either - perhaps showing us the current output and expected output would be useful too.

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sorry am new to this  this is the output part of the code, this is where I feel I could add the <B> to the country output



echo "<br>";

  if ($nodisplay)

    echo "No result found matching your criteria";



    echo "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">";

    $counter = $currentpage + 1;

    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))


      $row["listtype"] = $jobtypes[$row["listtype"]-1];

      $row["listlevel"] = $skilllevels[$row["listlevel"]-1];

      $row["listcurrency"] = $currencies[$row["listcurrency"]-1];

    $row["listcountry"] = $countries[$row["listcountry"]-1];

      $row["listsector"] = $sectors[$row["listsector"]-1];

      $row["listdispdate"] = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($row["listdispdate"]));

      $row["recid"] = $companies["\"".$row["recid"]."\""];

      displayListing($row, $counter++);


    echo "</table>";

    echo "<hr>";



Im not to sure if this will work but attached is the file out put now

Picture 2.png


and what I would like isPicture 3.png


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