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Unicode - PHP -> MySQL issues...


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hey there,


i'm in a desperate need of understanding some issues with UNICODE, i'll start by describing what is it that i need to do.


I need to form a TCP-IP POST operation into a PHP page which receives it and saves it into a MySQL data-base.

A. the required info is grabbed, converted to a proper HTML ENTITY, then is encrypted into a valid TCP-IP send and sent to the PHP page. [DONE OK.]

B. the PHP page now decrypts it and receives the HTML ENTITY. [DONE OK.]

C. the HTML ENTITY is to be saved in a MySQL server as the normal string/ UNICODE. [FAILS HERE!!!]


as you can see i have issues with conveying the HTML ENTITY into the MySQL database, when trying to use "html_entity_decode" before sending the content to the MySQL database it seems like it fails and returns the HTML ENTITY as is with no changes...


How do i Convert HTML ENTITY into a proper UNICODE string ?!

-->> i want to save the content in the database as it is received in the first place before any changes... so that the database will still be searchable !!!




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Yes you can, you just need to tell the database that it's utf-8 you're saving (and the database collations/charsets settings should be set to utf-8 of course):


Use this before your queries:

mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'", $connection);
mysql_query('SET CHARACTER SET utf8', $connection);

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oky that solves one part of the issue...


The שלום UNICODE string is now save'able on the database.

However, How can i transform the HTML ENTITY [ie. &#1502;&#1497;] to the normal UNICODE string in PHP?


seems like using: "html_entity_decode" function doesn't give a UNICODE string but an HTML ENTITY....

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You're right that


$str = 'ampersand#1502;';
echo html_entity_decode($str);


outputs a HTML entity (because the character isn't found in ASCII I guess), but I found this to work:


$str = 'ampersand#1502;';
echo html_entity_decode($str, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');


EDIT: ARGH! The ampersands are converted by the forum, so please change 'ampersand' with '&' above.

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welll bah!!!


my "Title" table entry is set for "utf8_unicode_ci" collation and after using the following code with:


i get the same thing [&#1513;&#1500;&#1493;&#1502;&#1497;&#1511] in the MySQL database - WHY ?!


mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'", $link);
mysql_query('SET CHARACTER SET utf8', $link);

$preTitle = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['pTitle']);
$Title = html_entity_decode($preTitle, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
echo Title;
/// Inserting to table.


all i want to do is to get that info sent to the PHP page:



to show on the MySQL table as:


[the decoded unicode string it represents]







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It is working for me :-\



$str = '&#1513;&#1500;&#1493;&#1502;&#1497;&#1511;';

echo html_entity_decode($str, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');








$str = '&#1513;&#1500;&#1493;&#1502;&#1497;&#1511;';

echo html_entity_decode($str, ENT_NOQUOTES);







Also, when you're already escaping the string, I would use ENT_NOQUOTES as the second parameter in the html_entity_decode function, to leave already escaped single and double quotes. But that has nothing to do with the entities.

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well since it didn't work for me online, [as it does work OK localy !!!] i'm using a different way to transfer the data into the PHP page...


Now, i can get the UNICODE string [שלומיק] to appear in the PHP page correctly [after the send and the conversions] but after i'm using the following to send it to the MySQL database, i get it in there as: [ùìåîé÷] which is not quite the same :)


$sql = 'INSERT INTO Table (
	`Var1`, ...)
	("'.$Title.'", ...)

mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'", $link);
mysql_query('SET CHARACTER SET utf8', $link);
$result = mysql_query($sql);



:'(  :'(  :'( why is there something that always messes things up ?!

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well... i don't get what u mean sir.


when i open "phpmyadmin" and click the Edit button then i write something in hebrew inside an entry ie, שלומיק and then i click save - it works perfectly...


however, when Insert it through the PHP page it shows as i've mentioned....

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of course i have it's just that i wasn't that sure about using PHP5...




i never thought it'll be that messy !!!! [i hate PHP!]


the thing is all i want to do is just the same as it is in PHPBB3 that you can place as a post subj whatever u wish, ie. "ффлыдоврфы ששחלדף does this work ?!" just tried that as a subject and it works just fine... and when u enter the table through phpmyadmin you can still find it just the same "ффлыдоврфы ששחלדף does this work ?!"


i've just tried: "aasd שלומי ффыввогйн" it was Inserted and all should be oky, however, when i try and look at the entry through phpmyadmin -> "aasd שלומי ?????????" is what i saw :'(


--> i've just checked and it seems like PHPBB3 is using "PHP Version 4.4.8" so i don't think this is the only reason as to why has my script failed the process.

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well.. sir, after your last comment i've went back to UTF8...


It seems like you were right, the:

html_entity_decode($Title, ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8");

failed because i was using the wrong PHP version. [which is now changed to PHP5]


However the other issue of seeing the data on the other side

[phpmyadmin] is still there...
-> i send: "akunhe שלומיק флгтру"

-> which is then converted [before send] to: "&#97;&#107;&#117;&#110;&#104;&#101;&#32;&#1513;&#1500;&#1493;&#1502;&#1497;&#1511;&#32;&#1092;&#1083;&#1075;&#1090;&#1088;&#1091;"

-> Then once received by the PHP page it is being converted by the above line to:
"akunhe ׳©׳œ׳•׳ž׳™׳§ ׁ„׀»׀³ׁ‚ׁ€ׁƒ" 

-> which is then sent to the MySQL db by:
$sql = 'INSERT INTO Table (
	`Var1`, ...)
	("'.$Title.'", ...)

mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8");
mysql_query('SET CHARACTER SET utf8');

$result = mysql_query($sql);



-> when i look it up in phpmyadmin i get that:

"akunhe שלומיק флгтру"


it's not yet what i'm trying to achieve :'(

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Edit: Disregard what was here..

All I can say is, that the code you're using is working for me. When you view these characters in your browser, are you sure that you've set the charset to UTF-8 with a meta tag (between <head> and </head> in you HTML)?

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i'm not viewing these through a web-page of mine, i'm viewing it through phpmyadmin and as i was saying when i'm opening the PHPBB3 tables and look for the entery: "ффлыдоврфы ששחלדף does this work ?!" [for example.] it shows it just fine.


also if i use the edit button and write something in heb/russian and then click the go [save] button it shows the same... but with the data that has been INSERTED through the PHP page it shows as i showed before: "akunhe שלומיק флгтру"


please if you have any idea for me to try... please help me...

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It must be when you convert the entities something goes wrong. Have you tried the scripts I've posted standalone?



$str = '&#1513;&#1500;&#1493;&#1502;&#1497;&#1511;';

echo html_entity_decode($str, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');



outputs (when browser is set to UTF-8):



What's your output?

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my output for the same...


oky i get what u'r saying.... when i change the pages' encoding to UTF8 it appears oky... but how come it's not the same in phpmyadmin ?! changing the pages' encoding there isn't that helpful... it stays as i told before...

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I'm pretty sure your browser is not set to UTF-8, then, 'cause when I change the character encoding to ISO-8859-1, I get similar chars compared to yours. If you're using Firefox, you can change the charset to UTF-8 under View > Character Encoding > Unicode (UTF-8). (If you haven't already set it using the meta tag). Going to bed now, I will check back tomorrow :)


Edit: Maybe an idea: Try an utf8_encode() on the string before inserting to the database. Might solve it!

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-> i'm 100% using UNICODE(UTF-8) in my browser.

-> i've tried using it with/without that "utf8_encode()"


I'm freakin crying here soon... why can't it just freakin' work... LET ME BE damn u PHP !!!!


by the way, how does this function work: "unicode_decode()"

cause it seems to not function at all, however it does exists in the PHP manuals...

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