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Convert [b][/b] to <b></b>


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I have a textbox within a form, that contains the following:


[ b ]This is bold text[ /b ]


Upon submitting the form, how do I convert the [ b ] tags into <b></b> tags, to display all the text bold? - Like below?


This is bold text

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Here is some code that converts many different BBCode tags. Take out whatever you don't want to use:




$patterns = array(

 //BB Code


$replacements = array(

 //BB Code
 "<a href=\"\\1\">\\1</a>",
 "<a href=\"\\1\" target=\"_blank\">\\2</a>",
 "<img border=\"0\" src=\"\\1\">",
 "<div><b>Quote:</b> <i>\\1</i></div>",
 "<b>Code:</b><div style=\"line-height:12px; width:99%; white-space:nowrap; overflow:auto; max-height:25em;\">\\1</div>",
 "<font \\1=\"\\2\">\\3</font>",
 "<br />",

 "<img src=\"smilies/happy.gif\" border=\"0\">",
 "<img src=\"smilies/angry.gif\" border=\"0\">",
 "<img src=\"smilies/omg.gif\" border=\"0\">",
 "<img src=\"smilies/tounge.gif\" border=\"0\">",
 "<img src=\"smilies/dry.gif\" border=\"0\">",
 "<img src=\"smilies/biggrin.gif\" border=\"0\">",
 "<img src=\"smilies/confused.gif\" border=\"0\">",
 "<img src=\"smilies/wink.gif\" border=\"0\">"


$string = "this string has [b]bold text[/b] in it";

$result = preg_replace($patterns,$replacements,$string);

echo $result;


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try something like this

$array1 = array("[","]");
$array2 = array("<",">");
$string = "[b] Hello World [/b]";
echo "$string <BR>";
echo str_replace($array1,$array2,$string);


prints out

Hello World

<b>Hello World</b>

Using paul2463's method, how do I insert an image?
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Using paul2463's method, how do I insert an image?


What image? You asked how to transform BBCode bold tags into HTML Bold tags - so that is what paul2436 provided.


I made the assumption that you may need more than just the ability to handle bold tags, so I gave you a comprehensive solution - that also includes images.


However, I made an assumption. If you need more than bold functionality you need to state that.

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OK Sorry. :)


How do I also create:


  • Lists
  • Hyperlinks


Did you look at the code I provided? It already has support for links. As for Lists, how do you want it to work? Do you want the user to specify each list item or do you want to interpret a link break as a new list item?

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I have looked, and have come up with the following code. With reference to the list, how do I allow the user to specify each list item? Also, using my method below, how do I add hyper links? :)


$tags = array("&" => "&",
"<" => "<",
">" => ">",
"[b]" => "<b>",
"[/b]" => "</b>",
"[i]" => "<i>",
"[/i]" => "</i>",
"[u]" => "<u>",
"[/u]" => "</u>",
"[img]" => "<img src='",
"[/img]" => "'>"),
"[url]" => "<a href='",
"[/url]" => "'>");
$parsedtext = str_replace(array_keys($tags), array_values($tags), $text);
echo $parsedtext;

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I have looked, and have come up with the following code. With reference to the list, how do I allow the user to specify each list item? Also, using my method below, how do I add hyper links? :)


You can't add hyperlinks to that code - you need to use preg_replace with the appropriate regualr expressions - which I already provided. This doesn't need to be difficult, just use the code I provided. I have added comments to the code so you can see what is supported.




$patterns = array(

  //BB Code
  "/\[([bisu]|marquee)\](.*?)\[\/\\1\]/i", //Handles bold, italic, strikethrough & underline
  "/\[url\](.*?)\[\/url\]/i", //Handles URLs w/o link description
  "/\[url=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/i", //Handles URLs w/ link description
  "/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/i", //handles images
  "/\[quote\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/i", //handles quote blocks
  "/\[code\](.*?)\[\/code\]/i", //Handles code blocks
  "/\[(size|color)=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/\\1\]/i", //Handles font sizing
  "/\[br\]/i", //Handles line breaks

$replacements = array(

  //BB Code
  "<\\1>\\2</\\1>", //Handles bold, italic, strikethrough & underline
  "<a href=\"\\1\">\\1</a>", //Handles URLs w/o link description
  "<a href=\"\\1\" target=\"_blank\">\\2</a>", //Handles URLs w/ link description
  "<img border=\"0\" src=\"\\1\">", //handles images
  "<div><b>Quote:</b> <i>\\1</i></div>", //handles quote blocks
  "<b>Code:</b><div style=\"line-height:12px; width:99%; white-space:nowrap; overflow:auto; max-height:25em;\">\\1</div>", //Handles code blocks
  "<font \\1=\"\\2\">\\3</font>", //Handles font sizing
  "<br />", //Handles line breaks


$string = "this string has [b]bold text[/b] in it";

$result = preg_replace($patterns,$replacements,$string);

echo $result;



For the lists you need to show how you want the user to enter the tags.


Like this

[list]Item 1
Item 2
Item 3[/list]


Or this

[*]Item 1
[*]Item 2
[*]Item 3[/list]


Or what???

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