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Hi Guys


I need a Help Please. I have a weired problem of uploading the video and converting it to flv.


I have a script written where first the original file get uploaded and then get converted into FLV file and the image for the same is extracted from the video. Please have a look at below code. when I submit the form the form start executing this code. Once the code started it uploads all the three above given file and they are converted very well so there is no issue for the same. But after that it goes into comma like status and shows the dialog in the attached image.



function GetExt($Filename)
$Extension = explode(".", $Filename);
   	$Extension_i = (count($Extension) - 1);
   	return $Extension[$Extension_i];
// How to use it

if(isset($_POST) && isset($_FILES))


switch ($_POST['category']) {
	case 1:
		$imgcat = "animals/pets"; break;
	case 2:
		$imgcat = "people"; break;
	case 3:
		$imgcat = "travel"; break;
	case 4:
		$imgcat = "children"; break;
	case 5:
		$imgcat = "sports"; break;
	case 6:
		$imgcat = "nature"; break;
	case 7:
		$imgcat = "action"; break;
	case 8:
		$imgcat = "humor"; break;
	case 9:
		$imgcat = "portraiture"; break;
	case 10:
		$imgcat = "other"; break;


	ini_set("post_max_size", "25M");
	ini_set("upload_max_filesize", "25M");
	ini_set("memory_limit", -1 );
	ini_set("max_input_time", -1);

	$vid_file=str_replace(" ","_",$_FILES['videofile']['name']);


		if($_FILES['videofile']['type']!="video/mpeg" && $_FILES['videofile']['type']!="video/x-msvideo" && $_FILES['videofile']['type']!="video/vnd.mpegurl"  && $_FILES['videofile']['type']!="video/x-ms-wmv" && $_FILES['videofile']['type']!="video/x-ms-asf" && $_FILES['videofile']['type']!="video/x-flv" && $_FILES['videofile']['type']!="video/quicktime" && $_FILES['videofile']['type']!="video/x-ms-wvx")
			$msg="Image File must be mpeg, mpg, mpa, avi, m4u, wmv, wmv3, asx, flv, mov, wvx!!!";
			header("Location: index.php?q=video_upld&msg=$msg");

			$msg="Your file exceeded to 100 KB !!!";
			header("Location: index.php?q=video_upld&msg=$msg");
		}	*/	

		$add = "video/".$vid_file;
		if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['videofile']['tmp_name'], $add))
			echo "uploaded sucessfully";

			echo "Unsuccessful";


		exec("ffmpeg -i ".$vid_file." -b 100k -ar 22050 -y video/".$flv_filename);
		exec("ffmpeg -i ".$vid_file." -an -ss 00:00:10 -r 1 -vframes 1  -f mjpeg -y video/".$imgpath);



	$ins_video="insert into `pixyak`.`video` (title, description, member, keywords, category, 
				type, size, flvpath, path, imgpath, ext, cre_dt, mod_dt, status)	values
				('$title', '$desc', '".$_SESSION['user_name']."', '$keywords', '$imgcat', '$type', '$size', '$flv_filename', '$vid_file', 
				'$imgpath', '$ext', '$t', '$t', 'Active')";
	//echo $ins_video;


		if ($_POST['around']){


			mysql_query("insert into world_vid values ('','".$insId."','".$_SESSION['user_name']."','','".time()."','0','".addslashes($title)."','".$desc1."','".$country."','".$city."',0,0,0)");


		$msg="Video Uploaded Successfully";
		header("location: index.php?q=video_upld&msg=$msg");
		$msg="Error: ".mysql_error();
		header("location: index.php?q=video_upld&msg=$msg");

$msg="Access Denied";
header("location: index.php?q=video_upld&msg=$msg");



And I am also attaching the image of the dialog box too. Please help me I can't understand y it gets Stuck with the same. Thanks very much for all your support



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