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I have set up a mysql database with a date feature. I need this date feature to work so when it is submitted it will show the date it was submitted. Everything is done apart from this so I am very keen to get it finished. I made the table in phpmyadmin and now I do not know whats next. If its to complicated to explain in a post feel free to add me on msn [email protected].



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Basically when ever the person has submitted whatever they need to submit, I suspect that you already have something that tells PHP, "Okay, the whatever is submitted now we need to execute this", if not, then post what it is you are trying to do and we would help you with that. As for the date in mysql, the mysql date format is as follows "year-month-day" i'll give you a little snippet below and all it does is show you how you would insert the date into mysql, and if you would like to show the date to users as "month-day-year" I will also include a function for that. Here we go,


$date = date('Y-m-d');

//I assume you know where to put the name of your table, and the row for the date 
$query = "INSERT INTO your_table (row_name) VALUES ('$date')";


As for fetching, and displaying the date here's what I do.


//function to convert the date inputted 
//to the following format
function convert_date($date)
$ex = explode("-", $date);
$dates = "{$ex[1]}-{$ex[2]}-{$ex[0]}";
return $dates;	

//echo the date
$s_date = convert_date($your_date);

echo $s_date;


Hope I explained fairly well, I am after all only 16 and not very good with explaining haha, if you need any help just let me know. :)

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So if you have in your table 3 rows...ID, (id) the date posted (p_date) and the content (content)


to upload,

mysql_query("INSERT INTO example (id, p_date, content) VALUES(null, NOW(), 'whatever' ) ") or die(mysql_error());   


to display it row by row

$result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM example");

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
echo 'ID - '.$row['id'].'<br>';
echo 'Date - '.$row['p_date'].'<br>';
echo 'Content - '.$row['content'].'<br>';


try that >_>


(adapt it of course)

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So if you have in your table 3 rows...ID, (id) the date posted (p_date) and the content (content)


to upload,

mysql_query("INSERT INTO example (id, p_date, content) VALUES(null, NOW(), 'whatever' ) ") or die(mysql_error());   


to display it row by row

$result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM example");

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
echo 'ID - '.$row['id'].'<br>';
echo 'Date - '.$row['p_date'].'<br>';
echo 'Content - '.$row['content'].'<br>';


try that >_>


(adapt it of course)


Do i need to make a new file or add it to an existing one?

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So if you have in your table 3 rows...ID, (id) the date posted (p_date) and the content (content)


to upload,

mysql_query("INSERT INTO example (id, p_date, content) VALUES(null, NOW(), 'whatever' ) ") or die(mysql_error());   


to display it row by row

$result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM example");

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
echo 'ID - '.$row['id'].'<br>';
echo 'Date - '.$row['p_date'].'<br>';
echo 'Content - '.$row['content'].'<br>';


try that >_>


(adapt it of course)


Do i need to make a new file or add it to an existing one?


That's just how you fetch the information include it in your current file and use variables to store the information and display it only whenever you need it. If that makes since?

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So if you have in your table 3 rows...ID, (id) the date posted (p_date) and the content (content)


to upload,

mysql_query("INSERT INTO example (id, p_date, content) VALUES(null, NOW(), 'whatever' ) ") or die(mysql_error());   


to display it row by row

$result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM example");

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
echo 'ID - '.$row['id'].'<br>';
echo 'Date - '.$row['p_date'].'<br>';
echo 'Content - '.$row['content'].'<br>';


try that >_>


(adapt it of course)


Do i need to make a new file or add it to an existing one?


That's just how you fetch the information include it in your current file and use variables to store the information and display it only whenever you need it. If that makes since?


The point im trying to get to is where do i add the code i made the table in PHPmyadming now I keep getting a load of code but have no idea what to do with it and where to add it.

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to upload,

mysql_query("INSERT INTO example (id, p_date, content) VALUES(null, NOW(), 'whatever' ) ") or die(mysql_error());   


What would go in the 'whatever' ?


the 'whatever' area is for instance if you wanted a user to post stories the story variable would go in place of 'whatever'

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