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I have an xajax(http://community.xajaxproject.org/) function that basically reads values from a database. I have a javascript function that uses setTimeout to restart the function every 1000 ms.  The thing that is annoying is when your hovering the mouse on the page, the mouse cursor blinks to an hour glass and back. Everything works fine but it is annoying.  I know it can be done to where this won't happen because of a W3C example at:

http://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?f … ming_clock


Anybody know what is happening or the science behind it?

I assume xajax sets the body cursor to an hour glass when it runs an ajax request. Search the JS code for "cursor" and you might find the solution.


Just downloaded the code and they have an option to set it off


in the xajax_core_uncompressed.js line 62 (line 5 in the compressed version)


xajax.config.setDefault('waitCursor', false);


You might've turned it to true somewhere in your script


or comment the following code in the compressed version





line 18



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